Friday, September 30, 2011
Freedom Alliance
Sam Harris
One thing is certain: writers and public intellectuals must find a way to get paid for what they do—and the opportunities to do this are changing quickly. My current solution is to write longer books for a traditional press and publish short ebooks myself on Amazon. If anyone has any better ideas, please publish them somewhere—perhaps on a blog—and then send me a link. And I hope you get paid.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
If you let me bite you, the bite to me
the physical pain of bite to you
the feeling and thought of bite for me
the mental feeling of pain to you
when walking on the street I saw my friend cross the street, she is real to me, but my friend didn't see me, so I am not real to her. (same moment, same existence, one is real, one is not) I am real to myself always, my body, my thoughts, my feeling, my spirit and soul are all real to myself.
some people consider that future is not real, Past is also not real anymore. they are gone. only the present time is considered Real. But then how to define the present time? in hours, in minutes, or seconds?
everything happened in your past can be real still because they were installed in your memory, you safekeep box. But if you forgot some, then those you forgot are not real to you any more.
Jared Roy Endicott
Have you ever been to the future? Neither have I. No one has ever been to the future, because the future is not real. We are only ever in the present, now and always. The present cannot be escaped from. The present is the horizon of realization. The present perpetually realizes from the pattern of resonances and dissonances created by earlier incarnations of the continually unfolding current state of things. These previous presents form a testimonial that we call the past. The past is therefore, and nothing more than, the record of realization. The past is all of reality post-realization. If the present is the horizon of realization and the past is the record of realization, then the future lies over, or beyond, the horizon of realization. The future is pre-realization. Being in a context of pre-realization the future is not yet, and not currently, real. Furthermore, since realization is always happening only in the present, the future is never a realized thing. The future is thus not real.
Brian Urquhart
Margery Williams
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Rob Orland
Tyler Cowen
- If you are active in the anti-virus research field, then you will regularly receive requests for virus samples. Some requests are easy to deal with: they come from fellow-researchers whom you know well, and whom you trust. Using strong encryption, you can send them what they have asked for by almost any medium (including across the Internet) without any real risk.
- Other requests come from people you have never heard from before. There are relatively few laws (though some countries do have them) preventing the secure exchange of viruses between consenting individuals, though it is clearly irresponsible for you simply to make viruses available to anyone who asks. Your best response to a request from an unknown person is simply to decline politely.
- A third set of requests come from exactly the people you might think would be least likely to want viruses "users of anti-virus software". They want some way of checking that they have deployed their software correctly, or of deliberately generating a "virus incident in order to test their corporate procedures, or of showing others in the organisation what they would see if they were hit by a virus".
Bruce Schneier
- Turnitin's OriginalityCheck helps instructors check students' work for improper citation or potential plagiarism;
- WriteCheck helps students by identifying unoriginal content in written work
- WriteCheck searches the same content as Turnitin.
- normal, or non-marked identity: centering a certain body/mind as “normal” ... It tends to imply that “normal” is accepted as good, while non-normal is bad ...
- able-bodied, which seems to be the settled-upon term: excludes people with non-physical disabilities ... and it just makes my heart cry.
- temporarily-able-bodied: at any time in life, you may become disabled, due to age, injury, late-manifesting genetics, or social barriers ...
- neurotypical, physiotypyical: terms used in the autistic community to describe persons whose makeup conforms to the expected norm ...
- normative: it emphasizes the social conformity rather than some inherent difference; think heteronormative.
- non-disabled: functional, but we tend to want a specific term to describe the privileged category ...
- abled, fully-able: I have been leaning on these terms as the most neutral of the set of options, but they still just don’t seem to describe ...
Eric Clapton
Gerd Klaassen
As already said you can step through the whole song with this using the standard Blues scheme:
E7 A7 B7
I--0---0------------------------------(to change from E4 to A7)-I
The end is also simple, just play the chords E6 - E - E6 - E7. That's it.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Janifer Gatenby
Jonathan Gray
Carol Tenopir
Studies show that people start with a search engine like Google when they need information. As early as 2004, in a focus group for one of my research studies, a college freshman bemoaned, “Why is Google so easy and the library so hard?”
David W. Lewis
Michael Wesch
Peter Bradwell
David J. Collis, Michael G. Rukstad

David J. Collis, Michael G. Rukstad
Organizational direction comes in several forms. The mission statement is your loftiest guiding light—and your least specific. As you work your way down the hierarchy, the statements become more concrete, practical, and ultimately unique. No other company will have the same strategy statement, which defines your competitive advantage, or balanced scorecard, which tracks how you implement your particular strategy.
MISSION Why we exist VALUES What we believe in and how we will behave VISION What we want to be STRATEGY ————————— What our competitive game plan will be BALANCED SCORECARD How we will monitor and implement that plan | | The BASIC | ELEMENTS | of a Strategy | Statement | | OBJECTIVE = Ends | | SCOPE = Domain | | ADVANTAGE = Means |
Mac Margolis
Sergei N. Martynov
Clayton Christensen
Disruptor Cellular phones Community colleges Discount retailers Retail medical clinics | Disruptee Fixed line telephony Four-year colleges Full-service department stores Traditional doctor’s offices |
Judy Luther, Maureen C. Kelly
Monday, September 26, 2011
David W. Lewis
- Can you consider buying half as many books as you now do and investing the money in other ways of providing information to library users?
- Can you act on what you learn from freshman when what they teach you runs counter to what the faculty say they want?
- Can you trust small groups in your library to develop products and services, or does everyone on the staff have to buy in to everything?
- Are you prepared to spend money to develop exploratory projects knowing that one in three will fail?
David W. Lewis
Carla J. Stoffle, Kim Leeder
- Move from cooperation to collaboration in our activities.
- Only do locally what must be done locally.
- Focus on the needs of our campus, not what libraries traditionally do.
- Provide all services, including information fluency instruction, to the desktop.
- Change the portions of our budget going to collection-building and managing legacy collections.
- Redesign our spaces as people space, not storage areas.
- Develop new performance and assessment measures.
- Internalize the concept of “planned abandonment,” which encourages the abandonment of programs and projects in decline to free up resources for innovative new projects.
- Create new sources of revenue.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Louis de Bernières
Penelope Lively
Marianna A. Klochko, Peter C. Ordeshook
Питирим Сорокин
Peter Ordeshook
- candidates' election strategies,
- the causes of war,
- agenda manipulation in legislatures, or
- the actions of interest groups,
MBAecon: Additionally, nash equilibrium is used in business decisions. Nash equilibrium strategies can be used in the use of advertising decisions, quality decisions, and pricing and product mix decisions. Business managers also use nash equilibrium strategies to analyze interactions between workers and managers and to monitor the actions of employees.
Rajiv Sethi
To address this latter concern, the concept of Nash equilibrium has been generalized to allow for situations in which players are faced with incomplete information. If each player is drawn from some set of types, such that the probability distribution governing the likelihood of each type is itself commonly known to all players, then we have a Bayesian game. A pure strategy in this game is a function that associates with each type a particular action. A BayesNash equilibrium is then a strategy profile such that no player can obtain greater expected utility by deviating to a different strategy, given his or her beliefs about the distribution of types from which other players are drawn.
Allowing for incomplete information can have dramatic effects on the predictions of the Nash equilibrium concept. Consider, for example, the finitely repeated prisoner’s dilemma, and suppose that each player believes that there is some possibility, perhaps very small, that his or her opponent will cooperate in all periods provided that no defection has yet been observed, and defect otherwise. If the number of stages n is sufficiently large, it can be shown that mutual defection in all stages is inconsistent with equilibrium behavior, and that, in a well-defined sense, the players will cooperate in most periods. Hence, in applying the concept of Nash equilibrium to practical situations, it is important to pay close attention to the information that individuals have about the preferences, beliefs, and rationality of those with whom they are strategically interacting.
Roger A. McCain
John Forbes Nash, Jr.

A game can have either a pure-strategy or a mixed Nash Equilibrium, (in the latter a pure strategy is chosen stochastically with a fixed frequency). Nash proved that if we allow mixed strategies, then every game with a finite number of players in which each player can choose from finitely many pure strategies has at least one Nash equilibrium.
When the inequality above holds strictly (with > instead of ) for all players and all feasible alternative strategies, then the equilibrium is classified as a strict Nash equilibrium. If instead, for some player, there is exact equality between
and some other strategy in the set S, then the equilibrium is classified as a weak Nash equilibrium.
Russell Kleinbach, Mehrigiul Ablezova, Medina Aitieva
Adrian Banks
Newsweek Magazine
Garet Garrett
Khodorkovsky and Lebedev Communications Center
Прессцентр Михаила Ходорковского и Платона Лебедева
Milton Friedman, Arnold Harberger
Mahmoud Abbas
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Stop Blood Diamonds
Blood diamonds, often called conflict diamonds, are mined in war torn African countries by rebels to fund their conflict. The rebels grossly abuse human rights, often murdering and enslaving the local populations to mine the diamonds.
We can stop this by purchasing legitimate diamonds. Botswana used to be a poor farm country but today its government works hand in hand with the Diamond industry to give Botswana a living standard 7 times higher than its neighbors.
Make sure your jeweler stops the blood diamonds trade by supporting conflict free diamonds.
Diamond Nexus Labs

Anthony Grafton
Mark Twain
Tim Love
Richard Pogge
- Mean: 34.09 (68.18%)
- Spread: 7.96 (15.92%)
- Median: 35 (70%)
- The Mean of the curve is the average (the "arithmetic mean") of the all of the exam scores. It is computed by adding up the scores for all of the students and dividing by the number of students.
- The Spread in the curve is a measurement of the distribution of scores above and below the mean. In simple terms, it is the characteristic width of the grade curve, defined mathematically as the "standard deviation" of the scores. A large spread in a grade curve means that the scores were spread over a large range, making the curve wide and shallow. A large "tail" of low scores will also result in a larger spread in scores. A tall, narrow curve (small spread) means most people scored pretty close to the mean grade.
- The Median is the score that divides the grade curve down the middle (think about the so-called "median-line" in the road: the line painted down the middle). Half of the students score at or above the median, and the other half at or below the mean. The median is another way of judging the class performance, since the arithmetic mean can be skewed slightly by having a number of very high or very low scores. If the curve has a long tail towards lower scores, as it the case here, then the median is a better measure of class performance than the mean. If the curve is a symmetric bell curve, the mean and median are the same.
Chris Anderson
- More stuff is being produced. Technology and the internet make it cheaper and easier to record and distribute your own songs, publish your own writings and so on. This lengthens the tail.
- There is better access to niches, again thanks to the reach and economies on the net. This fattens the tail.
- Search and recommendations connect supply and demand. This drives business from hits to niches.
- Variety (there are many different sorts of things)
- Inequality (some have more of some quality than others)
- Network effects (e.g., word of mouth and reputation, which tend to amplify differences in quality)
Karl Popper
Nassim Nicholas Taleb
- The disproportionate role of high-impact, hard to predict, and rare events that are beyond the realm of normal expectations in history, science, finance and technology
- The non-computability of the probability of the consequential rare events using scientific methods (owing to the very nature of small probabilities)
- The psychological biases that make people individually and collectively blind to uncertainty and unaware of the massive role of the rare event in historical affairs
John Mauldin, Jonathan Tepper

Mark Buchanan
In this simplified setting of the sand pile, the power law also points to something else: the surprising conclusion that even the greatest of events have no special or exceptional causes. After all, every avalanche large or small starts out the same way, when a single grain falls and makes the pile just slightly too steep at one point. What makes one avalanche much larger than another has nothing to do with its original cause, and nothing to do with some special situation in the pile just before it starts. Rather, it has to do with the perpetually unstable organization of the critical state, which makes it always possible for the next grain to trigger an avalanche of any size.
Australian Visa Bureau
Lynsey Hanley
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
- Who abducted forcefully tens of millions of people from their homes in Africa and other regions of the world during the dark period of slavery , making them a victim of their materialistic greed.
- Who imposed colonialism for over four centuries upon this world. Who occupied lands and massively plundered resources of other nations, destroyed talents, and alienated languages, cultures and identities of nations?
- Who triggered the first and second world wars, that left seventy millions killed and hundreds of millions injured or homeless. Who created the wars in Korean peninsula and in Vietnam?
- Who imposed, through deceits and hypocrisy, the Zionism and over sixty years of war, homelessness, terror and mass murder on the Palestinian people and on countries of the region?
- Who imposed and supported for decades military dictatorship and totalitarian regimes on Asian, African, and Latin American nations.
- Who used nuclear bomb against defenseless people, and stockpiled thousands of warheads in their arsenals?
- Whose economies rely on waging wars and selling arms?
- Who provoked and encouraged Saddam Hussein to invade and impose an eight-year war on Iran, and who assisted and equipped him to deploy chemical weapons against our cities and our people. Who used the mysterious September 11 incident as a pretext to attack Afghanistan and Iraq , killing, injuring, and displacing millions in two countries with the ultimate goal of bringing into its domination the Middle East and its oil resources?
- Who nullified the Breton Woods system by printing trillions of dollars without the backing of gold reserves or equivalent currency? A move that triggered inflation worldwide and was intended to prey on the economic gains of other nations.
- Which country's military spending exceeds annually a thousand billion dollars, more than the military budgets of all countries of the world combined?
- Which governments are the most indebted ones in the world?
- Who dominates the policy-making establishments of the world economy?
- Who are responsible for the world economic recession, and are imposing the consequences on America, Europe and the world in general?
- Which governments are always ready to drop thousands of bombs on other countries, but ponder and hesitate to provide aid to famine-stricken people in Somalia or in other places?
- Who are the ones dominating the Security Council which is ostensibly responsible for safeguarding the international security?
Friday, September 23, 2011
当人群走到下一个建筑物的时候,救援队长忽然往回跑,边跑变喊“快过来”。他又来到她的尸体前,费力的把手伸进女人的身子底下摸索,他摸了几下高声的喊“有人,有个孩子 ,还活着”。
Desmond Parker
The Economist
Mila Kreiserman
Freedom House, Inc.
Kyung-wha Kang
National Digital Stewardship Alliance
- Stewardship (members are committed to managing digital content for current and long-term use)
- Collaboration (collaborative work is the central value shared by all members)
- Inclusiveness (collaborative effort to preserve a distributed world digital collection for the benefit of current and future generations)
- Exchange (members encourage the open exchange of ideas, services, and software)
Verne G. Kopytoff
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Henri Frédéric Amiel
Tahar Ben Jelloun
Albert Camus
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Sam Zarifi
Brian Christian
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Charles Platt
Martin B. Cassidy
Timothy B. Lee
James Surowiecki
Indur M. Goklany
- 道,是自然规律或者法则,是指这个世界还没有人的时候就存在的自然界、宇宙的规律和法则。
- Dao is considered to have ineffable qualities that prevent it from being defined or expressed in words. It can, however, be known or experienced, and its principles can be followed or practiced.
- Le tao est la force fondamentale qui coule en toutes choses dans l’univers, vivantes ou inertes. C'est l’essence même de la réalité et par nature ineffable et indescriptible.
- Дао обозначает вечное действие или принцип творения, который отвечает за происхождение единицы и двойственности и вместе с тем за начало мира и творение («10 000 вещей»).
- 道とは、人や物が通るべきところであり、宇宙自然の普遍的法則や根元的実在、道徳的な規範、美や真実の根元などを広く意味する言葉である。
Barry Commoner, Paul R. Ehrlich, John Holdren
Nathan Bransford
Monday, September 19, 2011
Tehran Times
Roberta Stevens
Ginia Bellafante
"If I had a magic wand and could give you any job you wanted, what would it be?" Ms. Smith asked.
"Anything," was the reply.
Mike Shatzkin
Taiwan Airport
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