- 教育課程からの排除: 親世代が貧困状態である場合、その子供たちは多くの場合中卒あるいは高校中退で社会に出なければならず、貧困脱出のための技術や知識・学歴を獲得することが極めて難しい。
- 企業福祉からの排除: 非正規雇用の人々は、正規雇用の人々に与えられている雇用保険や社会保険、企業による福利厚生、安定した雇用などから排除されており、容易に貧困状態に滑り落ちてしまう。
- 家族福祉からの排除: 低負担・低福祉である日本社会では親族間の相互扶助が、社会的転落を防ぐセーフティーネットとしての重要な役割を果たしているが、貧困状態に陥る人々はもともと頼れる家族・親族がいないことが多い。
- 公的福祉からの排除: 現在の日本では生活保護担当の公務員は、申請者をあれこれ理由を付けて追い返す、門前払いにすることばかりに力を入れており、いよいよ追い詰められた状況でも生活保護受給にたどりつけない者が非常に多い。
- 自分自身からの排除: 上に述べた4つの社会的排除に直面した結果、自分自身の存在価値や将来への希望を見つけられなくなってしまう状態を言う。
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Japanese way
David Zucchino
Seventeen years ago, Gregory Flynt Taylor was a crack cocaine abuser convicted of killing a prostitute during a late-night prowl for drugs.
On Wednesday, Taylor was a free man, the first convicted felon in U.S. history to be exonerated by a state-mandated innocence commission.
A jury convicted Taylor after prosecutors said blood was found on the SUV he was driving the night Thomas was beaten to death in Raleigh in 1991. But testimony at the commission hearing last week revealed that a follow-up test -- showing that no blood was on the vehicle -- was never passed on to the court.
The hearing also exposed flaws in the state's case involving eyewitness testimony and allegations by a jailhouse snitch who implicated Taylor in the killing.
american way
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
mögen Japaner die Deutschen?
Ich habe mal so etwas in der art gehört. Natürlich nicht alle, aber viele. Wenn ja, warum. Freu mich schon auf antworten. lg
die mögen alles was sich fotografieren lässt
beste antwort die man hätte finden können :D)
das die Japaner uns mögen liegt an den "deutschen" Tugenden: Fleiß,Pünktlichkeit und Genauigkeit,alles Tugenden die wir heute nicht mehr haben.
Vor deiner Zeit.
sie mögen das deutsche bier und das oktoberfest
dann also nicht die deutschen, sondern die Bayern.
Japanese way
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Louis Gargour
Italian yields, which hit euro-era highs above 6 percent this week on fears of contagion from Greece, could touch those levels again in the next two weeks if a European deal on a second Greek bailout doesn't solve the problem.
A lot of people are focusing on Italy and unless ... the European governments do something very decisive today we're going to see Italy go a lot wider before the situation improves.
We believe peripheral sovereigns will exhibit further volatility, particularly Italy and Spain. I recommend a prudent approach with continued underweights and shorts in the peripheral countries.
We began by looking at Italian banks, and when we looked more closely we realised the absorption of losses across peripheral European banks could be a problem.
Subordinated debt is where we believe the impact of the peripheral sovereign write-downs will have the best risk reward for investors wishing to be short.
Investors should focus on relative value bets, where a fund is long one bond or sector and short another, rather than on market direction, as Europe's debt crisis rages.
Investors should be market neutral -- and should seek dispersion and convergence trades.
With a long-short approach we have the opportunity to look at volatility as an opportunity to make money.
There will be companies with decent balance sheets and pan-European operations that have cheapened substantially as a result of the sovereign situation. These are unique opportunities to invest in investment grade companies at high yield returns.
Nouriel Roubini
Europe is fully occupied for the moment with saving the eurozone. Japan is likewise tied down with complex political and economic problems at home. None of these powers’ governments has the time, resources, or domestic political capital needed for a new bout of international heavy lifting. Meanwhile, there are no credible answers to transnational challenges without the direct involvement of emerging powers such as Brazil, China, and India. Yet these countries are far too focused on domestic development to welcome the burdens that come with new responsibilities abroad.
We are now living in a G-Zero world, one in which no single country or bloc of countries has the political and economic leverage—or the will—to drive a truly international agenda. The result will be intensified conflict on the international stage over vitally important issues, such as international macroeconomic coordination, financial regulatory reform, trade policy, and climate change. This new order has far-reaching implications for the global economy, as companies around the world sit on enormous stockpiles of cash, waiting for the current era of political and economic uncertainty to pass. Many of them can expect an extended wait.
ですから『山家学生式』は山の規則とでもいうべきもの。最澄はその中で、忘己利他 慈悲之摂 と書いておられます。...己れを忘れ他を利するは慈悲の極みなり、と読みます。
- 眼施 (がんせ)、慈眼施。常によいまなざしで見て、険しい目で見ない。慈しみに満ちた優しいまなざしですべてに接すること。温かい心は自らの目を通して相手に伝わる。
- 和顔施 (わげんせ)、和顔悦色施。悪い感情をあらわにして険しい表情をしない。いつもなごやかで穏やかな顔つきで人や物に接すること。喜びを素直に表情にあらわす。
- 愛語施 (あいごせ)、言辞施(ごんじせ)。柔らかい言葉を出し、粗暴な言葉を使わない。文字通り優しい言葉、思いやりのある態度で言葉を交わすこと。
- 身施 (しんせ)、捨身施。起ち迎えて礼拝す。自分の身体で奉仕をすること。身体で示すことをさし自ら進んで他のために尽くす。
- 心施 (しんせ)、心慮施。心に思いやりがあれば、深く供養を生ずる。他のために心をくばり、心底から共に喜び、共に悲しむ。他の痛みや苦しみを自らのものとして感じ取る。
- 牀座施 (しょうざせ)。席を作って座らせる、あるいは自分がすでに座っている席を譲って、座っていただく。競争相手にさえも自分の地位を譲って悔いなく過ごす。
- 房舎施 (ぼうしゃせ)。家の中に迎えて過ごしてもらう。風や雨露をしのぐ所を与えること。自分が半身濡れながらも、相手に雨がかからないように傘を差し掛ける。
Among many companions;whether one rests, stand, sit, or walk; there are endless requests from others ...; having respect for and appreciation of Freeing Independence ...; which is not liked by any other; one should wander solitary as a rhinoceros horn.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Lucid Imagination
Thousands of organizations around the world have turned to the power of Apache Solr/Lucene open source technology to drive their cutting-edge search applications. As the world’s leading source of expertise in open source search technology and the commercial company for Apache Solr/Lucene, Lucid Imagination offers a range of software for cost-effective development and production deployment of cutting edge search applications that lower your cost of growth.
Michael Coles, Hillary Cotter

Recall measures the quantity of results returned by a search and precision is the measure of the quality of the results returned. Recall is the ratio of relevant results returned divided by all relevant results. Precision is the number of relevant results returned divided by the total number of results returned.
The diagram represents a low-precision, low-recall search. The red and green dots represent the total population of potential search results for a given search. Red dots represent irrelevant results, and green dots represent relevant results. Relevancy is indicated by the proximity of search results to the center of the inner circle. Of all possible results shown, those that were actually returned by the search are shown on a light-blue background. In the example only one relevant result of three possible relevant results was returned, so the recall is a very low ratio of 1/3. The precision for the example is a very low 1/4, since only one of the four results returned was relevant.
Jimmy Lin
With the growing availability of full-text articles online, scientists and other consumers of the life sciences literature now have the ability to go beyond searching bibliographic records (title, abstract, metadata) to directly access full-text content. Motivated by this emerging trend, I posed the following question: is searching full text more effective than searching abstracts? This question is answered by comparing text retrieval algorithms on MEDLINE® abstracts, full-text articles, and spans (paragraphs) within full-text articles using data from the TREC 2007 genomics track evaluation. Two retrieval models are examined: bm25 and the ranking algorithm implemented in the open-source Lucene search engine.
Experiments show that treating an entire article as an indexing unit does not consistently yield higher effectiveness compared to abstract-only search. However, retrieval based on spans, or paragraphs-sized segments of full-text articles, consistently outperforms abstract-only search. Results suggest that highest overall effectiveness may be achieved by combining evidence from spans and full articles.
Users searching full text are more likely to find relevant articles than searching only abstracts. This finding affirms the value of full text collections for text retrieval and provides a starting point for future work in exploring algorithms that take advantage of rapidly-growing digital archives. Experimental results also highlight the need to develop distributed text retrieval algorithms, since full-text articles are significantly longer than abstracts and may require the computational resources of multiple machines in a cluster. The MapReduce programming model provides a convenient framework for organizing such computations.
David Hawking, Justin Zobel
It has been claimed that topic metadata can be used to improve the accuracy of text searches. Here, we test this claim by examining the contribution of metadata to effective searching within Web sites published by a university with a strong commitment to and substantial investment in metadata. The authors use four sets of queries, a total of 463, extracted from the university's official query logs and from the university's site map. The results are clear: The available metadata is of little value in ranking answers to those queries. A follow-up experiment with the Web sites published in a particular government jurisdiction confirms that this conclusion is not specific to the particular university. Examination of the metadata present at the university reveals that, in addition to implementation deficiencies, there are inherent problems in trying to use subject and description metadata to enhance the searchability of Web sites. Our experiments show that link anchor text, which can be regarded as metadata created by others, is much more effective in identifying best answers to queries than other textual evidence. Furthermore, query-independent evidence such as link counts and uniform resource locator (URL) length, unlike subject and description metadata, can substantially improve baseline performance.
Bradley M. Hemminger, Billy Saelim, Patrick F. Sullivan, Todd J. Vision
Researchers have traditionally used bibliographic databases to search out information. Today, the full-text of resources is increasingly available for searching, and more researchers are performing full-text searches. This study compares differences in the number of articles discovered between metadata and full-text searches of the same literature cohort when searching for gene names in two biomedical literature domains. Three reviewers additionally ranked 100 articles in each domain. Significantly more articles were discovered via full-text searching; however, the precision of full-text searching also is significantly lower than that of metadata searching. Certain features of articles correlated with higher relevance ratings. A significant feature measured was the number of matches of the search term in the full-text of the article, with a larger number of matches having a statistically significant higher usefulness (i.e., relevance) rating. By using the number of hits of the search term in the full-text to rank the importance of the article, performance of full-text searching was improved so that both recall and precision were as good as or better than that for metadata searching. This suggests that full-text searching alone may be sufficient, and that metadata searching as a surrogate is not necessary.
Andre Vellino
I agree that ontologies (as in “library classification systems”) can’t save us, but if you approve of Everything is Miscellaneous, you should also approve of Folksonomies.
If people can decide their own categories or define their own labels, you at least are freed from someone else’s rigid and perhaps outdated knowledge classification scheme.
In some circumstances, it might even work better than ML methods for term extraction from full-text. Consider the case where terminology changes over time (e.g. “AI” -> “Agents”). Folksonomic tagging might allow you to identify an ’80s paper on (what used to be known as) “knowledge representation” as relevant to a “Mobile Agent” application, whereas term-extraction alone might not give you that information.
Jeremy Pickens
Back in 1997, when I took my first grad-level Information Retrieval course, I remember Bruce Croft saying that there had been experiments done through the 80s and 90s, about the relative value of full-text indexing vs. abstract-only vs. metadata/keyword only.
Full-text won every time.
Can’t remember any specific citations, though. I suppose I could ask Bruce.
Daniel Lemire
Stop generating metadata and access the full content!
Many researchers advocate the use of metadata to help find or recommend content automatically. Metadata is certainly useful when aggregating content for human beings: I first read the titles of research papers before reading them. However, machines do better when they access at least some of content (Lin, 2009). Moreover, metadata is of little value in ranking answers (Hawking and Zobel, 2007).
I think that researchers cling to metadata because that is how we have indexed books for so long. When I was a kid, full text searches in a library was unthinkable. Yet, there is no escape: everything is miscellaneous. Folksonomies and ontologies will not save the day. When working with machines, let go of metadata and embrace the full content.
I am particularly puzzled by a common research approach. Take an object. Extract metadata. Then compare objects between themselves using the metadata, or use the metadata for retrieval. I understand that this may constitute a useful form of dimensionality reduction. Yet, researchers frequently omit to check whether it is necessary to extract metadata at all.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Japanese way
Bruce Nussbaum
I’ve been talking to European and US innovation and design consultancies working in Shanghai and the rest of China and most are hiring Western and Korean designers because Chinese designers are not up to global standards. They say that, wth a number of exceptions, the tens of thousands of graduates of Chinese design schools yearly are not precise and exacting enough in their design skills. Reflecting Chinese manufacturing culture, the young designers want to get things done quickly, without much regard for getting it just right. It’s a quick-quick attitude. As for innovating, reframing problems and seeing products and services with fresh eyes, Chinese designers are not nearly there. They are not there in terms of the skills and approaches in anthropology and sociology that allow designers to understand consumer cultures around the world. And Chinese designers are way behind in knowing how to do brand strategy and build new brands.
Kejun Xu, Hendry Lee
China is a country with five thousand years of civilization. It is a multi-national entity extending over a large area of East Asia. China’s cultural influence extends across the continent, with customs and writing systems adopted by neighboring countries including Japan, Korea and Vietnam.
China has gone through numerous ups and downs and twists and turns, from wealthy and prosperous (as during the Tang Dynasty back in 618–907 AD) to powerless and colonized (as during the Qing Dynasty, just around 100 years ago). Now China is reopening its door to the world again, embracing the latest trends, concepts and technologies, the World Wide Web being one of them.
In our interviews with six well-known designers in China, each of whom wears different hats, the recurring theme was that China’s Web design industry is rising like a spiral from imitation to innovation and user-centered design.
The Web in China is young, and Chinese designers are playing catch-up. Despite the challenges, we see even more opportunities: smart people, a big market, increasing demand, flexibility and innovative and user-centered design thinking.
On many Chinese websites, we’ve already seen the “upward-spiral trend from imitation to innovation and user-centered design”. Innovation in China is a constant goal. It is being pushed in President Hu Jingtao’s State speech all the way down to classroom curricula.
Say NO – UNiTE
Please help us make the world a safer place for women and girls by sending a donation today. The United Nations Trust Fund to End Violence against Women, managed by UN Women, supports initiatives around the world to bring about real change in the lives of women, girls and their communities. ...
Grantees of the UN Trust Fund work to address various forms of violence against women and girls, ensure access to safety and services for survivors, and empower women and girls especially at risk of violence, including adolescent girls, minority and indigenous women. Much has been achieved, but much more needs to be done, and demand far outstrips the funding available: in 2011, the Fund received grant requests totaling USD 1.2 billion, but could offer only USD 17.1 million in grants to 22 initiatives in 34 countries. ...
Every gift counts. In Africa and Asia, $10 can help 6 women survivors of violence reeceive counseling! Donate online or if you are in the United States text UNITE to 27722 from your cell phone to give $10.*
UN way
Nicole Kidman
We all know in our heads and our hearts that every woman is entitled to a life free of violence. Let’s make that a reality. Please give as generously as you can to the United Nations Trust Fund to End Violence against Women, managed by UN Women. Show that ending violence against women is possible by contributing to Trust Fund-supported projects around the world that break the silence, promote accountability and provide critical services to women and girls. Please get involved. We need your support.
UN way
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Екатерина Пetpehko
В России все более широкое распространение получает новый вид наркотиков - дезоморфин, известный также под названием "крокодил". Пока Россия - единственная страна, где употребление этого наркотика приняло масштабы эпидемии. Tолько по официальным оценкам, в 2010 г. "крокодил" принимали от нескольких сотен тысяч до 1 миллиона человек в стране.
Эффект от этого наркотика похож на героиновый, но стоит "крокодил" в несколько раз дешевле, и его легко приготовить даже в домашних условиях. Его активным компонентом является кодеин - болеутоляющее, которое можно купить в аптеке без рецепта врача.
John Rawls
The bad man desires arbitrary power. What moves the evil man is the love of injustice.
The principles of justice are chosen behind a veil of ignorance.
In constant pursuit of money to finance campaigns, the political system is simply unable to function. Its deliberative powers are paralyzed.
Certainly it is wrong to be cruel to animals and the destruction of a whole species can be a great evil. The capacity for feelings of pleasure and pain and for the form of life of which animals are capable clearly impose duties of compassion and humanity in their case.
human rights and democracy
Michael J. Sandel
Times of trouble prompt us to recall the ideals by which we live. But in America today, this is not an easy thing to do. At a time when democratic ideals seem ascendant abroad, there is reason to wonder whether we have lost possession of them at home. Our public life is rife with discontent. Americans do not believe they have much say in how they are governed and do not trust government to do the right thing. Despite the achievements of American life in the last half-century – victory in World War II, unprecedented affluence, greater social justice for women and minorities, the end of the Cold War – our politics is beset with anxiety and frustration.
The political parties, meanwhile, are unable to make sense of our condition. They main topics of national debateextent of rights and entitlements, the proper degree of government regulationthe proper scope of the welfare state, the extent of rights and entitlements, the proper degree of government regulation - take their shape from the arguments of an earlier day. They are not unimportant topics; but they do not reach the two concerns that lie at the heart of democracy’s discontent. One is the fear that, individually and collectively, we are losing control of the forces that govern our lives. The other is the sense that, from family to neighborhood to nation, the moral fabric of community is unraveling around us. These two fears – for the loss of self-government and erosion of community – together define the anxiety of the age. It is an anxiety that the prevailing political agenda has failed to answer or even address.
human rights and democracy
Alison Edgle
... Chomsky is not inconsistent ... when he claims to be both a libertarian and a socialist. His socialism poses no particular problems: it is about the need for and the way in which humans organise and live together collectively as individuals. The values of freedom and equality are not mutually exclusive. Chomsky's views on human nature lend his particular position on libertarian socialism greater authority. Liberty and equality are not only interdependent and progressive values, since, in Chomsky's view, they are also necessary to or preferable for the healthy development of the human condition. Chomsky's evidence for such a necessity is far from concrete, as he admits. However, his work in linguistics is certainly suggestive of such a claim. Further it has been argued that for Chomsky freedom and equality are not absolute concepts but are not absolute concepts but are always relative to objective reality. As such Chomsky cannot be accused of teleologucal thinking. By this view then, there is no 'end' to history. But there can nevertheless be progress.
The liberal individual is autonomous, rational, self-interested and self-determining. These characteristics are a priori given, and as such are not influenced by the nature and character of the society in which individuals co-exist.
Noam Chomsky
Pascal raised the question: How do you know whether God exists? He said, if I assume that he exists and he does, I’ll make out OK. If he doesn’t, I won’t lose anything. If he does exist and I assume he doesn’t I may be in trouble. That’s basically the logic. On this issue of human freedom, if you assume that there’s no hope, you guarantee that there will be no hope. If you assume that there is an instinct for freedom, there are opportunities to change things, etc., there’s a chance you may contribute to making a better world. That’s your choice.
philosophy dot lander dot edu
Pascal does not think that the atheist or the believer would be convinced by his argument. Instead, he directs the Wager to the curious and unconvinced.
Two main objections are often raised to Pascal's Wager.
(1) To believe in God simply for the payoff is the wrong motive for belief. Such self-seeking individuals would not properly serve the Deity.
(2) In order to be sure of a payoff, an individual would not know which God or gods to believe in to cover the conditions of the wager. Would the Wager also hold for Zeus, Odin, or Mithra? One would have to believe in all gods to be sure, but if there were only one God in fact, then this strategy would defeat itself.
I have a choice: either first I believe God exists or second I do not believe God exists.
First, if I believe God exists, and God in fact does exist, then I will gain infinite happiness. However, if I believe God exists, and God in fact does not exist, then I will have no payoff.
Second, if I do not believe God exists, and God in fact does exist, then I will gain infinite pain. However, if I believe God does not exist, and God in fact does not exist, then I will have no payoff.
First, if I believe God exists, and God in fact does exist, then I will gain infinite happiness. However, if I believe God exists, and God in fact does not exist, then I will have no payoff.
Second, if I do not believe God exists, and God in fact does exist, then I will gain infinite pain. However, if I believe God does not exist, and God in fact does not exist, then I will have no payoff.
Thus, I have everything to gain and nothing to lose by believing in God, and I have everything to lose and nothing to gain by not believing in God. On these grounds, one would be foolish not to believe.
Two main objections are often raised to Pascal's Wager.
(1) To believe in God simply for the payoff is the wrong motive for belief. Such self-seeking individuals would not properly serve the Deity.
(2) In order to be sure of a payoff, an individual would not know which God or gods to believe in to cover the conditions of the wager. Would the Wager also hold for Zeus, Odin, or Mithra? One would have to believe in all gods to be sure, but if there were only one God in fact, then this strategy would defeat itself.
If there is a God, He is infinitely incomprehensible, since, having neither parts nor limits, He has no affinity to us. We are then incapable of knowing either what He is or if He is....
..."God is, or He is not." But to which side shall we incline? Reason can decide nothing here. There is an infinite chaos which separated us. A game is being played at the extremity of this infinite distance where heads or tails will turn up. What will you wager? According to reason, you can do neither the one thing nor the other; according to reason, you can defend neither of the propositions.
Do not, then, reprove for error those who have made a choice; for you know nothing about it. "No, but I blame them for having made, not this choice, but a choice; for again both he who chooses heads and he who chooses tails are equally at fault, they are both in the wrong. The true course is not to wager at all."
Yes; but you must wager. It is not optional. You are embarked. Which will you choose then? Let us see. Since you must choose, let us see which interests you least. You have two things to lose, the true and the good; and two things to stake, your reason and your will, your knowledge and your happiness; and your nature has two things to shun, error and misery. Your reason is no more shocked in choosing one rather than the other, since you must of necessity choose. This is one point settled. But your happiness? Let us weigh the gain and the loss in wagering that God is. Let us estimate these two chances. If you gain, you gain all; if you lose, you lose nothing. Wager, then, without hesitation that He is.
"That is very fine. Yes, I must wager; but I may perhaps wager too much." Let us see. Since there is an equal risk of gain and of loss, if you had only to gain two lives, instead of one, you might still wager. But if there were three lives to gain, you would have to play (since you are under the necessity of playing), and you would be imprudent, when you are forced to play, not to chance your life to gain three at a game where there is an equal risk of loss and gain. But there is an eternity of life and happiness. And this being so, if there were an infinity of chances, of which one only would be for you, you would still be right in wagering one to win two, and you would act stupidly, being obliged to play, by refusing to stake one life against three at a game in which out of an infinity of chances there is one for you, if there were an infinity of an infinitely happy life to gain. But there is here an infinity of an infinitely happy life to gain, a chance of gain against a finite number of chances of loss, and what you stake is finite.
On July 13, 2011, "Culture Jammers HQ" at Adbusters issued a call to action: Occupy Wall Street! The goal stated is to gather 20,000 people to Wall Street, in New York, NY on September 17, 2011, beginning a popular occupation of that space for two months and more. Inspired by the popular assemblies of Egypt, Spain, Oaxaca and worldwide, those gathered will work to find a common voice in one clear, unified demand.
This is why we've created OccupyWallSt.org. Technology has made it easier than ever before for the people to stay in close contact and assist one another in acheiving a collective goal. Our aim is to make these tools available so our users--the true organizers of this event--can make an occuptation of Wall St. successful. We may not be able to teach a person to fish, or do it on their behalf, but we can build a damn good fishing pole.
But it isn't enough to simply make these tools freely available, they must also belong to the people. So we've taken the time to release our work as an open source project. This way others may use and build upon our work freely without any dependence on our leadership.
The sovereign people of any nation have the power, the right, and the duty, of guiding the destiny of their nation. Most just do not realize this. An organizer brings the process of realization.
Why occupy Wall Street? Because it belongs to us! Because we can!
Japanese way
Japanese way
Rolling Stone
We assembled a panel of top guitarists and other experts to rank their favorites and explain what separates the legends from everyone else.
100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time
2. Eric Clapton 3. Jimmy Page 5. Jeff Beck 6. B.B. King | 20. Carlos Santana 26. Brian May 31. Ry Cooder 44. Mark Knopfler | 50. Ritchie Blackmore 63. Johnny Winter 66. Leslie West 71. Robert Johnson | ??. Steve Vai ??. Larry Coryell ??. Alex Lifeson ??. Larry Carlton |
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
David Bosco
Thinking about international governance issues through the lens of hypocrisy seems particularly important at the moment. The emerging powers are with increasing plausibility challenging the double-standard built deep into the UN's structure: that while all states are declared in Article 2(1) to enjoy "sovereign equality," a few have the right (through their Security Council veto power) to ensure that the normal rules don't apply to them. And that's just one of many perceived injustices in the international architecture. The question of why certain states may have nuclear weapons while others may not still rankles, as does the American and European hold on World Bank and IMF leadership.
The hypocrisy surrounding the bedrock principle of sovereign equality is increasingly evident in other ways. From different angles, both the war on terrorism and the campaign for a "responsibility to protect" challenge the notion that states are fundamentally equal.
human rights and democracy
Zack Beauchamp
First, one could make non-consequentialist arguments justifying intervention based on the particular moral heinousness of mass slaughter as compared to other lethal ills. I'm not compelled by the underlying moral reasoning here, but I could see how one might be.
Second, one could say it's an argument for more aid AND intervention. That'd be fair enough, except for the fact that states do lots of things to save lives other than aid and intervention that draw from the same finite resource/tax base. So that argument might work depending on the resource constraints at play, but it also might not.
Third, an intervention might be politically possible whereas aid increases might not. Again, that might be true in a given case, but it doesn't answer Hynd's more fundamental moral challenge.
There's a fourth, though, that's more compelling: humanitarian intervention is often necessary to create the conditions under which aid can be effective in saving lives.
human rights and democracy
Steve Hynd
Right to Protect interventionism is essentially a utilitarian argument - that by using violence in reply to violence the greater good of the greater number can be achieved - specifically, that fewer people will die if there is an armed intervention than if the state or non-state actor is allowed to continue killing unopposed by external forces. But it largely ignores a wider utilitarian argument to do so - that the resources required to intervene could be put to better use saving more lives elsewhere.
The war in Libya has cost the US somewhere in the region of $1.2 billion over six months, at a rough guess. That's a drop in the ocean compared with the hundreds of billions so far spent on the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, or the bloated overall defense budget. But State spends far less on core foreign assistance - including food aid - than is spent on America's wars. That stands at only $32.9 billion in the FY2012 request. DoD will get three and a half times that money for Afghanistan and Iraq alone.
human rights and democracy
Jayshree Bajoria
The crackdown by Libyan leader Muammar al-Qaddafi on mass anti-regime protests in early 2011 resulted in strong condemnation by the international community. In a historic move, the UN Security Council invoked the principle of "responsibility to protect" and adopted Resolution 1973, endorsing a no-fly zone over Libya and authorizing member states to "take all necessary measures" to protect civilians under attack from Qaddafi's government. As a result, some Western countries, including the United States, began air strikes over Libya, which spurred a debate on whether forced intervention was warranted. Countries like Russia, China, Brazil, and India abstained from voting on the UN resolution, spotlighting the sensitive nature of the issue. Some states in Asia and Africa, especially former colonies, have long seen intervention of any kind as a threat to their sovereignty. This was evident in the divide that followed a devastating cyclone in Myanmar in May 2008. There have been some instances in the recent past where countries have opened up to outside aid in the aftermath of natural disasters, but sovereignty remains a sticking point.
human rights and democracy
David Rieff
Use any euphemism you wish, but in the end these interventions have to be about regime change if they are to have any chance of accomplishing their stated goal. (That is why they are opposed in many parts of the formerly colonized world even as they are supported in the formerly colonizing West.) After all, how can the people of Darfur ever be safe as long as the same regime that sanctioned their slaughter rules unrepentant in Khartoum? Or, for that matter, how can the Myanmar government be trusted to look after the slow business of reconstruction in the zones hit by the cyclone if it was unconcerned with the fate of Nargis’s survivors from the beginning?
The harsh truth is that it is one thing for people of conscience to call for wrongs to be righted but it is quite another to fathom the consequences of such actions. Good will is not enough; nor is political will. That is because, as Iraq has taught us so painfully, the law of unintended consequences may be one of the few iron laws of international politics. And somewhere, despite all the outcry, leaders know that the same people calling for intervention may repudiate it the moment it goes wrong.
human rights and democracy
International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty
“Humanitarian intervention” has been controversial both when it happens, and when it has failed to happen.
- Rwanda in 1994 laid bare the full horror of inaction.
- Kosovo in 1999 raised major questions about the legitimacy of military intervention in a sovereign state.
- Bosnia in 1995 is another which has had a major impact on the contemporary policy debate about intervention for human protection purposes.
- Another was the failure and ultimate withdrawal of the UN peace operations in Somalia in 1992–93.
For some, the international community is not intervening enough; for others it is intervening much too often. For some, the only real issue is in ensuring that coercive interventions are effective; for others, questions about legality, process and the possible misuse of precedent loom much larger. For some, the new interventions herald a new world in which human rights trumps state sovereignty; for others, it ushers in a world in which big powers ride roughshod over the smaller ones, manipulating the rhetoric of humanitarianism and human rights. The controversy has laid bare basic divisions within the international community. In the interest of all those victims who suffer and die when leadership and institutions fail, it is crucial that these divisions be resolved.
human rights and democracy
Kofi Annan
... if humanitarian intervention is, indeed, an unacceptable assault on sovereignty, how should we respond to a Rwanda, to a Srebrenica – to gross and systematic violations of human rights that affect every precept of our common humanity?
The genocide in Rwanda showed us how terrible the consequences of inaction can be in the face of mass murder. But the conflict in Kosovo raised equally important questions about the consequences of action without international consensus and clear legal authority. On the one hand, is it legitimate for a regional organization to use force without a UN mandate? On the other, is it permissible to let gross and systematic violations of human rights, with grave humanitarian consequences continue unchecked?
human rights and democracy
Monday, November 21, 2011
Harry S. Truman
One of the primary objectives of the foreign policy of the United States is the creation of conditions in which we and other nations will be able to work out a way of life free from coercion. This was a fundamental issue in the war with Germany and Japan. Our victory was won over countries which sought to impose their will, and their way of life, upon other nations.
To ensure the peaceful development of nations, free from coercion, the United States has taken a leading part in establishing the United Nations, The United Nations is designed to make possible lasting freedom and independence for all its members. We shall not realize our objectives, however, unless we are willing to help free peoples to maintain their free institutions and their national integrity against aggressive movements that seek to impose upon them totalitarian regimes. This is no more than a frank recognition that totalitarian regimes imposed on free peoples, by direct or indirect aggression, undermine the foundations of international peace and hence the security of the United States.
To ensure the peaceful development of nations, free from coercion, the United States has taken a leading part in establishing the United Nations, The United Nations is designed to make possible lasting freedom and independence for all its members. We shall not realize our objectives, however, unless we are willing to help free peoples to maintain their free institutions and their national integrity against aggressive movements that seek to impose upon them totalitarian regimes. This is no more than a frank recognition that totalitarian regimes imposed on free peoples, by direct or indirect aggression, undermine the foundations of international peace and hence the security of the United States.
american way
East Site Inc.

As merchants and other travellers traversed Silk Road, they also carried culture, art, philosophies and beliefs with them. Buddhism came to China on The Silk Road and Islam, Christianity, Zoroastrianism and Confucianism all had their itinerant proselytiser. Goods and ideas were exchanged in cities with exotic names like Antioch, Babylon, Erzerum, Hamadn, Bukhara, Samarkand, Khiva, Kashgar and Xian, as well as in dozens of others whose names are now lost in time. However, many remain and travellers again have the chance to visit these sites, relive the legends and capture some of the magic.
Japanese way
Japanese way
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Jimmy Wales
Google might have close to a million servers. Yahoo has something like 13,000 staff. We have 400 servers and 95 staff.
Wikipedia is the #5 site on the web and serves 454 million different people every month – with billions of page views.
Commerce is fine. Advertising is not evil. But it doesn't belong here. Not in Wikipedia.
Wikipedia is something special. It is like a library or a public park. It is like a temple for the mind. It is a place we can all go to think, to learn, to share our knowledge with others.
When I founded Wikipedia, I could have made it into a for-profit company with advertising banners, but I decided to do something different. We’ve worked hard over the years to keep it lean and tight. We fulfill our mission, and leave waste to others.
If everyone reading this donated $20, we would only have to fundraise for one day a year. But not everyone can or will donate. And that's fine. Each year just enough people decide to give.
This year, please consider making a donation of $5, $20, $50 or whatever you can to protect and sustain Wikipedia.
Japanese way
Mark Alexander
Islam is different. As well as being a powerful political movement, it is a bona fide religion too. The West has fought long and hard for religious freedom; so it is far more difficult for us to criticize a religion that is not our own. It is even more difficult to stop someone practising his religion. Anyone who were to try to do so would be liable to the charge of discrimination, and Westerners do not like to be accused of that. Add to that, the power of political correctness, and further add to that the reluctance of people to fight for Christianity, and we find that we have boxed ourselves into a corner – a corner that will be difficult for us to get out of. Where are we going to find leaders willing to criticize another religion, d where, even if we found such people, are we going to find the people willing to follow them? As I write, it would appear that this is the start of the end game for the West! Is it to be downhill all the way for Islam now? Have we created the very conditions for Islam to overshadow us – conditions that Muslims could only have dreamed of some decades ago?
Aliaa Magda Elmahdy

The photo is an expression of my being and I see the human body as the best artistic representation of that. I took the photo myself using a timer on my personal camera.
Most Egyptians are secretive about sex because they are brought up thinking sex is something bad and dirty and there is no mention of it in schools.
Many women wear the veil just to escape the harassment and be able to walk the streets.
human rights and democracy
La politesse s'apprend comme la danse. Celui qui ne sait pas danser croit que le difficile est de connaître les règles de la danse et d'y conformer ses mouvements ; mais ce n'est que l'extérieur de la chose ; il faut arriver à danser sans raideur, sans trouble, et par conséquent sans peur. De même c'est peu de chose de connaître les règles de la politesse ; et, même si on s'y conforme, on ne se trouve encore qu'au seuil de la politesse. Il faut que les mouvements soient précis, souples, sans raideur ni tremblement ; car le moindre tremble-ment se communique. Et qu'est-ce qu'une politesse qui inquiète ?
Saturday, November 19, 2011
UN Radio

The world has entered a “deadly new age,” where extreme weather events are likely to become the norm, according to the head of the United Nations risk reduction agency.
Margareta Wahlström issued the warning following the approval of a special report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) on Friday.
The IPCC report looked at the likely impact of climate change on communities and how to deal with disasters.
China | 1,339,724,852 |
India | 1,210,193,422 |
United States | 312,631,000 |
Indonesia | 237,641,326 |
Brazil | 190,755,799 |
Pakistan | 177,852,000 |
Nigeria | 162,471,000 |
Russia | 142,914,136 |
Bangladesh | 142,319,000 |
Japan | 127,720,000 |
Mexico | 112,336,538 |
Guangdong | 104,303,132 |
Shandong | 95,793,065 |
Henan | 94,023,567 |
Philippines | 94,013,200 |
Vietnam | 85,846,997 |
Ethiopia | 82,101,998 |
Germany | 81,729,000 |
Egypt | 81,120,000 |
Sichuan | 80,418,200 |
Jiangsu | 78,659,903 |
Iran | 75,840,000 |
Turkey | 73,722,988 |
Hebei | 71,854,202 |
Thailand | 69,519,000 |
Congo (DRC) | 67,758,000 |
France | 65,821,885 |
Hunan | 65,683,722 |
United Kingdom | 62,300,000 |
Italy | 60,705,991 |
Anhui | 59,500,510 |
Hubei | 57,237,740 |
Zhejiang | 54,426,891 |
South Africa | 50,586,757 |
Myanmar | 48,337,000 |
South Korea | 48,219,000 |
Colombia | 46,255,000 |
Spain | 46,162,024 |
Guangxi | 46,026,629 |
Yunnan | 45,966,239 |
Ukraine | 45,668,028 |
Jiangxi | 44,567,475 |
Liaoning | 43,746,323 |
Tanzania | 43,188,000 |
Argentina | 40,117,096 |
Kenya | 38,610,097 |
Heilongjiang | 38,312,224 |
Poland | 38,092,000 |
Shaanxi | 37,327,378 |
Fujian | 36,894,216 |
Algeria | 36,300,000 |
Shanxi | 35,712,111 |
Guizhou | 34,746,468 |
Canada | 34,482,779 |
Uganda | 32,939,800 |
Morocco | 32,380,600 |
Afghanistan | 32,358,000 |
Iraq | 32,105,000 |
Sudan | 30,894,000 |
Peru | 29,797,694 |
Venezuela | 29,448,000 |
Chongqing | 28,846,170 |
Malaysia | 28,334,135 |
Uzbekistan | 28,000,000 |
Jilin | 27,462,297 |
Saudi Arabia | 27,136,977 |
Nepal | 26,620,809 |
Gansu | 25,575,254 |
Inner Mongolia | 24,706,321 |
Ghana | 24,233,431 |
North Korea | 24,052,231 |
Yemen | 23,833,000 |
Taiwan | 23,197,947 |
Mozambique | 23,049,621 |
Shanghai | 23,019,148 |
Australia | 22,766,632 |
Xinjiang | 21,813,334 |
Romania | 21,436,000 |
Côte d'Ivoire | 21,395,000 |
Syria | 21,318,000 |
Sri Lanka | 20,653,000 |
Angola | 19,618,000 |
Beijing | 19,612,368 |
Cameroon | 19,406,100 |
Leonard Cohen
Everybody knows that the dice are loaded
Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed
Everybody knows that the war is over
Everybody knows the good guys lost
Everybody knows the fight was fixed
The poor stay poor, the rich get rich
That's how it goes
Everybody knows
human being
Master Kan
The mind, the body and the spirit are one. When the body expresses the desires of the mind and spirit then the body is in tune with nature, the act is pure and there is no shame.
Melissa Grace, Corky Siemaszko
Waiters at some of New York’s swankiest eateries were part of a criminal crew that stole credit card information to create counterfeit cards — and then racked up some $600,000 in purchases, prosecutors revealed Friday.
Led by Luis Damian “DJ” Jacas, the crooks equipped waiters at Smith & Wollensky, The Capital Grille, Wolfgang's Steakhouse and JoJo — and at two restaurants outside the city — with electronic skimmers to steal the info from at least 50 customers, the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office said.
Then Jacas used a “network of shoppers” to go on shopping sprees at high-end Manhattan stores like Chanel, Neiman Marcus, Cartier, Hermes of Paris, Bloomingdales, Bergdorf Goodman, Waldmann's, London Jewelers, Burberry, Jimmy Choo, Lord & Taylor, prosecutors said.
american way
There are allegations of crimes committed by NATO forces, allegations of crimes committed by NTC-related forces, including the alleged detention of civilians suspected to be mercenaries and the alleged killing of detained combatants, as well as allegations of additional crimes committed by pro-Gadhafi forces.
These allegations will be examined impartially and independently by the Office.
In the last weeks of the war, the Gaddafi regime alleged that 85 civilians were killed in a Nato air strike near the front line town of Ziltan. Khaled Hemidi, a regime general, filed a lawsuit before a Belgian civil court in Brussels accusing Nato of killing his wife and three children in an air strike on June 20 near the town of Surman.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Health & Wellness Approach
Kissing is like sea water, the more you drink it the more you get thirsty. Though a small giggly thing yet immensely brings two people close to each other, increases trust and level of security. Ever wonder how just the touching of lips can bind the two souls the way it does?
Two lips melt in a blissful fantasy, when touch each other give birth to a moment of pure joy, the joy of breathing each other, you feel like you have become a part of his breath, or you have absorb a part of his breath inside you. Some women believe kissing is even more intimate then making love, cause it is deprived of satisfaction yet it makes you a part of each other, hence making it more passionate yet unsatisfied, it leaves you craving and craving for more.
Philip Pullella

The Vatican said on Thursday it would take legal action to stop the distribution of a photo montage in an advertisement by the Italian fashion firm Benetton showing Pope Benedict kissing an imam on the mouth.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, Canada
The Town of Lunenburg, in Nova Scotia, Canada, was formally established in 1753 as the first British Colonial settlement in Nova Scotia outside of Halifax.
Houses, businesses, churches and public buildings from the late 1700s and particularly early 1800s are still being used today.
Houses, businesses, churches and public buildings from the late 1700s and particularly early 1800s are still being used today.
Andrew Scott Cooper
The American economy’s chronic addiction to cheap oil is obvious. Less well known is the story of when that addiction began and why the United States became so reliant in particular on Saudi Arabia for its continued goodwill and cooperation. The same is true of America’s toxic relationship with Iran. The two countries have been at each other’s throats for so long now that it seems hard to believe they were ever allies—let alone partners in a secret contingency plan to invade Saudi Arabia and seize its oil wealth. Until these tensions are resolved, and until both countries come to terms with their complicated shared history, it seems inevitable that the tree of American-Iranian relations will bear poisoned fruit for many years to come.
Laval Hunsucker
Most of us will often have encountered discussions of whether librarianship is or is not a profession, which sometimes go on, and on ..., on the question to what acknowledged professions it can then justifiably be compared. Many are adduced, but rarely or never mentioned is the one profession to which I myself believe that librarianship can best be compared -- that of the clergy. I could never see librarians as being in essence very much like physicians, or nurses, or engineers, or lawyers, or pilots, or good teachers, or even architects, though perhaps a little like accountants, but they *are* very much like priests, it seems to me, in very many respects. Fletcher was pretty much on the mark in his inclination to look at library systems and services as a kind of religion. And indeed, if they were already a religion back then, such may well be even more the case now than it was in his time.
William J. Fletcher
... any idea or notion which is held as a matter of belief, and which is based on authority and accepted without reason, or the application to it of that ground principle in all good work - common sense.
... I do not intend to intimate that the ... catalog is a thing to be disbelieved in and rejected, but rather to suggest that it has the character of a superstition in so far as it is accepted and religiously carried out on grounds that are traditional, rather than on any intelligent conviction that it meets present needs and is good for the future needs for which we must make provision.
I am a woman guilty of a lifelong love affair with words and books; I love the way words feel rolling around in my mouth, and occasionally have wild dalliances with the ones that spill from my pen. As books and words expect no monogamy, I am left free to have wild flings with the words of writers new and old. This allows me the opportunity to fall in love with poems and stories on a regular basis, and to keep my lovers folded in my wallet for convenient consumption.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Steve Geller
Most of the quotes were collected because I like the messages or lessons they had in them. They each inspired me in some way. I placed the first quote in that position for a reason. If you read the first entry and understand the meaning behind it, you will understand why I collected the quotes. Not everyone will agree with every quote I collected. But the first entry will speak for me. My hope is that other people can find the same lessons and wisdom that I did, and maybe even ones I have not seen. I hope they will be meaningful to others.
Yann Le Guernigou

Nicolas Sarkozy: "I cannot bear Netanyahu, he's a liar."
Barack Obama: "You're fed up with him, but I have to deal with him even more often than you."
human being
Nikolaus Geyrhalter
Unser täglich Brot / Our Daily Bread / いのちの食べかた / Хлеб наш насущный
modern times
Chun Siong Soon, Marcel Brass, Hans-Jochen Heinze, John-Dylan Haynes
There has been a long controversy as to whether subjectively ‘free’ decisions are determined by brain activity ahead of time. We found that the outcome of a decision can be encoded in brain activity of prefrontal and parietal cortex up to 10 s before it enters awareness. This delay presumably reflects the operation of a network of high-level control areas that begin to prepare an upcoming decision long before it enters awareness.
The impression that we are able to freely choose between different possible courses of action is fundamental to our mental life. However, it has been suggested that this subjective experience of freedom is no more than an illusion and that our actions are initiated by unconscious mental processes long before we become aware of our intention to act.
human being
The analogy with a digital computer has energised and strongly influenced our thinking about the human mind for at least sixty years, beginning with Turing’s seminal paper of 1950, ‘Computing machinery and intelligence’, and gaining in influence as computers became first real, and then ubiquitous. Whether or not you like the analogy, I think you’d have to concede that it has often set the terms of the discussion over recent decades. Yet we’ve never got it quite clear, and in some respects we’ve almost always got it wrong.
In particular, I’d like to suggest: consciousness is an output, not processing.
human being
Jacob Grimm, Wilhelm Grimm
Jason Ditz
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has been hyping an impending release of “evidence” of a clandestine nuclear weapons program in Iran for awhile, but now diplomats are leaking parts of the evidence to the media in an effort to get people talking.
This is a particularly bad time for major “evidence” to come to light, as Israeli and US officials are once again in one of their periods of hyping a possible impending attack on Iran, and it will only fuel that speculation.
But the reality is, the “evidence” leaked so far appears fairly minimal even as it is being touted as particualrly damning. Reports will allege that Iran has conducted some computer simulations of nuclear explosions.
UN way

Kaveh L Afrasiabi
The head of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Yukiya Amano, confirmed recent allegations on WikiLeaks of his intense loyalty to the United States, by traveling to Washington ahead of the much-anticipated release of his new report on Iran.
While the details of Amano's consultation with Washington higher-ups remain confidential, the avalanche of media speculation regarding the content of his upcoming November 9 report, including details of an appendix suggesting Iran's proliferation activity at a military complex in Tehran, leave no doubt that the United Nations' atomic agency is fully in league with the United States and its Western and Israeli allies' intention to ratchet up pressure on Tehran to relent on its current nuclear activities, or face dire consequences.
UN way
Kiyoshi Takenaka, Caren Bohan
Japan has denied a White House statement that Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda told U.S. President Barack Obama he would put all goods and services on the negotiating table for trade liberalisation.
The White House stood by its statement, issued on Saturday, despite Japan's denial.
Peter Vallentyne
Libertarianism, in the strict sense, is the moral view that agents initially fully own themselves and have certain moral powers to acquire property rights in external things. In a looser sense, libertarianism is any view that approximates the strict view. This entry will focus on libertarianism in the strict sense.
Libertarian Socialism
Roderick T. Long
For the purposes of this essay, I propose to define as libertarian any political position that advocates a radical redistribution of power from the coercive state to voluntary associations of free individuals. This definition draws the boundaries of libertarianism rather more expansively than is customary, and includes under the libertarian aegis a number of conflicting positions. For example, my definition does not specify whether this redistribution of power is to be total or merely substantial, and so allows both anarchists and nonanarchists to count as libertarians; it also does not specify whether the criteria for "voluntary association" can be met by communal cooperatives, or market exchanges, or both, and so grants the libertarian label indifferently to socialists (of the anti-statist variety) and capitalists (of the anti-statist variety).
Libertarian Socialism
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Urban Dictionary
Libertarian Socialism: Not an oxymoron. In fact, the term "libertarian" was first used by a French anarcho-communist back in 1857 to describe himself (an anarchist). The modern term libertarianism (economic freedoms) was originally called liberalism. The term "libertarian" describes liberty (thus, the term is also used to describe metaphysical liberty within philosophy and metaphysics), and the term socialism describes a society in which wealth is fairly distributed. Thus, it is neither a literal nor a practical contradiction.
A libertarian socialist would argue that a society based on such huge disparities of wealth is unfree. If you wish to enter into employment, you choose first and take orders later (as with liberal democracy). Libertarian socialists believe in voluntary association and economic democracy. This will allow the individual to reach his/her full potential.
Libertarian Socialism
Ulli Diemer
There is only one reason for being a revolutionary - because it is the best way to live.
We don't know if we'll win: history is made by human beings, and where human beings are concerned, nothing is inevitable. But because people do make history, we know that it is possible to build a new world, and we strive to realize that possibility.
Libertarian Socialism
Mikhail Bakunin
Nationality is not a universal human principle but an historical, local fact…Every nation, even a small one, has its own character, its own particular way of life and manner of speaking, feeling, thinking, and behaving. These distinctive features are the essence of nationality, the product of a nation’s entire history and conditions of existence. Every nation, like every individual, is of necessity what it is, and has an unquestionable right to be itself. So-called national rights consist precisely of this.
African proverb
If you educate a boy, you educate an individual. If you educate a girl, you educate a community.
human rights and democracy
Janice Y. K. Lee
“You can call me Prudence, though,” she says. Her long arms are draped around his shoulders and her jasmine scent is overwhelming him.
“I think I won’t,” he says.
“I’m terribly strong,” she whispers. “I hope I don’t destroy you.”
He laughs.
“Don’t worry about that,” he says. But later, he wonders.
Nujood Ali, Delphine Minoui
My head is spinning — I’ve never seen so many people in my whole life. In the yard outside the courthouse, a crowd is bustling around in every direction: men in suits and ties with bunches of yellowed files tucked under their arms; other men wearing the zanna, the traditional ankle-length tunic of the villages of northern Yemen; and then all these women, shouting and weeping so loudly that I can’t understand a word.
I’d love to read their lips to find out what they’re saying, but the niqabs that match their long black robes hide everything except their big, round eyes. The women seem furious, as if a tornado had just destroyed their houses. I try to listen closely.
I can catch only a few words — childcare, justice, human rights — and I’m not really sure what they mean. Not far away from me is a broad- shouldered giant wearing his turban jammed down to his eyes; he’s carrying a plastic bag full of documents and telling anyone who will listen that he has come here to try to get back some land that was stolen from him. He’s dashing around like a frantic rabbit, and he almost runs right into me.
I’d love to read their lips to find out what they’re saying, but the niqabs that match their long black robes hide everything except their big, round eyes. The women seem furious, as if a tornado had just destroyed their houses. I try to listen closely.
I can catch only a few words — childcare, justice, human rights — and I’m not really sure what they mean. Not far away from me is a broad- shouldered giant wearing his turban jammed down to his eyes; he’s carrying a plastic bag full of documents and telling anyone who will listen that he has come here to try to get back some land that was stolen from him. He’s dashing around like a frantic rabbit, and he almost runs right into me.
human rights and democracy
Tom Franklin
One day our descendants will think it incredible that we paid so much attention to things like the amount of melanin in our skin or the shape of our eyes or our gender instead of the unique identities of each of us as complex human beings.
Salvador Plasencia
Antonio split the spines of books, spilling leaves of Austen and Cervantes, sheets from Leviticus and Judges, all mixing with the pages of The Book of Incandescent Light. Then Antonio unrolled the wrapping paper and construction paper and began to cut at the cardboard and then fold.
She was the first to be created: cardboard legs, cellophane appendix, and paper breasts. Created not from the rib of a man but from paper scraps. There was no all-powerful god who could part the rivers of Pison and Gihon, but instead a twice-retired old man with cuts across his fingers.
Antonio was passed out on the floor, flakes of paper stuck to the sweat of his face and arms, unable to hear the sound of expanding paper as she rose. His hands were bloody, pooling the ink of his body on the floor, staining his pants. She stepped over her creator, spreading his blood across the polished floor, and then walked out of the factory and into the storm. The print of her arms smeared; her soaked feet tattered as they scrapped against wet pavement and turned her toes to pulp.
She was the first to be created: cardboard legs, cellophane appendix, and paper breasts. Created not from the rib of a man but from paper scraps. There was no all-powerful god who could part the rivers of Pison and Gihon, but instead a twice-retired old man with cuts across his fingers.
Antonio was passed out on the floor, flakes of paper stuck to the sweat of his face and arms, unable to hear the sound of expanding paper as she rose. His hands were bloody, pooling the ink of his body on the floor, staining his pants. She stepped over her creator, spreading his blood across the polished floor, and then walked out of the factory and into the storm. The print of her arms smeared; her soaked feet tattered as they scrapped against wet pavement and turned her toes to pulp.
Geoff Dyer
He* played each note as though astonished by the previous one, as though every touch of his fingers on the keyboard was correcting an error and this touch in turn became an error to be corrected and so the tune never quite ended up the way it was meant to.
*: Thelonious Monk
W. R. Wilson

Women enjoyed high status in Etruria and paintings show them prominently in every aspect of life.
Etruscans are an enigma wrapped in a mystery because unlike other vanished peoples, they do not speak to us through their writings.
human rights and democracy
Leo Notenbloom
Welcome to the world of viruses where you can get the blame for someone else's infection.
Friday, November 11, 2011
The Danakil Desert lies in the Afar Triangle. It extends into the north-east of Ethiopia, the south of Eritrea and into much of Djibouti. It is the homeland of the Afar people. It is known for its extreme heat. The deepest point in the desert lies up to 100 m below sea level in the Danakil Depression. The Danakil Desert's main industry is salt mining, while it is also home to wildlife, including African Wild Asses.
Many volcanoes exist in the region, including Erta Ale and the Dabbahu Volcano. It was named by National Geographic as the "Cruelest Place on Earth".
Ann Wright
I fully support the right of US military personnel who, in acts of conscience, refuse to go to a war of aggression, a war crime.
american way
Brad Fitzpatrick
There are an increasing number of new "social applications" as well as traditional application which either require the "social graph" or that could provide better value to users by utilizing information in the social graph. What I mean by "social graph" is a the global mapping of everybody and how they're related, as Wikipedia describes and I talk about in more detail later. Unfortunately, there doesn't exist a single social graph (or even multiple which interoperate) that's comprehensive and decentralized. Rather, there exists hundreds of disperse social graphs, most of dubious quality and many of them walled gardens.
im addicted
Techcrunch has a pretty strong line on Pinboard. The title of their review gives it away. If you want to know a bit more about Pinboard then take a look at Back To Basics: Ditch Delicious, Use Pinboard.
I’m not sure I agree. The value of social bookmarking sites is heavily rooted in the network effect. Otherwise, they’re not really social bookmarking sites, just online bookmarking. In delicious‘s case they still have a big enough crowd for a popular link to really mean something, and enough of a bookmark base to power a really slick suggestion engine.
Right now Pinboard doesn’t have either of those. That’s not to say it’s worth skipping over.
There’s no spammers (yet). It’s not a juicy enough target (yet), presently pagerank 0. The small entry fee is a deterrent to the people who would usually register dozens of accounts to make hundreds of bookmarks to their network of sites.
Delicious’s advantage of its huge user base powering its tag suggestion engine can be harnessed with a little help of greasemonkey. On the same day I registered I cobbled together a quick script that puts delicious tag suggestions into the pinboard bookmark popup. I’m sure eventually delicious will put a stop to it, but in a couple months I expect it to be moot, Pinboard will have the community necessary to power their tag suggestion engine.
Pinboard is simple and elegant but occasionally I’ll still go back to delicious for their popular page. If a resource makes it onto there it’s generally authorative. For my bookmarks I think I’ll stick to Pinboard for now.
I’m not sure I agree. The value of social bookmarking sites is heavily rooted in the network effect. Otherwise, they’re not really social bookmarking sites, just online bookmarking. In delicious‘s case they still have a big enough crowd for a popular link to really mean something, and enough of a bookmark base to power a really slick suggestion engine.
Right now Pinboard doesn’t have either of those. That’s not to say it’s worth skipping over.
There’s no spammers (yet). It’s not a juicy enough target (yet), presently pagerank 0. The small entry fee is a deterrent to the people who would usually register dozens of accounts to make hundreds of bookmarks to their network of sites.
Delicious’s advantage of its huge user base powering its tag suggestion engine can be harnessed with a little help of greasemonkey. On the same day I registered I cobbled together a quick script that puts delicious tag suggestions into the pinboard bookmark popup. I’m sure eventually delicious will put a stop to it, but in a couple months I expect it to be moot, Pinboard will have the community necessary to power their tag suggestion engine.
Pinboard is simple and elegant but occasionally I’ll still go back to delicious for their popular page. If a resource makes it onto there it’s generally authorative. For my bookmarks I think I’ll stick to Pinboard for now.
Pinboard is a fast, no-nonsense bookmarking site.
We are obsessive about privacy and forever ad-free.
With Delicious you save, stack and share the web. Instantly save your favorite links, collect your discoveries in stacks, share what you find, and dig deeper into your favorite topics.
I have never seen a computer system which handles names properly and doubt one exists, anywhere.
So, as a public service, I’m going to list assumptions your systems probably make about names. All of these assumptions are wrong. Try to make less of them next time you write a system which touches names.
1. People have exactly one canonical full name.
2. People have exactly one full name which they go by.
3. People have, at this point in time, exactly one canonical full name.
4. People have, at this point in time, one full name which they go by.
5. People have exactly N names, for any value of N.
6. People’s names fit within a certain defined amount of space.
7. People’s names do not change.
40. People have names.
human being
Don’t call yourself a programmer: “Programmer” sounds like “anomalously high-cost peon who types some mumbo-jumbo into some other mumbo-jumbo.” If you call yourself a programmer, someone is already working on a way to get you fired.
Instead, describe yourself by what you have accomplished for previously employers vis-a-vis increasing revenues or reducing costs. If you have not had the opportunity to do this yet, describe things which suggest you have the ability to increase revenue or reduce costs, or ideas to do so.
There are many varieties of well-paid professionals who sling code but do not describe themselves as slinging code for a living. Quants on Wall Street are the first and best-known example: they use computers and math as a lever to make high-consequence decisions better and faster than an unaided human could, and the punchline to those decisions is “our firm make billions of dollars.” Successful quants make more in bonuses in a good year than many equivalently talented engineers will earn in a decade or lifetime.
Human Trafficking National Coordination Centre
What is human trafficking? Under the Criminal Code, it’s when someone is being exploited by different means such as force, coercion, threat, fraud, or deception. Victims will often find themselves in prostitution, forced labour or other forms of servitude.
The Centre has five priorities:
- Develop tools, protocols and guidelines to facilitate Human Trafficking investigations.
- Coordinate national awareness/training and anti-trafficking initiatives.
- Identify and maintain lines of communication, identify issues for integrated coordination and provide support
- Develop and maintain international partnerships and coordinate international initiatives.
- Coordinate intelligence and facilitate the dissemination of all sources of information/ intelligence.
human rights and democracy
Made By Survivors Network
Made By Survivors is the core program of Made By Survivors Network, a US based NGO that works internationally with survivors of slavery and human trafficking.
MBSN currently operates programs in six countries, with a concentration of programming in India and Nepal.
We currently sponsor 200 child survivors and children born into brothel communities to attend school for the first time.
Our beautiful fair trade jewelry items, handbags and gifts are made by survivors of slavery at shelters around the world, offering them sustainable income, dignity, and a bright future free of slavery.
human rights and democracy
David Batstone
I read in a local paper that one of my favorite Indian restaurants in the Bay Area had been trafficking women from India to wash dishes, cook meals and other tasks. The story came out when a young woman, Chianti Pratipatta died of a gas leak in an unventilated apartment owned by the proprietor of the restaurant, who forced Chianti and others into slavery under threat of reporting their illegal presence to the authorities.
This was happening in my country at a restaurant I frequented. My shock turned into a consuming passion that took me around the world to learn more about how slavery flourishes in the shadows.
I also learned about the solutions. I met heroes. Modern-day abolitionists fighting trafficking and slavery on the front lines. And I knew I had to do something. The Not for Sale Campaign combines technology, intellectual capital, abolitionist groups and a growing network of individuals like yourself – joined together to end slavery in our lifetime.
human rights and democracy
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Mark Knopfler
And what have you got at the end of the day?
What have you got to take away?
A bottle of whisky and a new set of lies
Blinds on the window and a pain behind the eyes
International Coffee Organization
Initially, the authorities in Yemen actively encouraged coffee drinking. The first coffeehouses or kaveh kanes opened in Mecca and quickly spread throughout the Arab world, thriving as places where chess was played, gossip was exchanged and singing, dancing and music were enjoyed. Nothing quite like this had existed before: a place where social and business life could be conducted in comfortable surroundings and where - for the price of a cup of coffee - anyone could venture. Perhaps predictably, the Arabian coffeehouse soon became a centre of political activity and was suppressed. Over the next few decades coffee and coffeehouses were banned numerous times but kept reappearing until eventually an acceptable way out was found when a tax was introduced on both.
- ... more than 22 million people around the world who produce the second most valuable lawfully traded commodity in the world: coffee.
- ... coffee is grown in 50 countries around the world.
- the market for coffee has always been affected by temporary swings in supply because of changes in weather patterns and the ravages of war, labor strife and other cyclical events.
- ... has increased growth in worldwide production of all types of coffee from 85.7 million bags in 1995/1996 to 117 million bags in 2001/02.
- lower prices, however, have not caused increased demand. ... supply far exceeds demand on a global basis.
- the market, as virtually every knowledgeable authority would agree, remains clearly oversupplied.
Human Rights Committee
Concluding observations of the Human Rights Committee
7. The Committee stresses that protection of human rights and human rights
standards are not determined by popularity polls. It is concerned by the
repeated use of popularity statistics to justify attitudes of the State party
that may violate its obligations under the Covenant.
human rights and democracy
Debito Arudou
... why is the government even asking whether non-Japanese deserve equal rights? Are human rights optional, a matter of opinion polls? And if a majority says foreigners deserve fewer rights, does that justify the current policy of resisting introducing laws against racial discrimination? ...
... in Q3, part 2, people who felt they had experienced discrimination were to choose from a conveniently-provided list of scourges: "false rumors, bad-mouthing by neighbors," "insults or defamation," "bad treatment from police," "violence, extortion," "false accusations of crime," "foul odors, noise pollution," "discriminatory treatment by race, creed, gender, and social status," "being excluded by your neighbors," "bad treatment at work," "your domestic utilities, such as gas or water, getting switched off," "bad treatment at public welfare facilities," "invasion of privacy," "sexual harassment," "stalking," "something else," and finally, "not sure, but something (nantonaku)".
And how about "foul odors"? Under this rubric, one could argue a stinky public toilet or a humid fart in an elevator is a violation of human rights! No wonder people have trouble taking human-rights activists seriously, when concepts even utilized by the government are so ill-defined.
... in Q3, part 2, people who felt they had experienced discrimination were to choose from a conveniently-provided list of scourges: "false rumors, bad-mouthing by neighbors," "insults or defamation," "bad treatment from police," "violence, extortion," "false accusations of crime," "foul odors, noise pollution," "discriminatory treatment by race, creed, gender, and social status," "being excluded by your neighbors," "bad treatment at work," "your domestic utilities, such as gas or water, getting switched off," "bad treatment at public welfare facilities," "invasion of privacy," "sexual harassment," "stalking," "something else," and finally, "not sure, but something (nantonaku)".
And how about "foul odors"? Under this rubric, one could argue a stinky public toilet or a humid fart in an elevator is a violation of human rights! No wonder people have trouble taking human-rights activists seriously, when concepts even utilized by the government are so ill-defined.
human rights and democracy
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