Saturday, April 30, 2011
Ralph Lawrence Carr
U.S, National Debt Clock
A more detailed National Debt Clock can be seen at
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Facebook of ...
TIME (1941)
Aaron Delwiche
The new URL ( was selected because it is easy to remember. The name "propaganda critic" should not be interpreted as suggesting that the author is attempting to pass himself off as "the propaganda critic." In a functioning democracy, all thinking citizens are entitled to consider themselves critics of propaganda.
Although the author holds clearly defined political views, the site is intended to be as objective as possible, holding all sides of the spectrum up to equal scrutiny. If you know of persuasion techniques or propaganda examples worthy of inclusion, please forward them to
Adolf Hitler
Anthony Pratkanis, Elliot Aronson
Lou Morano
Alfred McClung Lee, Elizabeth Briant Lee
Institute for Propaganda Analysis
- Name-calling
- Glittering generalities
- Transfer
- Testimonial
- Plain folks
- Card stacking
- Bandwagon
Samuel Ullman
The Seven Principles of Sound Public Policy for Kentucky
- Free people are not equal, and equal people are not free.
- What belongs to you, you tend to take care of; what belongs to no one or everyone tends to fall into disrepair.
- Sound policy requires that we consider long-run effects and all people, not simply short-run effects and a few people.
- If you encourage something, you get more of it; if you discourage something, you get less of it.
- Nobody spends somebody else's money as carefully as he spends his own.
- Government has nothing to give anybody except what it first takes from somebody, and a government that's big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take away everything you've got.
- Liberty makes all the difference in the world.

Saturday, April 23, 2011
Gordon Livingston
There are many forms of grace — physical, intellectual, social, spiritual — each of them amazing in its own way. But to cope with inevitable loss, to face life in all its confusion and absurdity and still retain the capacity for joy, laughter, and a belief that our struggles have meaning — this is to prevail.
Milagros Del Corral
- How to finance costly digitization programs in times of crisis?
- Are public/private partnerships a workable solution, bearing in mind that digitization is and always will be an on-going line of action in constant evolution?
- What kind of public/private partnerships?
- What is the future for libraries and other cultural aggregators such as Europeana or the World Digital Library?
- Will they require serious modifications in order to respond to evolving user needs?
- Will the Google Books initiative fulfil its founders´ dream of digitizing humanity’s cumulated knowledge with due respect to copyright?
- What kind of reasonable agreement should be reached between publishers and libraries in order to include orphan and out-of-print copyrighted works in a non-profit digital offer as it is the case for institutional digital libraries?
- Is linking collections to readers, equivalent to connecting contents with people?
- What will be the core of library activities in the digital era?
- How will this affect library architecture and common public spaces?
Irina Bokova
Friday, April 22, 2011
Donald McCullogh
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn

Michael J. de la Merced
William Brittain-Catlin
James K. Boyce
Nicholas Shaxson
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Vivien de Saint Martin
ILES. | KIL. carrés | HAB. au 1er janv. 1880 | HAB. par kil. carrés |
Nippon | 224 731 | 27 242 847 | 121 |
Kiousiou | 55 735 | 5 212 997 | 133 |
Sikok | 18 222 | 2 618 142 | 141 |
Avadzi | 566 | 177 353 | 313 |
Iki | 136 | 33 488 | 246 |
Tsou-sima | 684 | 30 187 | 44 |
Oki | 340 | 30 747 | 90 |
Sado | 860 | 105 496 | 121 |
Japon proprement dit | 284 283 | 35 451 257 | 125 |
Yézo | 78 426 | 163 353 | 1,8 |
Kouriles | 14 826 | ||
Riou-kiou | 4 828 | 310 543 | 61 |
Bouin | 81 | 156 | 2 |
Empire du Japon | 582 447 | 35 923 313 | 94 |
It's not difficult to make a woman happy. A man only needs to be: a friend; a companion; a lover; a brother; a father; a master; a chef; an electrician; a carpenter; a plumber ; a mechanic; a decorator; a stylist; a sexologist ; a gynaecologist; a psychologist; a pest exterminator; a psychiatrist; a healer; a good listener; an organizer ; a good father; very clean; sympathetic; athletic ; warm; attentive; gallant; intelligent; funny; creative; tender; strong; understanding; tolerant ; prudent; ambitious; capable; courageous ; determined; true; dependable; passionate; and compassionate.
without forgetting to: give her compliments regularly; love shopping; be honest; be very rich; not stress her out; not look at other girls.
and at the same time, you must also: give her lots of attention, but expect little yourself; give her lots of time, especially time for herself; give her lots of space, never worrying about where she goes.
It’s very important: never to forget: birthdays; anniversaries; arrangements she makes; etc.
It's not difficult to make a man happy. A woman only needs to: leave him alone.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Sarah Scrafford
- Is this the end of libraries as we know them?
- How sustainable and relevant are they in the midst of this information explosion we are experiencing through the world wide web?
- What do libraries have to do in order to keep up and prevent being left out?
- Does the advent of e-books and free information on the Internet spell doom for the paper and print books we knew so intimately till now?
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Dumbarton Oaks
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Ellise C. Weaver
Karel van Wolferen
Micheline Mason
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Paul Handley
Jason Liebman
Thom Weidlich
Jared Cohen
Tony Cartalucci
Monday, April 11, 2011
Benjamin Fulford
Wesley Stace
La Manche Libre
Geneviève Comby
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Marcus Richards, Felicia A. Huppert
... teenagers rated positively by their teachers were significantly more likely than those who received no positive ratings to have higher levels of well-being later in life, including a higher work satisfaction, more frequent contact with family and friends, and more regular engagement in social and leisure activities.
Happy children were also much less likely than others to develop mental disorders throughout their lives - 60% less likely than young teens that had no positive ratings.
The study not only failed to find a link between being a happy child and an increased likelihood of becoming married, they found that the people who had been happy children were actually more likely to get divorced. One possible factor suggested by the researchers is that happier people have higher self-esteem or self-efficacy and are therefore more willing and able to leave an unhappy marriage.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Bob Herbert
So what we get in this democracy of ours are astounding and increasingly obscene tax breaks and other windfall benefits for the wealthiest, while the bought-and-paid-for politicians hack away at essential public services and the social safety net, saying we can’t afford them. One state after another is reporting that it cannot pay its bills. Public employees across the country are walking the plank by the tens of thousands. Camden, N.J., a stricken city with a serious crime problem, laid off nearly half of its police force. Medicaid, the program that provides health benefits to the poor, is under savage assault from nearly all quarters.
The poor, who are suffering from an all-out depression, are never heard from. In terms of their clout, they might as well not exist. The Obama forces reportedly want to raise a billion dollars or more for the president’s re-election bid. Politicians in search of that kind of cash won’t be talking much about the wants and needs of the poor. They’ll be genuflecting before the very rich.
In an Op-Ed article in The Times at the end of January, Senator John Kerry said that the Egyptian people “have made clear they will settle for nothing less than greater democracy and more economic opportunities.” Americans are being asked to swallow exactly the opposite. In the mad rush to privatization over the past few decades, democracy itself was put up for sale, and the rich were the only ones who could afford it.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
There is more to life than simply increasing its speed.
We must be the change we wish to see.
The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.
As soon as we lose the moral basis, we cease to be religious. There is no such thing as religion over-riding morality. Man, for instance, cannot be untruthful, cruel or incontinent and claim to have God on his side.
God has no religion.