Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Freddie Mercury

I was born to love you
With every single beat of my heart
Yes, I was born to take care of you
Every single day of my life

Lynn Parisi

American writers from the government section of the Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers (SCAP), charged by MacArthur with writing a draft constitution, took note of suggestions for the document contributed by Japanese people and groups. They also chose not to limit themselves to creating an American replica for Japan. They looked within but also beyond the U.S. Constitution. Many on the American writing committee embraced the expansive human rights of the New Deal. These ideals were not reflected in the U.S. Constitution, nor necessarily embraced by conservatives within American occupation personnel. Beate Sirota Gordon, a young and idealistic member of the committee, has recorded her search through Japanese libraries for sample constitutions from other nations that might provide models for a progressive Japanese document. In its original form, Gordon’s human rights section for the Japanese constitution articulated rights far more progressive than anything in the U.S. Constitution.

Daniel Griswold

For the past three decades, globalization, human rights, and democracy have been marching forward together, haltingly, not always and everywhere in step, but in a way that unmistakably shows they are interconnected. By encouraging globalization in less developed countries, we not only help to raise growth rates and incomes, promote higher standards, and feed, clothe, and house the poor; we also spread political and civil freedoms.

Michael Ignatieff

The worldwide spread of human rights norms is often seen as a moral consequence of economic globalization.

Human rights is nothing other than a politics, one that must reconcile moral ends to concrete situations and must be prepared to make painful compromises not only between meand and ends, but between ends themselves.

But politics is not just about deliberation. Human rights language is also there to remind us that there are some abuses that are genuinely intolerable, and some excuses for these abuses that are insupportable.

U.S. Department of State

(1999 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices, Released by the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, U.S. Department of State, February 25, 2000)

Today, all the talk is of globalization. But far too often, both its advocates and its critics have portrayed globalization as an exclusively economic and technological phenomenon. In fact, in the new millennium, there are at least three universal "languages:" money, the Internet, and democracy and human rights. An overlooked "third globalization"--the rise of transnational human rights networks of both public and private actors--has helped develop what may over time become an international civil society capable of working with governments, international institutions, and multinational corporations to promote both democracy and the standards embodied in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

In Davos recently, President Clinton noted that "Since globalization is about more than economics, our interdependence requires us to find ways to meet the challenges of advancing our values." In 1999 the United States continued to meet that challenge. As a leader in promoting democracy and human rights around the world, the United States played an essential and catalyzing role in the process of creating transnational human rights networks.





Максим Леонидов

Привет, сегодня дождь и скверно,
А мы не виделись, наверно, сто лет;
Тебе в метро? Скажи на милость,
А ты совсем не изменилась, нет-нет!
Привет, а жить ты будешь долго,
Я вспоминал тебя вот только - в обед,
Прости, конечно же, нелепо
Кричать тебе на весь троллейбус: Привет!

Привет, дождливо этим летом,
А впрочем, стоит ли об этом, ведь нет?
Тогда о чем? О снах, о книгах?
И черт меня попутал крикнуть привет.
Как жизнь? Не то чтоб очень гладко,
Но, в общем, знаешь, все в порядке - без бед:
Дела отлично, как обычно,
А с личным... Ну, вот только с личным привет.

Monday, September 28, 2009


普通の人は国家という船の操縦法を知らない、だから民主主義は成り立たない。言ったのはプラトン。2350年以上前のことである。普通の人は経済、軍事戦略、外国の事情、法律や倫理といったわかりにくい複雑な問題に精通してはいない。彼らがそういった知識を得たいと思っているわけでもない。殆どの人が、まじめな勉学に必要な努力とか自制とかいったものに、興味を示さない。無知のせいで、外見や不明瞭な会話で騙すような政治家に投票し、 なにが起きているかもわからないために政権の言うままになる。注意深い分析もせず不合理な感情に操られ、冒険的な戦争に突き進み、防ぐことのできる敗戦にいたる。それでもいいのか。そんなことが、2350年以上前に討論されていた。





What I like is the sea in your eyes
and you.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Hajime Tachibana

Lou Reed

just a perfect day
drink sangria in the park
and then later, when it gets dark
we go home
just a perfect day
feed animals in the zoo
then later, a movie too
and then home
oh it's such a perfect day
i'm glad i spent it with you
oh such a perfect day
you just keep me hanging on
you just keep me hanging on

Carmen Maki


Dave Matthews

want to pack your bags, something small
take what you need and we disappear
without a trace, we'll be gone, gone
the moon and the stars follow the car
and when we get to the ocean
we're going to take a boat to the end of the world
all the way to the end of the world
oh, and when the kids are old enough
we're going to teach them to fly
you and me together, we could do anything, baby
you and me together yes, yes
you and me together we can do anything, baby
you and me together yes, yes

河出智希 竹内栄美子

Amazing Kiss ちりばめられたガラスの粒が響きあう




John Naisbitt

We are drowning in information but starved for knowledge.



Thursday, September 24, 2009

Amartya Sen

The poor, in fact, are vulnerable due to lack of education (often they are illiterate), lack of information, and other economic, cultural and social deprivations. A person’s utility preferences are malleable and shaped by his or her background and experience, especially if he or she is disadvantaged. It is not appropriate to assume that the poor’s expressed preferences are truly in their self-interest. We need to look beyond their expressed preferences and focus on people’s capabilities to choose the lives they have reason to value.

Kikuko Maeyama

It is interesting that so many words have been spent over the years on something which is ultimately not manageable: knowledge in people's brains. In the corporate world, act of shaing knowledge can be converted to monetary value and people who share may receive raise or promotion. But that is not because the corporations are managing the knowledge residing in employees' brains. They are simply encouraging that they communicate more and better.

Edmond H. Weiss

The trouble with fashionable words and phrases is that, like all fashions, they quickly become unfashionable. Used in speaking, they are harmless enough; as the fashions change we can adjust our vocabularies. But writing is persistent; manuals, reports, plans, and proposals can have an effective life of several years. Moreover, the documents in an organization's files tend to be copied and reused in later documents. A brief description of a project can reappear in an organization's proposals and plans for decades.

The second problem with fashionable language is that, as people become eager to use it, they are less precise about its meaning. For example, when everyone was interested in quality in the mid-1990s, the word was used so often in so many contexts that business scholars began publishing papers containing elaborate conceptual frameworks — just to explicate the numerous meanings of the term. The meaning became so imprecise and diffused that, to a large extent, any sentence containing quality could be interpreted in a half dozen ways, all defensible; in effect, it was no longer possible to do business research with quality as an understandable variable. In the past five years, globalization has begun to manifest the same pattern, meaning very different things to different supporters and opponents.

Business people are especially susceptible to management fads and the vocabularies associated with them. Management consultants often give new names to old constructs — structured analysis becomes reengineering, for example — creating the illusion of new knowledge. In messages for international readers, however, these fashionable expressions can be treacherous. Unless these terms are defined in a glossary, international documents should be free of buzzwords — overworked words, or any words uniquely associated with a particular management theory or popular management consultant. Among the hundreds of risky terms are • reengineer (or re-engineer) • quality, total quality • empowerment • prioritize • impact, impactful • downsize, self-actualization • globalization • synergy • enterprise solution • information architecture • knowledge management • downside, upside

Paul McFedries

"Librarian chic" is a fashion style that uses elements of, or is inspired by, the styles stereotypically attributed to librarians.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

T.D. Wilson

Knowledge involves the mental processes of comprehension, understanding and learning that go on in the mind and only in the mind, however much they involve interaction with the world outside the mind, and interaction with others. Whenever we wish to express what we know, we can only do so by uttering messages of one kind or another - oral, written, graphic, gestural or even through 'body language'. Such messages do not carry 'knowledge', they constitute 'information', which a knowing mind may assimilate, understand, comprehend and incorporate into its own knowledge structures. These structures are not identical for the person uttering the message and the receiver, because each person's knowledge structures are 'biographically determined'. Therefore, the knowledge built from the messages can never be exactly the same as the knowledge base from which the messages were uttered.
In common usage, these two terms are frequently used as synonyms, but the task of the academic researcher is to clarify the use of terms so that the field of investigation has a clearly defined vocabulary. The present confusion over 'knowledge management' illustrates this need perfectly.
The consequence of this analysis is that everything outside the mind that can be manipulated in any way, can be defined as 'data', if it consists of simple facts, or as 'information', if the data are embedded in a context of relevance to the recipient. Collections of messages, composed in various ways, may be considered as 'information resources' of various kinds - collections of papers in a journal, e-mail messages in an electronic 'folder', manuscript letters in an archive, or whatever. Generally, these are regarded as 'information resources'. Thus, data and information may be managed, and information resources may be managed, but knowledge (i.e., what we know) can never be managed, except by the individual knower and, even then, only imperfectly. The fact is that we often do not know what we know: that we know something may only emerge when we need to employ the knowledge to accomplish something. Much of what we have learnt is apparently forgotten, but can emerge unexpectedly when needed, or even when not needed. In other words we seem to have very little control over 'what we know'.

Kristin Ohlson

I walk through an arched marble doorway and into one of the loveliest rooms I've seen anywhere. Designed to look like a Renaissance Library, the John Griswold White Reading Room offers sweeping views of Lake Erie and downtown Cleveland, as well as a dazzling abundance of venerable books and objects. A lawyer and scholar who died in 1928, White was one of the library's greatest benefactors and his prodigious collections fill this room.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Yutaka Ozaki

何時も何かが違う 生きて行くだけの為に
こんなに犯した罪を 誰も背負いきれない


Sunday, September 20, 2009



Anthony Giddens

Romantic love became distincr from amour passion, although at the same time had residues of it. Amour passion was never a generic social force in the way in which romantic love has been from somewhere in the late eighteenth century up to relatively recent times. Together with other social changes, the spread of notions of romantic love was deeply involved with momentous transitions affecting marriage as well as other contexts of personal life. Romantic love presumes some degree of self-interrogation. How do I feel about the other? How does the other feel about me? Are our feelings 'profound' enought to support a long-term involvement? Unlike amour passion, which uproots erratically, romantic love detaches individuals from wider social circumstances in a different way. It provides for a long term life trajectory, oriented to an anticipated yet malleable future; and it creates a 'shared history' that helps separate out the marital relationship from other aspects of family organisation and give it a special primacy.

From its earliest origins, romantic love raises the question of intimacy. It is incompatible with lust, and with earthy sexuality, not so much because the loved one is idealised - although this is part of the story - but because it presumes a psychic communication, a meeting of souls which is reparative in character. The other, by being who he or she is, answers a lack which the individual does not even necessarily recognise - until the love relation is initiated. And this lack is directly to do with self-identity: in some sense, the flawed individual is made whole.

H.G. Wells

We must not allow the clock and the calendar to blind us to the fact that each moment of life is a miracle and mystery.

Barney Frank

I do not know how I am going to vote on this bill yet because I have a notion that a bill of this weight, I ought to read it. What I want to talk about now is my deep disappointment in the procedure. We now, for the second time, are debating on the floor a bill of very profound significance for the constitutional structure and security of our country. In neither case has any member been allowed to offer a single amendment.
At no point in the debate in this very profound set of issues have we had a procedure whereby the most democratic institution in our government, the House of Representatives, engages in democracy.
Who decided that to defend democracy we had to degrade it? This bill, ironically, which has been given all of these high-flying acronyms, it is the PATRIOT bill, it is the U.S.A. bill, it is the 'stand up and sing the Star Spangled Banner' bill, has been debated in the most undemocratic way possible, and it is not worthy of this institution. The House has not been well served by a procedure which degrades democracy in the name of defending it.

John Conyers

What good is reading the bill if it’s a thousand pages and you don’t have two days and two lawyers to find out what it means after you read the bill?

We are now debating at this hour of night, with only two copies of the bill that we are being asked to vote on available to members on this side of the aisle. I am hoping on the other side of the aisle they at least have two copies.

Nancy Evans

Thomas Paine

Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one.

HR 3162 RDS

"Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism (USA PATRIOT ACT) Act of 2001"
107th CONGRESS, 1st Session, H. R. 3162, IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES, October 24, 2001, Received
AN ACT - To deter and punish terrorist acts in the United States and around the world, to enhance law enforcement investigatory tools, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, ...
Any investigative or law enforcement officer, or attorney for the Government, has obtained knowledge of the contents of any wire, oral, or electronic communication, or evidence derived therefrom, may disclose such contents to any other Federal law enforcement, intelligence, protective, immigration, national defense, or national security official to the extent that such contents include foreign intelligence or counterintelligence, or foreign intelligence information, to assist the official who is to receive that information in the performance of his official duties.

Samuel Johnson

He would rather praise it than read it.

Arthur Small

Members had no time to read the bill before it was approved by a vote of 357 to 66. No amendments were permitted.


No time to read the bill, no time to talk about it, no time to think about it, no time to discuss other options, no time for a national debate, ...

Frank Lautenberg

No, I don’t think anyone will have the chance [to read the entire final version of the $790-billion stimulus bill before the bill comes up for a final vote in Congress.]

H. G. Wells

He had no time to read, no time to think. A writer nowadays has to think in books and articles; to read a book he must criticize or edit it; ...

Barbara Kasey Smith

No time...
to start over again
my hair's gray and growing thin.
My eyes once bright, now dim,
years too short, time's too slim.

No time...
to gather the harvest
growing in the field
my bodies worn out and days still.

No time...
to enjoy the youth I once knew
memories scattered and a jumbled muse.
No time...
to weep for all my wrongs
cannot take back things long gone.

No time...
to erase words said wrong
cannot turn the pages back to where I long.
Year spent...
cannot be retrieved
take time, relax and breathe.

Jerry Robertson

Eastern cultures inherently are better at sharing and organizational learning – the emphasis is on collective achievement. In western cultures the emphasis is on individual achievement.

Renee Dorjahn

We never do have time. No time to listen, no time to read, no time to think things through, no time for spell-checking, no time to respond to daily e-mails, no time for the family, sometimes not even time for a vacation.
(A lot of things we do fail for one reason. You overestimate your strength and you underestimate your weaknesses. But there is one way to avoid this, use time to your advantage. Those who master the balance between sense of urgency and patience will be successful in their new ventures.)

Friday, September 18, 2009

Thomas Frey

We have put together ten key trends that are affecting the development of the next generation library:
  1. Communication systems are continually changing the way people access information;
  2. All technology ends. All technologies commonly used today will be replaced by something new;
  3. We haven’t yet reached the ultimate small particle for storage, but soon;
  4. Search technology will become increasingly more complicated;
  5. Time compression is changing the lifestyle of library patrons;
  6. Over time we will be transitioning to a verbal society;
  7. The demand for global information is growing exponentially;
  8. The Stage is being set for a new era of Global Systems;
  9. We are transitioning from a product-based economy to an experience based economy;
  10. Libraries will transition from a center of information to a center of culture.
(1844 telegraph, 1876 telephone, 1896 radio, 1935 fax, 1939 television, 1945 Computer, 1947 transistor, 1954 color television, 1961 laser, 1965 email, 1973 cell phone, 1989 World Wide Web, 1990 Search Engine, 1992 Web Browser, 1996 Google)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Josh Alexander

I'm gonna say this now
your chance has come and gone
and you know
It's just too little too late


Robert Darnton

(The Future) Whatever the future may be, it will be digital. The present is a time of transition, when printed and digital modes of communication coexist and new technology soon becomes obsolete. Already we are witnessing the disappearance of familiar objects: the typewriter, now consigned to antique shops; the postcard, a curiosity; the handwritten letter, beyond the capacity of most young people, who cannot write in cursive script; the daily newspaper, extinct in many cities; the local bookshop, replaced by chains, which themselves are threatened by Internet distributors like Amazon. And the library? It can look like the most archaic institution of all.
Yet its past bodes well for its future, because libraries were never warehouses of books. They have always been and always will be centers of learning. Their central position in the world of learning makes them ideally suited to mediate between the printed and the digital modes of communication. Books, too, can accommodate both modes. Whether printed on paper or stored in servers, they embody knowledge, and their authority derives from a great deal more than the technology that went into them.
(Preservation) Bits become degraded over time. Documents may get lost in cyberspace, owing to the obsolescence of the medium in which they are encoded. Hardware and software become extinct at a distressing rate. Unless the vexatious problem of digital preservation is solved, all texts “born digital” belong to an endangered species. The obsession with developing new media has inhibited efforts to preserve the old. We have lost 80% of all silent films and 50% of all films made before World War II. Nothing preserves texts better than ink imbedded in paper, especially paper manufactured before the 19th century, except texts written in parchment or engraved in stone. The best preservation system ever invented was the old-fashioned, pre-modern book.
The book is not dead. In fact, the world is producing more books than ever before. According to Bowker, 700,000 new titles were published worldwide in 1998; 859,000 in 2003; and 976,000 in 2007. Despite the Great Recession of 2009 that has hit the publishing industry so hard, one million new books will soon be produced each year.
(Bowker is projecting that U.S. title output in 2008 decreased by 3.2%, with 275,232 new titles and editions, down from the 284,370 that were published in 2007.)

My mother

If everyone else was jumping off a bridge, do you have to jump too?

John Motley

We all agree in lamenting that there are so many houses — even some of considerable social position — where you will not find a good atlas, a good dictionary, or a good cyclopaedia of reference. What is still more lamentable, in a good many more houses where these books are, they are never referred to or opened. That is a very discreditable fact, because I defy anybody to take up a single copy of the Times newspaper and not come upon something in it, upon which, if their interest in the affairs of the day were active, intelligent, and alert as it ought to be, they would consult an atlas, dictionary, or cyclopædia of reference.

Isadore Gilbert Mudge

The reference librarian should keep a record of the questions most frequently asked, specifying places in which answers to the same can be found. It is well, if time does not allow for analytic work to be inserted in the card catalog, to keep this record near the information desk, writing the questions on cards with reference where found, and filing alphabetically. Much caluable time is consumed in looking up the same question over and over again. Lists of all references on such subjects as Christmas, Arbor Day, Thanks-giving Day, Washington's Farewell address, lives of noted personages, Washington, Lincoln, Lowell, Holmes, etc., should be always at hand covering every available reference in the library on the subject.


Why is the sky blue?
Why is the ocean salty?
Why is the rainbow curved?
Why is the universe expanding?

Hok Yelrihs

Two sovereign wealth fund in Singapore, Government of Singapore Investment Corporation (GIC) and Temasek Holdings (TH) , recruited librarians to teach information management skills to investment bankers and analysts. After some years, all investment bankers and analysts were armed with information skills, and naturally, all librarians were fired. The librarians went back to the libraries happily with money and experience.

Mim Harrison

In 1820 the first card catalog appeared in a library in London. In the 1870s, the decimal classification system for library index cards was introduced in the library in Massachusetts. The typewriter had been invented a few years earlier, and ultimately the card and the keys met and married. Then, for many years, the library index card and its attendant cabinets would serve as the Google of their day.

In 1990s, card cabinets in libraries were dismantled and the cards discarded . There simply wasn’t enough room anymore to capture all our knowledge on a 3" x 5" descendant of papyrus. The once ubiquitous little cards, whose origins are so closely linked to cataloging knowledge, teetered on the brink of extinction. Electronic systems live a perilously finite existence. Better operating systems, application software and search engines will come along and the current hero will be banished, forgotten, trashed.


Get your digit out, the English are fond of saying—meaning, get cracking. Get your digit out—and your pen—and jot a note on an index card. It still has a place in the digital world.


色々な人との出会いがあり 心かよわせて戸惑いながら
本当の自分の姿を失いそうな時 君の中の僕だけがぼやけて見える
心が凍り付く時君を また見失ってしまうから
人はただ悲しみの意味を 探し出すために生まれてきたというのか
確かめたい 偽りと真実を 裁くものがあるなら僕は
君の面影を強く抱えて 何時しか辿り着くその答えを
心安らかに探し続けていてもいい いつまでも

そこには様々な正義があり 幸せ求めて歩き続けている
誰一人 心の掟を破ることなど出来ないから
今はただ幸せの意味を 守り続けるように君を抱きしめていたい
信じたい 偽りなき愛を 与えてくれるものがあるなら
この身も心も捧げよう それが愛それが欲望
それが全てを司るものの真実 なのだら

僕はいつでもここにいるから 涙溢れて何も見えなくても

Monday, September 14, 2009

Kong Zi



- an oligarchy is said to be that in which the few and the wealthy, and a democracy that in which the many and the poor are the rulers -

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Democratic self-government does not work because ordinary people have not learned how to run the ship of state. They are not familiar enough with such things as economics, military strategy, conditions in other countries, or the confusing intricacies of law and ethics. They are also not inclined to acquire such knowledge. The effort and self-discipline required for serious study is not something most people enjoy. In their ignorance they tend to vote for politicians who beguile them with appearances and nebulous talk, and they inevitably find themselves at the mercy of administrations and conditions over which they have no control because they do not understand what is happening around them. They are guided by unreliable emotions more than by careful analysis, and they are lured into adventurous wars and victimized by costly defeats that could have been entirely avoided.

Anthony Downs

Almost all of those who do vote have little reason to become informed about how best to vote.









Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

Man liebt seine Erkenntniss nicht genug mehr, sobald man sie mittheilt.

日本国憲法 Constitution of Japan

We, the Japanese people, acting through our duly elected representatives in the National Diet, determined that we shall secure for ourselves and our posterity the fruits of peaceful cooperation with all nations and the blessings of liberty throughout this land, and resolved that never again shall we be visited with the horrors of war through the action of government, do proclaim that sovereign power resides with the people and do firmly establish this Constitution. Government is a sacred trust of the people, the authority for which is derived from the people, the powers of which are exercised by the representatives of the people, and the benefits of which are enjoyed by the people. This is a universal principle of mankind upon which this Constitution is founded. We reject and revoke all constitutions, laws, ordinances, and rescripts in conflict herewith.

We, the Japanese people, desire peace for all time and are deeply conscious of the high ideals controlling human relationship, and we have determined to preserve our security and existence, trusting in the justice and faith of the peace-loving peoples of the world. We desire to occupy an honored place in an international society striving for the preservation of peace, and the banishment of tyranny and slavery, oppression and intolerance for all time from the earth. We recognize that all peoples of the world have the right to live in the peace, free from fear and want.

We believe that no nation is responsible to itself alone, but that laws of political morality are universal; and that obedience to such laws is incumbent upon all nations who would sustain their own sovereignty and justify their sovereign relationship with other nations.

We, the Japanese people, pledge our national honor to accomplish these high ideals and purposes with all our resources.

第11条 国民は、すべての基本的人権の享有を妨げられない。この憲法が国民に保障する基本的人権は、侵すことのできない永久の権利として、現在及び将来の国民に与へられる。
Article 11 - The people shall not be prevented from enjoying any of the fundamental human rights. These fundamental human rights guaranteed to the people by this Constitution shall be conferred upon the people of this and future generations as eternal and inviolate rights.

第12条 この憲法が国民に保障する自由及び権利は、国民の不断の努力によつて、これを保持しなければならない。又、国民は、これを濫用してはならないのであつて、常に公共の福祉のためにこれを利用する責任を負ふ。
Article 12 - The freedoms and rights guaranteed to the people by this Constitution shall be maintained by the constant endeavor of the people, who shall refrain from any abuse of these freedoms and rights and shall always be responsible for utilizing them for the public welfare.

第13条 すべて国民は、個人として尊重される。生命、自由及び幸福追求に対する国民の権利については、公共の福祉に反しない限り、立法その他の国政の上で、最大の尊重を必要とする。
Article 13 - All of the people shall be respected as individuals. Their right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness shall, to the extent that it does not interfere with the public welfare, be the supreme consideration in legislation and in other governmental affairs.

第14条 すべて国民は、法の下に平等であつて、人種、信条、性別、社会的身分又は門地により、政治的、経済的又は社会的関係において、差別されない。 2 華族その他の貴族の制度は、これを認めない。 3 栄誉、勲章その他の栄典の授与は、いかなる特権も伴はない。栄典の授与は、現にこれを有し、又は将来これを受ける者の一代に限り、その効力を有する。
Article 14 - 1. All of the people are equal under the law and there shall be no discrimination in political, economic or social relations because of race, creed, sex, social status or family origin.
2. Peers and peerage shall not be recognized.
3. No privilege shall accompany any award of honor, decoration or any distinction, nor shall any such award be valid beyond the lifetime of the individual who now holds or hereafter may receive it.

第15条 公務員を選定し、及びこれを罷免することは、国民固有の権利である。 2 すべて公務員は、全体の奉仕者であつて、一部の奉仕者ではない。 3 公務員の選挙については、成年者による普通選挙を保障する。 4 すべて選挙における投票の秘密は、これを侵してはならない。選挙人は、その選択に関し公的にも私的にも責任を問はれない。
Article 15 - 1. The people have the inalienable right to choose their public officials and to dismiss them.
2. All public officials are servants of the whole community and not of any group thereof.
3. Universal adult suffrage is guaranteed with regard to the election of public officials.
4. In all elections, secrecy of the ballot shall not be violated. A voter shall not be answerable, publicly or privately, for the choice he has made.

第16条 何人も、損害の救済、公務員の罷免、法律、命令又は規則の制定、廃止又は改正その他の事項に関し、平穏に請願する権利を有し、何人も、かかる請願をしたためにいかなる差別待遇も受けない。
Article 16 - Every person shall have the right of peaceful petition for the redress of damage, for the removal of public officials, for the enactment, repeal or amendment of laws, ordinances or regulations and for other matters; nor shall any person be in any way discriminated against for sponsoring such a petition.

第17条 何人も、公務員の不法行為により、損害を受けたときは、法律の定めるところにより、国又は公共団体に、その賠償を求めることができる。
Article 17 - Every person may sue for redress as provided by law from the State or a public entity, in case he has suffered damage through illegal act of any public official.

第18条 何人も、いかなる奴隷的拘束も受けない。又、犯罪に因る処罰の場合を除いては、その意に反する苦役に服させられない。
Article 18 - No person shall be held in bondage of any kind. Involuntary servitude, except as punishment for crime, is prohibited.

第19条 思想及び良心の自由は、これを侵してはならない。
Article 19 - Freedom of thought and conscience shall not be violated.

第20条 信教の自由は、何人に対してもこれを保障する。いかなる宗教団体も、国から特権を受け、又は政治上の権力を行使してはならない。 2 何人も、宗教上の行為、祝典、儀式又は行事に参加することを強制されない。 3 国及びその機関は、宗教教育その他いかなる宗教的活動もしてはならない。
Article 20 - 1. Freedom of religion is guaranteed to all. No religious organization shall receive any privileges from the State, nor exercise any political authority.
2. No person shall be compelled to take part in any religious act, celebration, rite or practice.
3. The State and its organs shall refrain from religious education or any other religious activity.

第21条 集会、結社及び言論、出版その他一切の表現の自由は、これを保障する。 2 検閲は、これをしてはならない。通信の秘密は、これを侵してはならない。
Article 21 - 1. Freedom of assembly and association as well as speech, press and all other forms of expression are guaranteed.
2. No censorship shall be maintained, nor shall the secrecy of any means of communication be violated.

第22条 何人も、公共の福祉に反しない限り、居住、移転及び職業選択の自由を有する。 2 何人も、外国に移住し、又は国籍を離脱する自由を侵されない。
Article 22 - 1. Every person shall have freedom to choose and change his residence and to choose his occupation to the extent that it does not interfere with the public welfare.
2. Freedom of all persons to move to a foreign country and to divest themselves of their nationality shall be inviolate.

第23条 学問の自由は、これを保障する。
Article 23 - Academic freedom is guaranteed.

第24条 婚姻は、両性の合意のみに基いて成立し、夫婦が同等の権利を有することを基本として、相互の協力により、維持されなければならない。 2 配偶者の選択、財産権、相続、住居の選定、離婚並びに婚姻及び家族に関するその他の事項に関しては、法律は、個人の尊厳と両性の本質的平等に立脚して、制定されなければならない。
Article 24 - 1. Marriage shall be based only on the mutual consent of both sexes and it shall be maintained through mutual cooperation with the equal rights of husband and wife as a basis.
2. With regard to choice of spouse, property rights, inheritance, choice of domicile, divorce and other matters pertaining to marriage and the family, laws shall be enacted from the standpoint of individual dignity and the essential equality of the sexes.

第25条 すべて国民は、健康で文化的な最低限度の生活を営む権利を有する。 2 国は、すべての生活部面について、社会福祉、社会保障及び公衆衛生の向上及び増進に努めなければならない。
Article 25 - 1. All people shall have the right to maintain the minimum standards of wholesome and cultured living.
2. In all spheres of life, the State shall use its endeavors for the promotion and extension of social welfare and security, and of public health.

第26条 すべて国民は、法律の定めるところにより、その能力に応じて、ひとしく教育を受ける権利を有する。 2 すべて国民は、法律の定めるところにより、その保護する子女に普通教育を受けさせる義務を負ふ。義務教育は、これを無償とする。
Article 26 - 1. All people shall have the right to receive an equal education correspondent to their ability, as provided by law.
2. All people shall be obligated to have all boys and girls under their protection receive ordinary education as provided for by law. Such compulsory education shall be free.

第27条 すべて国民は、勤労の権利を有し、義務を負ふ。 2 賃金、就業時間、休息その他の勤労条件に関する基準は、法律でこれを定める。労働基準法 3 児童は、これを酷使してはならない。
Article 27 - 1. All people shall have the right and the obligation to work.
2. Standards for wages, hours, rest and other working conditions shall be fixed by law.
3. Children shall not be exploited.

第28条 勤労者の団結する権利及び団体交渉その他の団体行動をする権利は、これを保障する。
Article 28 - The right of workers to organize and to bargain and act collectively is guaranteed.

第29条 財産権は、これを侵してはならない。 2 財産権の内容は、公共の福祉に適合するやうに、法律でこれを定める。 3 私有財産は、正当な補償の下に、これを公共のために用ひることができる。
Article 29 - 1. The right to own or to hold property is inviolable.
2. Property rights shall be defined by law, in conformity with the public welfare.
3. Private property may be taken for public use upon just compensation therefor.

第30条 国民は、法律の定めるところにより、納税の義務を負ふ。
Article 30 - The people shall be liable to taxation as provided by law.

第31条 何人も、法律の定める手続によらなければ、その生命若しくは自由を奪はれ、又はその他の刑罰を科せられない。
Article 31 - No person shall be deprived of life or liberty, nor shall any other criminal penalty be imposed, except according to procedure established by law.

第32条 何人も、裁判所において裁判を受ける権利を奪はれない。
Article 32 - No person shall be denied the right of access to the courts.

第33条 何人も、現行犯として逮捕される場合を除いては、権限を有する司法官憲が発し、且つ理由となつてゐる犯罪を明示する令状によらなければ、逮捕されない。
Article 33 - No person shall be apprehended except upon warrant issued by a competent judicial officer which specifies the offense with which the person is charged, unless he is apprehended, the offense being committed.

第34条 何人も、理由を直ちに告げられ、且つ、直ちに弁護人に依頼する権利を与へられなければ、抑留又は拘禁されない。又、何人も、正当な理由がなければ、拘禁されず、要求があれば、その理由は、直ちに本人及びその弁護人の出席する公開の法廷で示されなければならない。
Article 34 - No person shall be arrested or detained without being at once informed of the charges against him or without the immediate privilege of counsel; nor shall he be detained without adequate cause; and upon demand of any person such cause must be immediately shown in open court in his presence and the presence of his counsel.

第35条 何人も、その住居、書類及び所持品について、侵入、捜索及び押収を受けることのない権利は、第33条の場合を除いては、正当な理由に基いて発せられ、且つ捜索する場所及び押収する物を明示する令状がなければ、侵されない。 2 捜索又は押収は、権限を有する司法官憲が発する各別の令状により、これを行ふ。
Article 35 - 1. The right of all persons to be secure in their homes, papers and effects against entries, searches and seizures shall not be impaired except upon warrant issued for adequate cause and particularly describing the place to be searched and things to be seized, or except as provided by Article 33.
2. Each search or seizure shall be made upon separate warrant issued by a competent judical officer.

第36条 公務員による拷問及び残虐な刑罰は、絶対にこれを禁ずる。
Article 36 - The infliction of torture by any public officer and cruel punishments are absolutely forbidden.

第37条 すべて刑事事件においては、被告人は、公平な裁判所の迅速な公開裁判を受ける権利を有する。 2 刑事被告人は、すべての証人に対して審問する機会を充分に与へられ、又、公費で自己のために強制的手続により証人を求める権利を有する。 3 刑事被告人は、いかなる場合にも、資格を有する弁護人を依頼することができる。被告人が自らこれを依頼することができないときは、国でこれを附する。 
Article 37 - 1. In all criminal cases the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial by an impartial tribunal.
2. He shall be permitted full opportunity to examine all witnesses, and he shall have the right of compulsory process for obtaining witnesses on his behalf at public expense.
3. At all times the accused shall have the assistance of competent counsel who shall, if the accused is unable to secure the same by his own efforts, be assigned to his use by the State.

第38条 何人も、自己に不利益な供述を強要されない。 2 強制、拷問若しくは脅迫による自白又は不当に長く抑留若しくは拘禁された後の自白は、これを証拠とすることができない。 3 何人も、自己に不利益な唯一の証拠が本人の自白である場合には、有罪とされ、又は刑罰を科せられない。 
Article 38 - 1. No person shall be compelled to testify against himself.
2. Confession made under compulsion, torture or threat, or after prolonged arrest or detention shall not be admitted in evidence.
3. No person shall be convicted or punished in cases where the only proof against him is his own confession.

第39条 何人も、実行の時に適法であつた行為又は既に無罪とされた行為については、刑事上の責任を問はれない。又、同一の犯罪について、重ねて刑事上の責任を問はれない。 
Article 39 - No person shall be held criminally liable for an act which was lawful at the time it was committed, or of which he has been acquitted, nor shall he be placed in double jeopardy.

第40条 何人も、抑留又は拘禁された後、無罪の裁判を受けたときは、法律の定めるところにより、国にその補償を求めることができる。
Article 40 - Any person, in case he is acquitted after he has been arrested or detained, may sue the State for redress as provided by law.

Joseph de Maistre

A la tête de leurs volumineux travaux, on lit une Déclaration des Droits de l'HOMME et du Citoyen. S'ils avaient dit les Droits du citoyen, ou de l'homme- citoyen, je les comprendrais encore; mais j'avoue que l'HOMME, distingué du citoyen, est un être que je ne connais pas du tout. J'ai vu dans le cours de ma vie des Français, des Anglais, des Italiens, des Allemands, des Russes, etc. : j'ai même appris, dans un livre célèbre, qu'on peut être Persan. Mais je n'ai jamais vu l'homme, s'il a des droits, je m'en moque; jamais nous ne devrons vivre ensemble : qu'ils aillent les exercer dans les espaces imaginaires.

Adnil Traddots

When someone tells you that you should shift your attitude from 'knowledge is power' to 'knowledge sharing is power', you can be sure that his or her knowledge will never be shared with you.

Edmund Burke

BELIEVE ME, SIR, those who attempt to level, never equalize. In all societies, consisting of various descriptions of citizens, some description must be uppermost. The levelers, therefore, only change and pervert the natural order of things; they load the edifice of society by setting up in the air what the solidity of the structure requires to be on the ground. The association of tailors and carpenters, of which the republic (of Paris, for instance) is composed, cannot be equal to the situation into which by the worst of usurpations- an usurpation on the prerogatives of nature- you attempt to force them.






Jill Scott

please tell me there is someplace
someplace where
the words are not corrupted

someplace where
the craft is the mission and the mission is the pleasure

please tell me there is someplace
someplace where
I can just be a fucking poet

Friday, September 11, 2009

Milton Friedman

One of the great mistakes is to judge policies and programs by their intentions rather than their results.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Nathalie Leroy

Human rights have been defined as the relationship between human beings and power. In my view therefore, the history of human rights started a very long time ago, at the time one God pronounced Commandments, in the number of ten, by which his people were to abide.

Annoyed Librarian

The news these days is chock full of libraries without books. Maybe there's a conspiracy by the press to make "traditional" libraries seem antiquated and horrible so that they decline alone with traditional media. Or maybe they're just having slow news days. Either way, if the library of the future has no books, then the future is now, whatever that hoary cliche is supposed to mean.

Joni Evans

There was a primitive chaos to it all — the hybrid scent of tobacco and mimeograph ink, and the sounds of ringing phones, of typewriters zipping along until the warning bell pinged near the end of a line, and of the clack-clack-clack of the return handle as the carriage reset.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Françoise Sagan

J’étais bien, et il y avait toujours en moi, comme une bête chaude et vivante, ce goût d’ennui, de solitude et parfois d’exaltation.

Alain Souchon

On sait bien, oh tu sais, d'où l'on vient et pourquoi on s'en va.
Mais jamais on ne sait où l'on va et où ça finira
On est tous en voyage, c'est la course au naufrage
Je suis un voyageur, ma maison est ailleurs
Je cherche une autre rive, pourvu que j'arrive

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Shirley Koh

Knowledge management is not just about creating a virtual platform for employees to post what they know and what they do (a plot by IT consulting companies to generate more revenue) but it also involves getting the right incentives and human resource management to create a culture where people are willing to share what they know.

Colin Powell

Under agreements that we have negotiated just over the past few years and will come into effect by the end of the decade, we are bringing the number of our nuclear warheads down from over 20,000 when I became chairman four years ago to just over 5000. And today I can declare my hope and declare it from the bottom of my heart that we will eventually see the time when that number of nuclear weapons is down to zero and the world is a much better place.

Michael McKinney

Let's take a look at the four levels of thinking.
The first level is data—simple facts and figures.
Next we have information. Information is data that's been collected and organized. It is a reference tool. Something we turn to when trying to create something else.
The third level is knowledge. This is information that we have digested and now understand. Organized as knowledge, the information we have collected is given a context.
The fourth level is wisdom. Wisdom is the proper use of knowledge. To be more precise, wisdom is knowledge that has been applied in a way that takes into account all its pertinent relationships and that is consistent with universal laws.

Saul Bellow

Information is to be found in daily papers. We are informed about everything. We know nothing.

Harold Brown

The human mind is being challenged more and more aggressively with mounting floods of data that threaten to overwhelm it entirely—a kind of information overload in which it does not know data but only knows where to find data.

Robert G. Ingersoll

It is a thousand times better to have common sense without education, than to have education without common sense.

Saturday, September 5, 2009



내 여주인공



Friday, September 4, 2009

Jane Devine and Francine Egger-Sider

The Invisible Web represents the largest sector of online information resources on the Internet, and yet the first obstacle in discussing it is one of nomenclature.

Craig Silverstein

It would take Google engineers 50 years to fully crack the invisible Web problem — despite having one of the most powerful brain trusts of any company on the planet working on the problem.

Thomas Stearns Eliot

Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge?
Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Lena Dissin

We don't have a pot of money

Victor Hugo

Les bleuets sont bleus, les roses sont roses
Les bleuets sont bleus, j'aime mes amours

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


김삼순 씨, 품 안에 쏙 들어와요.

