Sunday, October 9, 2011

Association for Civil Rights in Israel

The Nakba Law, officially titled “Budget Principles Law (Amendment 39) – Reducing Budgetary Support for Activities Contrary to the Principles of the State,” will enable a committee of bureaucrats from the Ministry of Finance to fine municipalities, public institutions, or publicly supported organizations – if they believe that these bodies oppose the interpretation of the term “Jewish and democratic State,” express feelings of mourning related to the Israeli Independence Day or the Nakba, or violate the symbols of the State.
Therefore, for example, it will be possible to fine cultural or educational institutions and local municipalities if they hold an event that gives artistic expression (or any other form of expression) to critical or alternative opinions. The actual meaning of this fine is the revocation of public funding, up to ten times the cost of the event in which the “offense” was committed.
The second bill to be brought for a final vote today is the Acceptance to Communities Bill, which will anchor discrimination and separatism in Israeli law by creating acceptance committees to villages of up to 400 family units in the Negev and Galilee regions.

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