Thursday, September 30, 2010

Rod Smyth

The Federal Reserve (Fed) is on the side of the stock investor and ultimately if Fed is successful, the thing they are buying, bonds, will suffer the most.
You believe the Fed cannot prevent deflation and that we’re going into deflation, that is the only reason you hold bonds.
If you believe that the Fed can’t generate growth, but they can prevent deflation, then the choice becomes easy—which is that stocks are yielding as much as bonds.
A global portfolio of stocks is as good a bet against bonds as it has been in 40 to 50 years.


ぱさぱさに乾いてゆく心を ひとのせいにはするな みずから水やりを怠っておいて
気難しくなってきたのを 友人のせいにはするな しなやかさを失ったのはどちらなのか
苛立つのを 近親のせいにはするな なにもかも下手だったのはわたくし
初心消えかかるのを 暮らしのせいにはするな そもそもがひよわな志しにすぎなかった
駄目なことの一切を 時代のせいにはするな わずかに光る尊厳の放棄
自分の感受性くらい 自分で守れ ばかものよ

Naws Evarb

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Coco Chanel

Les seuls beaux yeux sont ceux qui vous regardent avec tendresse.

Fire Island Lighthouse

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Montauk Lighthouse

Montauk Lighthouse

New York Times

A private equity-backed company in Maryland (Library Systems & Services) has taken over public libraries in ailing cities in California, Oregon, Tennessee and Texas, growing into the country’s fifth-largest library system.

Monday, September 27, 2010





Ruth Benedict

One of the best loved minor pleasures of the body in Japan is the hot bath. For the poorest rice farmer and the meanest servant, just as much as for the rich aristocrat, the daily soak in superlatively heated water is a part of the routine of every late afternoon. The commonest tub is a wooden barrel with a charcoal fire under it to keep the water heated to 110 degrees Fahrenheit and over. People wash and rinse themselves all over before they get into the tub and then give themselves over to their enjoyment of the warmth and relaxation of soaking. They sit in the bath with their knees drawn up in fetal position, the water up to their chins. They value the daily bath for cleanliness' sake as Americans do, but they add to this value a fine art of passive indulgence which is hard to duplicate in the bathing habits of the rest of the world. The older one is, they say, the more it grows on one.







William Gray Dixon

One fact is at once apparent ; there is a universal air of good humour. Nothing is more noticeable among the crowd than this. The cares of the world evidently press lightly upon them ; they seem less alive than Europeans to the stern realities of life.
None wears that intense distracted look so common in a Western city throng. They form a smiling, contented crowd, from the shaven-headed old grand-dame to the crowing baby. To look at them — man, woman, boy, girl alike — one might fancy there was no such thing as sorrow in the world.
It is not by any means contended that the Japanese may never look miserable. But the fact remains, that among this people there is nothing which so strikes and so wins a stranger as this aspect of geniality.

Basil Hall Chamberlain

Yes, we repeat it, Old Japan is dead and gone, and Young Japan reigns in its stead, as opposed in appearance and in aims to its predecessor as history shows many a youthful prince to have been to the late king, his father. The steam-whistle, the newspaper, the voting-paper, the pillar-post at every street-corner and even in remote villages, the clerk in shop or bank or public office hastily summoned from our side to answer the ring of the telephone bell, the railway replacing the palanquin, the iron-clad replacing the war-junk, these and a thousand other startling changes testify that Japan is transported ten thousand miles away from her former moorings. She is transported out of her patriarchal calm into the tumult of Western competition, a competition active right along the line, in diplomacy and war, in industries, in shipping, possibly even in colonisation.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Edwin Arnold

... the nearest earthly approach to Paradise or to Lotus-land, so fairy-like, is its scenery, so exquisite its art, so much more lovely still that almost divine sweetness of disposition, that charm of demeanour, that politeness humble without servility and elaborate without affectation, which place Japan high above all other countries in nearly all those things that make life worth living.

Hendrick Conrad Joannes Heusken


Arthur H. Crow

This village in appearance might belong to Switzerland were it not for its nut-brown, nude inhabitants, who are now, with their children, gossiping in the single street, enjoying a rest in the cool of the twilight after their hot day's work. A rippling crystal brook runs down the centre of the street, a never-failing source of cleanliness and health. It is crossed here and there by little stone bridges, and supplies a few tanks, to which girls are constantly running with wood buckets wherewith to supply the evening tub. Everybody seems to be utilizing the brook for something or other.
The apparent sociability and happiness of this little community is quite a pleasure to see. While waiting outside the Ken- cho's house, the whole of the children gathered around us, laughing, chasing each other, and playing the same infantile pranks out little ones at home are so fond of. This spirit of fun was rather a surprise to us, as the generality of children we have so far seen in Japan were grave, old-fashioned little things, quite above any mischief. Many of the little girls had babies on their backs, sometimes almost as large as themselves, though in this instance it did not prevent them from indulging in a game very like " tick."




Search is how Google began, and it's at the heart of what we do today. We devote more engineering time to search than to any other product at Google, because we believe that search can always be improved. We are constantly working to provide you with more relevant results so that you find what you're looking for faster. To that end, we've added services such as personalized search, which tailors results for you if you are signed in to your Google account.

Paul Claudel




«Пирамида» является одной из наиболее разносторонних команд КВН, демонстрируя широкий спектр номеров, начиная от социальных и студенческих номеров, близких жителям России независимо от места проживания, и заканчивая выступлениями с национальной осетинской спецификой. Для сравнения, другая, не менее популярная команда с Кавказа, «Нарты из Абхазии», концентрируется на шутках, связанных с Абхазией, в то время как осетинская команда является более утонченным сплавом мульти-культурного юмора и не зависит всецело от привязок к родному географическому региону.

Frank Lloyd Wright

At last I had found one country on earth where simplicity, as natural, is supreme. The floors of these Japanese homes are all made to live on — to sleep on, to kneel and eat from, to kneel upon soft silken mats and meditate upon. On which to play the flute, or to make love.



Saturday, September 25, 2010

Geraldine Brooks

What war has done to March himself is left unstated. It is in this void that I have let my imagination work.

The brave man, the real hero, quakes with terror, sweats, feels his very bowels betray him, and in spite of this moves forward to do the act he dreads...Sometimes, true courage requires inaction; that one sit at home while war rages, if by doing so one satisfies the quiet voice of honorable conscience.

I've always imagined paradise as something like a library.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Georges Brassens

Mourir pour des idé's, l'idée est excellente.
Moi, j'ai failli mourir de ne l'avoir pas eu',
Car tous ceux qui l'avaient, multitude accablante,
En hurlant à la mort me sont tombés dessus.
Ils on su me convaincre et ma muse insolente,
Abjurant ses erreurs, se rallie à leur foi
Avec un soupçon de réserve toutefois:
Mourons pour des idées, d'accord, mais de mort lente,
D'accord, mais de mort lente.

Peter Green

There is no gift on earth
That I could give you
I find myself just longing
To be with you
For you - just for you
For you - just for you
I belong to no other
Just as long as you're around dear
No time can match the feeling
That I have found here

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Eberhard von Kuenheim

Wettbewerb ist mehr und mehr eine Frage richtiger Beherrschbarkeit von Zeit. Nicht die Großen fressen die Kleinen, sondern die Schnellen überholen die Langsamen.

Erhard Wiehn

Was nicht aufgeschrieben ist, wird vergessen, als ob es nie geschehen wäre.

Michael Ignatieff

Four types of explanation for American exceptionalism ... :
  • a realist one, based in America’s exceptional power;
  • a cultural one, related to an American sense of Providential destiny;
  • an institutional one, based in America’s specific institutional organization; and finally
  • a political one, related to the supposedly distinctive conservatism and individualism of American political culture.

Michael Signer

If history teaches us anything, it's that the demagogue always lies in wait. Given a momentary opportunity, he will take hold and invade the body politic. Only vigilance among the people will keep him at bay and expand the reign of liberty. America can help save democracy in its eternal struggle with the demagogue. We can help slow, if not stop altogether, the cycle of regimes. And we can add to the victories of humanity's better angels over our own worst demons. Our unique position in the community of nations, and our extraordinary history, demands, once again, that we strike out on the path to true freedom.

Otto von Bismarck

God has a special providence for fools, drunks and the United States of America.

Andrei Cherny

Since our founding, Americans have seen our country's mission as bringing democracy to people around the world. The past few years have seen a lot of debate about how to spread democracy, but almost none about how to keep it alive in places where it is under attack.

Michael Lind

The demagogue is the only enemy of democracy who pretends to be its friend.

J. R. R. Tolkien

Suddenly another voice spoke, low and melodious, its very sound an enchantment. Those who listened unwarily to that voice could seldom report the words that they heard; and if they did, they wondered, for little power remained in them. Mostly they remembered only that it was a delight to hear the voice speaking, all that it said seemed wise and reasonable, and desire awoke in them by swift agreement to seem wise themselves. When others spoke they seemed harsh and uncouth by contrast; and if they gainsaid the voice, anger was kindled in the hearts of those under the spell. For some the spell lasted only while the voice spoke to them, and when it spake to another they smiled, as men do who see through a juggler's trick while others gape at it. For many the sound of the voice alone was enough to hold them enthralled; but for those whom it conquered the spell endured when they were far away, and ever they heard that soft voice whispering and urging them. But none were unmoved; none rejected its pleas and its commands without an effort of mind and will, so long as its master had control of it.

Scott Adams

You can never underestimate the stupidity of the general public.

James M. McPherson

If a man's name was drawn in this lottery, one of several things would happen to him next — the least likely of which was induction into the army. Of the men chosen in the four drafts, more than one-fifth (161,000 of 776,000) "failed to report" — fleeing instead to the West, to Canada, or to the woods. Of those who did report to the provost marshal's office, one-eighth were sent home because of already filled quotas. Three-fifths of the remaining 522,000 were exempted for physical or mental disability or because they convinced the inducting officer that they were the sole means of support for a widow, an orphan sibling, a motherless child, or an indigent parent. Unlike the Confederate Congress, Union lawmakers allowed no occupational exemptions. But a draftee who passed the physical exam and could not claim any dependent relatives still had two options: he could hire a substitute, which exempted him from this and any future draft; or he could pay a commutation of $300, which exempted him from this draft but not necessarily the next one. Of the 207,000 men who were drafted, 87,000 paid the commutation fee and 74,000 furnished substitutes, leaving only 46,000 who went personally into the army.

Monday, September 20, 2010





John Beck

Our brains are limited. The world is vast, yet we as humans have done a fairly good job of using our relatively small brains to do some pretty amazing things. Surprisingly, we do not get completely overwhelmed by all the information available. And we have managed to make correct – or at least adequate – decisions with fair regularity on our way to greatness.
To accomplish this amazing feat, we have developed an uncanny ability to create relatively simple models of the world around us. These models funnel all that vast information into more manageable categories.
Here is a brief introduction to the Eight Great Goods – in roughly the order most people in the world see those around them prioritising the eight. They are:
  • Life (health, nutrition, having children, nature, staying alive);
  • Growth (economic success, material well-being, gainful employment);
  • Society (social relations, nation, community, workplace, family, friends);
  • Stability (routine, safety, rule of law, predictability);
  • Joy (entertainment, sports, fun, beauty, amusement, learning);
  • Belief (religion, spirituality, higher power);
  • Individuality (privacy, recognition, ownership, voice, dignity); and
  • Fairness (rights, equality, sharing).

Sunday, September 19, 2010


草も木も 色かはれども わたつみの 浪の花にぞ 秋なかりける

Thomas W. Pogge

We cannot, conceptually or causally, evaluate what we are doing to others without understanding the structure of the ground rules that give meaning to our actions and omissions and determine their (often remote) repercussions.

John Mayer

Everyone believes, in how they think it ought to be
Everyone believes, and they're not going easily
Belief is a beautiful armor, but makes for the heaviest sword
Like punching under water, you never can hit who you're trying for
Some need the exhibition, and some have to know they tried
It's the chemical weapon, for the war that's raging on inside
Everyone believes, from emptiness to everything
Everyone believes, and no ones going quietly
We're never gonna win the world
We're never gonna stop the war
We're never gonna beat this
If belief is what we're fighting for
What puts a hundred thousand children in the sand
Belief can, belief can
What puts the folded flag inside his mother's hand
Belief can, belief can

British Library

The British Library’s strategic vision is to 'provide both physical and digital access to world-class information where and when people need it'.
More and more people expect to find the answers to their questions instantly, just a click away from a Google search.
We intend to be at the centre of this new world by creating a critical mass of digital content. We will do this by collecting new published works in digital form and by digitising more and more of our unparalleled physical collections. We will, of course, continue to respect the rights of content creators and publishers by ensuring that we only use content in ways that are permitted to us.

House on Chase Creek

Dave Matthews band and Warren Haynes


you live once, seriously, even if you have less friends, you deserve to be with good people for you.


Friday, September 17, 2010

Garry Bonner, Alan Gordon

I can't see me loving nobody but you
For all my life
When you are with me, baby the skies will be blue
For all my life

Me and you and you and me
No matter how they toss the dice, it has to be
The only one for me is you, and you for me
So happy together


Wednesday, September 15, 2010




You are my light in the dark
You are the beating in my heart
But that is not enough, will I ever be by your side

Your hair is dancing in the wind
Your eyes are burning up my skin
And I'm so happy when I see, that you are smiling back at me

Paulo Coelho

When you are in love, things make even more sense, he thought.

Francis Bacon

Knowledge is power.

Anne Fontaine

Ukrainian Institute

SculptTheNewYou (Monica Sheehan, Pasquale Catalano)


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Blaise Pascal

Il est dangereux de dire au peuple que les lois ne sont pas justes, car il n’y obéit qu’à cause qu’il les croit justes. C’est pourquoi il lui faut dire en même temps qu’il y faut obéir parce qu’elles sont lois, comme il faut obéir aux supérieurs non pas parce qu’ils sont justes, mais parce qu’ils sont supérieurs. Par là voilà toute sédition prévenue, si on peut faire entendre cela et que proprement c’est la définition de la justice.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Monday, September 13, 2010

The Washington Post

Aamer, Shaker Abdur-Raheem (Saudi Arabia)
Abasin, Said (Afghanistan)
Abbas, Muhammad (Pakistan)
Abbasi, Feroz (UK)
Abd, Allah Ab Aljalil Abdal Rahman (Yemen)
Abderrahmane, Slimane Hadj (Denmark)
Abdoh AKA Al Hag, Atag Ali (Yemen)
Abdul Rahman, Wesam (Jordan)
Abdullah, Abu (Algeria)
Abdullah, Ahmad (Morocco)
Abdullah, Jamal (Uganda)
Abdullah, Noorudeen (Morocco)
Abdulraheem, Othman (Yemen)
Abdulsalam, Reswan (Morocco)
Agha, Ismail (Afghanistan)
Ahmad, Ali (Pakistan)
Ahmad, Ejaz (Pakistan)
Ahmad, Rashid Hasan (Sudan)
Ahmed, Hamed Abderrahman (Spain)
Ahmed, Faluvi Abdullah (Yemen)
Ahmed, Faruq Ali (Yemen)
Ahmed, Ruhal (UK)
Ahmed, Sarfaraz (Pakistan)
Ait Idir, Mustapha 6 (Algeria)
Akhmyarov, Rustam (Russia)
Al Adahi, Mohamed (Yemen)
Al Ajmi, Abdullah Saleh Ali (Kuwait)
Al Anazi, Abdullah (Saudi Arabia)
Al Areeni, Khalid (Saudi Arabia)
Al Asadi, Mohamed Ahmed (Yemen)
Al Aseemi, Fahd Sultan Ubaid (Saudi Arabia)
Al Askari, Mohsin Ali (Yemen)
Al Asmar, Khalid (Jordan)
Al Assani, Fahmi Salem (Yemen)
Al Azmi, Saad Madai Saad (Kuwait)
Al Azraq, Majid Hamoud (Yemen)
Al Baasi, Mohsin Abdullah (Yemen)
Al Badaah, Abdul Aziz bin Abdur Rahman (Saudi Arabia)
Al Bahlul, Ali Hamza Ahmed Sulayman (Yemen)
Al Bahooth, Ziyad bin Salih bin Muhammad (Saudi Arabia)
Al Baidhani, Abdulkhaliq (Yemen)
Al Banna, Jamil (Jordan)
Al Barakati, Khalid (Saudi Arabia)
Al Blooshi, Salah Abdul Rasool (Bahrain)
Al Busayss, Adil Said Al Haj Obeid (Yemen)
Al Darbi, Ahmed (Yemen)
Al Dhabbi, Khalid Mohamed Saleh (Yemen)
Al Dhabi, Salah Mohamed Saleh (Yemen)
Al Dihani, Mohammed Funaitel (Kuwait)
Al Dini, Omar Saeed (Yemen)
Al Dossary, Juma Mohammed (Bahrain)
Al Fawzan, Fahd Fawzan (Saudi Arabia)
Al Fifi, Jaber (Saudi Arabia)
Al Fouzan, Fahd (Saudi Arabia)
Al Ghaith, Abdurahman ba (Yemen)
Al Ghamdi, Abdur Rahman Uthman (Saudi Arabia)
Al Ghamdi, Khalaf Awad (Saudi Arabia)
Al Ghamdi, Saeed Farhah (Saudi Arabia)
Al Ghamdi, Zaid (Saudi Arabia)
Al Ghanimi, Abdullah Muhammad Salih (Saudi Arabia)
Al Habardi, Mane Shaman (Saudi Arabia)
Al Habashi, Raafat (Yemen)
Al Haj, Sarqawi (Yemen)
Al Hamd, Adel Saleh (Yemen)
Al Harbi, Ibrahim Daifullah (Saudi Arabia)
Al Harbi, Tariq (Saudi Arabia)
Al Hassan, Sameer Naji (Yemen)
Al Ilmi, Muhammad (Morocco)
Al Jowfi, Rashid (Saudi Arabia)
Al Juaid, Rami Sad (Saudi Arabia)
Al Judaan, Hamood (Saudi Arabia)
Al Juhani, Badr (Saudi Arabia)
Al Juhdali, Ziyad (Saudi Arabia)
Al Jutaili, Fahd bin Salih bin Sulaiman (Saudi Arabia)
Al Kaabi, Jamil Ali (Saudi Arabia)
Al Kandari, Abdullah kamel bin Abdullah Kamal (Kuwait)
Al Kandari, Fayiz Mohammed Ahmed (Kuwait)
Al Kazimi, Ali Nasser (Yemen)
Al Khalafi or Khalaqi, Asim (Saudi Arabia)
Al Khalidi, Sulaiman (Saudi Arabia)
Al Khalifa, Shaikh Salman bin Ebrahim (Bahrain)
Al Khowlani, Idrees (Saudi Arabia)
Al Kouri, Farouq Ahmed (Yemen)
Al Maaliki, Sad (Saudi Arabia)
Al Mahdi, Ali Yahya Mahdi (Yemen)
Al Madhoni, Musaab (Yemen)
Al Marrah, Khalid (Saudi Arabia)
Al Marri, Jarallah (Qatar)
Al Marwallah, Bishir Naser Ali (Yemen)
Al Matari, Fahd Al Haimi (Yemen)
Al Matrafi, Abdullah (Saudi Arabia)
Al Merbati, Isa (Bahrain)
Al Mosleh, Abdullah Hamid (Saudi Arabia)
Al Muhajiri, Abdulmajeed (Yemen)
Al Muhammad, Mahmood (Syria)
Al Mujahid, Mahmoud Abdulaziz (Yemen)
Al Muraqi, Khalid bin Abdullah (Saudi Arabia)
Al Musa, Abdul Wahab (Saudi Arabia)
Al Mutairi, Khalid Abdullah Mishal (Kuwait)
Al Mutairi, Nasser Nijer Naser (Kuwait)
Al Naimi, Abdulla Majid (Bahrain)
Al Nasir, Ibrahim Muhammad (Saudi Arabia)
Al Nukhailan, Naif (Saudi Arabia)
Al Nur, Anwar Hamdan (Saudi Arabia )
Al Nusairi, Adil Uqla Hasan (Saudi Arabia)
Al Odah, Fawzi Khalid Abdullah Fahad (Kuwait)
Al Omar, Wasm Awad Al Wasm (Saudi Arabia)
Al Omari, Musa bin Ali bin Saeed (Saudi Arabia)
Al Otaiba, Bandar (Saudi Arabia)
Al Owshan, Abdul Aziz Sad (Saudi Arabia)
Al Owshan, Saleh bin Abdullah (Saudi Arabia)
Al Owshan, Sulieman (Saudi Arabia)
Al Qaaid, Rashid (Saudi Arabia)
Al Qadasi, Khalid Massah (Yemen)
Al Qadasi, Walid (Yemen)
Al Qahtani, Abdullah Hamid al Muslih (Saudi Arabia)
Al Qahtani, Jaber Hasan (Saudi Arabia)
Al Qahtani, Mohamed (Saudi Arabia)
Al Qahtani, Sad (Saudi Arabia)
Al Qosi, Ibrahim Ahmed Mahmoud (Sudan)
Al Qurashi, Muhammad Abdur-Rahman Abid (Saudi Arabia)
Al Rabahi, Abdullah Ameen (Yemen)
Al Rabeesh, Yusuf (Saudi Arabia)
Al Rabiah, Fwad Mahmoud (Kuwait)
Al Rahabi, Abdulmalik Abdulwahhab (Yemen)
Al Raimi, Ali Yahya Mahdi (Yemen)
Al Raimi, Ismail Ali (Yemen)
Al Rawi, Bisher (Iraq)
Al Razehi, Ali Ahmed Muhammad (Yemen)
Al Salami, Ali Abdullah (Yemen)
Al Salami, Saleh Abdullah (Yemen)
Al Samh, Adil Abu (Yemen)
Al Sarim, Saeed Ahmed (Yemen)
Al Sayegh, Adnan Muhammad Ali (Saudi Arabia)
Al Shabani, Fahd Abdullah (Saudi Arabia)
Al Shahrani, Muhammad bin Abdur Rahman (Saudi Arabia)
Al Shaibani, Bandar (Saudi Arabia)
Al Shamiri, Mustafa (Yemen)
Al Shammari, Abdulaziz SayerOwain (Kuwait)
Al Shammari, Majid Afas Radi Al Tumi (Saudi Arabia)
Al Shammari, Zain (Saudi Arabia)
Al Shamri, Anwar Hamdan al Noor (Saudi Arabia)
Al Shaqoori, Usamah (Morocco)
Al Shaqoori, Yunus (Morocco)
Al Shareef, Fahd Umar (Saudi Arabia)
Al Shareef, Sultan (Saudi Arabia)
Al Sharikh, Abdul Hadi (Saudi Arabia)
Al Sharikh, Abdur Razaq (Saudi Arabia)
Al Shehri, Abdus Salam Ghaithan (Saudi Arabia)
Al Shehri, Saeed Ali Jabir ale Khuthaim (Saudi Arabia)
Al Shehri, Salim (Saudi Arabia)
Al Shehri, Yusuf Muhammad (Saudi Arabia)
Al Siblie, Abdullah Yahya Yousuf (Yemen)
Al Suwaidi, Abdulaziz (Yemen)
Al Towlaqi, Fahmi (Yemen)
Al Umar, Ibrahim bin Umar (Saudi Arabia)
Al Unzi, Abdullah Thani Faris Al Sulami (Saudi Arabia)
Al Unzi, Khalid (Saudi Arabia)
Al Unzi, Rakan (Saudi Arabia)
Al Unzi, Sultan Sari Saail (Saudi Arabia)
Al Utaibi, Bajad bin Daifillah (Saudi Arabia)
Al Utaibi, Bandar (Saudi Arabia)
Al Utaibi, Muhammad Suroor (Saudi Arabia)
Al Utaibi, Naif Fahd Al Aseemi (Saudi Arabia)
Al Warifi, Mukhtaar (Yemen)
Al Yafii, Al Khadir Abdullah (Yemen)
Al Zahrani, Khalid (Saudi Arabia)
Al Zahrani, Sad Ibrahim Ramzi al-Jundubi (Saudi Arabia)
Al Zahrani, Yasser Talal (Saudi Arabia)
Al Zamil, Adil Zamil Abdull Mohssin (Kuwait)
Al Zuhairi, Ahmed Zaid (Yemen)
Al-Harith, Jamal Udeen (United Kingdom)
Ali, Abu Sana (Morocco)
Ali, Sahibzada Usman (Afghanistan)
Ali, Sarfraz (Pakistan)
Ali, Syed Saim (Pakistan)
Amin, Aminullah (Pakistan)
Amin, Omar Rajab (Kuwait)
Amro, Jalal Salem bin (Yemen)
Anaam, Suhail Abdo (Yemen)
Ansar, Muhammad (Pakistan)
Anwar, Muhammad (Pakistan)
Aouzar, Mohamed (Morocco)
Aqeel, Sulaiman bin (Yemen)
Arbaish, Khalid bin Suleiman (UNKNOWN)
Aseeri, Turki Mashawi Zayid Ale Jabali (Saudi Arabia)
Ashraf, Muhammad (Pakistan)
Aslam, Noor (Afghanistan)
Asnar, Khalid (Jordan)
Ayub, Haseeb (Pakistan)
Azzam, Hussein (Jordan)
Babikir, Muhammad al Ghazali (Sudan)
Badr, Badrzaman (Afghan)
Bajadiyah, Saeed (Morocco)
Bameri, Bahktiar (Iran)
Barak (Afghanistan)
Batarfi, Ayman Saeed (Yemen)
Bayifkan, Lutfi (Turkey)
Begg, Moazzam (United Kingdom)
Belkacem, Bensayah (Algeria)
Belmar, Richard (United Kingdom)
Benchakaroun, Brahim (Morocco)
Benchellali, Mourad (France)
Binmoojan, Muhammad (Morocco)
Boumediene, Lakhdar (Algeria)
Bukhari, Abdul Hakeem (Saudi Arabia)
Celik, Abdullah (Turkey)
Celikgogus, Yuksel (Turkey)
Chekkouri, Redouan (Morocco)
Chekkouri, Younes (Morocco)
Dad, Fazal (Pakistan)
Deghayes, Omar (UNKNOWN)
Dergoul, Tarek (United Kingdom)
Dukhan, Mamar (Syria)
Ehsannullah (Afghanistan)
Eksi, Mustafa (Turkey)
El Hadj, Boudella (Algeria)
Elgazzar, Adel Fattouh Aly (Egypt)
El-Weldi, Reda Fadel (Egypt)
Farooq, Muhammad Naim (Afghanistan)
Fauzee, Ibrahim (Maldives)
Fazil or Fadhil, Mullah (Afghanistan)
Feroze, Muhammad (Morocco)
Fouzan, Fahed (Saudi Arabia)
Ghaffar, Maulvi Abdul (Afghan)
Ghanem, Mohamed Ragab Abu (Yemen)
Ghazi, Fahd Abdullah Ahmad (Saudi Arabia)
Gherebi, Falen (Libya)
Ghezali, Mehdi Muhammed (Sweden)
Ghulab, Sher (Afghanistan)
Gul, Lall (Afghanistan)
Gul, Nate (Afghanistan)
Gumarov, Ravil (Russia)
Habib, Mamdouh (Australia)
Hajii , Adil Kamel Abdullah (Bahrain)
Hamada, Mohamed (Yemen)
Hamdan, Salim Ahmed (Yemen)
Hamdi, Yasir Esam (United States)
Hamdoon, Zahir Omar bin (Yemen)
Hamza, Abu (Saudi Arabia)
Hanif, Muhammad (Pakistan)
Hassan, Imad Abdullah (Yemen)
Hassan, Mohammad Mohammad (Yemen)
Hatem, Saeed (Yemen)
Hicks, David (Australia)
Hkimi, Adel (Tunisia)
Iilyas, Muhammad (Pakistan)
Ikassrien, Lahcen (Morocco)
Iqbal, Asif (United Kingdom)
Iqbal, Faid or Faiq (Pakistan)
Iqbal, Zafar (Pakistan)
Irfan, Muhammad (Pakistan)
Ishaq, Muhammad (Pakistan)
Ishmuradov, Timur (Russia)
Ismail, Yasin Qasem Mohammad (Yemen)
Jamaluddin, Muhammad (Pakistan)
Jan, Aziaullah (Pakistan)
Joaid, Abdul Rahman (Saudi Arabia )
Kanouni, Imad (France)
Khadr, Abdur Rahman (Canada)
Khadr, Omar (Canada)
Khairkhwa, Khairullah (Afghanistan)
Khan, Alef (Pakistan)
Khan, Alif (Afghanistan)
Khan, Aziz (Afghanistan)
Khan, Aziz (Pakistan)
Khan, Badshah (Pakistan)
Khan, Ejaz Ahmad (Pakistan)
Khan, Haji Mohammed (Afghanistan)
Khan, Hamood ullah (Pakistan)
Khan, Issa (Pakistan)
Khan, Juma (Afghanistan)
Khan, Merza (Afghanistan)
Khan, Muhammad Ejaz (Pakistan)
Khan, Muhammad Kashif (Pakistan)
Khan, Tariq Aziz (Pakistan)
Khasraf, Mohamed Nasser Yahya Abdullah (Yemen)
Khazhiyev, Shamil (Russia)
Kifayatullah (Pakistan)
Koochi, Naeem (Afghanistan)
Kudayev, Rasul (Russia)
Kurnaz, Murat (Turkey)
Lagah, Lofti Ben Suihi (Tunisia)
Lahmar, Saber (Algeria)
Maimoundi, Hassan (UNKNOWN)
Mamrouk, Adel Ben Hamida (Tunisia)
Manzoor, Hafiz Liaqat (Pakistan)
Marouz, Muhammad (Morocco)
Maula, Abdul (Pakistan)
Mazloom, Fazel (Afghanistan)
Mazrou, Alaa Abdel Maqsoud (Egypt)
Mehmood, Majid (Pakistan)
Mehmood, Talli (Pakistan)
Mert, Nuri (Turkey)
Meshad, Sherif (Egyptian)
Mingazov, Ravil (Russia)
Mohammed (Afghanistan)
Mohammed, Hajii Faiz (Afghanistan)
Mohammed, Jan (Afghanistan)
Mohammed, Wazir (Afghanistan)
Mubanga, Martin (United Kingdom)
Muhammad, Ali (Pakistan)
Muhammad, Mirza (Afghanistan)
Muhammad, Shah (Pakistan)
Mujarrad, Talal Ahmed Mohamed (Yemen)
Muqaddam, Murtada (Saudi Arabia)
Murshid, Ayoub (Yemen)
Mustafa, Khaled ben (France)
Nabaytah, Hassan (Jordan)
Nabiyev, Yusuf (Tajikistan)
Naqibullah (Afghanistan)
Naseer, Muneer bin (Pakistan)
Nasri, Riadh Mohammad (Tunisia)
Nauman, Muhammad (Pakistan)
Nechla, Mohamed (Algeria)
Noor, Yusuf Khaleel (Saudi Arabia)
Odigov, Ruslan (Russia)
Omar, Muhammad (Pakistan)
Omar, Othman Ali (Yemen)
Osman, Haji (Afghanistan)
Osman, Mohammad (Afghanistan)
Ould Slahi, Mouhamedou (Mauritania)
Paracha, Saifullah (Pakistan)
Patel, Mustaq Ali (France/India?)
Qaid, Yaseen (Yemen)
Qassim, Khalid Ahmed (Yemen)
Quraish, Nasr Abdullah (Yemen)
Rafiq, Muhammad (Pakistan)
Rahim, Abdul (Pakistan)
Rahim, Abdur (Afghanistan)
Rahman, Ahmed Abdel (Egyptian)
Rahman, Asadullah (Afghanistan)
Rahmatoulah (Afghanistan)
Raouf, Mullah Abdel (Afghanistan)
Rashid, Hani Saleh (Yemen)
Rasul, Shafiq (UK)
Raza, Abid (Pakistan)
Raza, Muhammad Arshad (Pakistan)
Razaq, Abdul/Abdur (Pakistan)
Razeq, Abdul (Afghanistan)
Rehman, Abdul (Afghanistan)
Rehman, Abdul (Pakistan)
Rehman, Hafiz Khalil ur (Pakistan)
Rehman, Sajid-ur (Pakistan)
Ridha, Yazidi (Tunisia)
Ridouane, Khalid (France)
Rustam (Afghanistan)
Saeed, Hafiz Ehsan (Pakistan)
Saeed, Muhammad (Pakistan)
Safeesi, Abdul Sattar (Pakistan)
Sagheer, Muhammad (Pakistan)
Salahuddin, Ghazi (Pakistan)
Salman, Mohamed bin (Yemen)
Sarajudim (Afghanistan)
Sassi, Mohammed Ben Sala (Tunisia)
Sassi, Nizar (France)
Sattar, Abdul (Pakistan)
Saud, Abu (Saudi Arabia)
Sen, Ibrahim (Turkey)
Sen, Mesut (Turkey)
Shaalan, Hani Abdo Muslih (Yemen)
Shah, Rostum (Afghanistan)
Shah, Sliman (Afghanistan)
Shah, Sulaiman (Afghanistan)
Shah, Syed Zia Hussain (Pakistan)
Shaqroon, Ibrahim bin (Morocco)
Sharofov, Rukmiddin (Tajikistan)
Shehzada, Mullah (Afghanistan)
Sidiq, Mohammed (Afghanistan)
Sidiq, Muhammad (Afghanistan)
Sultan, Zahid (Pakistan)
Tabarak, Abdallah (Morocco)
Tahir, Mohammad (Afghanistan)
Tariq, Muhammad (Pakistan)
Tariq, Muhammad (Pakistan)
Ullah, Asad (Afghanistan)
Utain, Riyad (Yemen)
Uthman, Abdul Rahim Mohammad Uthman (Yemen)
Uyar, Salih (Turkey)
Uzel, Turgut (Turkey)
Vakhitov, Aryat (Russia)
Vohidov, Muqim (Tajikistan)
Wali, Badshah (Afghanistan)
Wali, Jehan/Jan (Pakistan)
Wazeer, Abdullah ba (Yemen)
Wazir, Mohammed (Afghanistan)
Yadel, Brahim (France)
Zaeef, Mohammed (Afghanistan)
Zaman, Badar uz (Pakistan)
Zaman, Qaisir (Pakistan)
Zemiri, Ahcene (Algeria)
Zemmouri, Moussa (Belgium)

Kenyon College

Kenyon College is in Gambier, Ohio, USA, and it makes Forbes' list of world's most beautiful campuses. [video]

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Mark Knopfler

it's a mystery to me, the game commences, for the usual fee, plus expenses
confidential information, it's in a diary, this is my investigation, it's not a public inquiry
I go checking out the reports, digging up the dirt, you get to meet all sorts, in this line of work, treachery and treason, there's always an excuse for it, and when I find the reason, I still can't get used to it
and what have you got at the end of the day? what have you got to take away? a bottle of whiskey and a new set of lies, blinds on the window and a pain behind the eyes
scarred for life, no compensation, private Investigations

Frédéric Chopin

Saturday, September 11, 2010


近づいてるの? 遠ざかってるの?
さよなら 迷いなきあの日よ
探しているよ 手を借してくれ
さよなら 迷いなきあの日よ
探してる 足りないピースを
ひとりじゃ とても無理だよ

Steven Hawking

Because there is a law such as gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing. Spontaneous creation is the reason there is something rather than nothing, why the universe exists, why we exist.

Kevin Theriot

Renowned physicist, Steven Hawking, is reportedly releasing a new book that concludes “God did not create the universe, and the Big Bang was an inevitable consequence of the laws of physics.” ...
Apparently, Hawking’s book is written to counter Sir Isaac Newton’s conclusion that God must have designed the universe, because even cursory observation of the complexity of nature indicates it could not have randomly resulted from chaos. This is a biblical concept. ”For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities–his eternal power and divine nature–have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.” Romans 1:21.
Prof. Hawking is a brilliant man, but that doesn’t make him wise. The Bible speaks to that too: “For the wisdom of this world is foolishness in God’s sight.” And more directly to the point, “The fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God.’” Psalm 14:1.
At bottom, attempts to explain the origin of the universe based on man’s wisdom are the height of hubris. It reminds me of the story my father, a retired Baptist preacher, used to tell from the pulpit. It went something like this. A group of scientists decided to challenge God to a creation contest. The rules were simple – each side gets one gallon of dust, and from it they have to create a living organism. God accepted the challenge on one condition: the scientists had to make their own dust.
Try as they might, men (even brilliant ones like Hawking) cannot get past the conundrum of how to create something from nothing. Only God can do that.

Friday, September 10, 2010

United States Farm Security Administration

Cafe with two entry doors: "White" and "Colored"

Palais Wilson

The current headquarters of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)

Woodrow Wilson

The white men were roused by a mere instinct of self preservation… until at last there had sprung into existence a great Ku Klux Klan, a veritable empire of the South, to protect the Southern country.

Elvira Nieto

Woodrow Wilson took advantage of his presidency to help correct many of what he considered to be the wrongs of the Reconstruction. Wilson believed white southerners to be the only real citizens and feared what might arise from a south “ruled by an ignorant and inferior race.”
Wilson remains a controversial historical figure—with both his supporters and detractors. He is viewed a scholar and a man of peace. He is also regarded as a white supremacist.

J.S. Williams

... young white women and colored women were working together side by side and opposite each other. At one end of the machine would be a young white girl and opposite a colored girl. ... I feel sure that this must go against the grain of the white women. Is there any reason why the white women should not have only white women working across from them on the machines? And is there any reason why the white women and colored women should not be to some extent segregated?
I think it would be best for this Department if you should make arrangements by which white and colored employees of this Department shall use different toilet rooms. Please arrange accordingly.

А́нна Па́вловна Па́влов

Якудза Суши

Еле́на Па́влова




何にもしないことの大切さ 。。。 何もしないことに全力をつくす
よい成績取って、金持ちになって、結婚して、あくせくして、結局人間は死ぬわけでしょう? なんのために人生生きてるのか?。。。みなさんの評価の高いのをやっているだけ。評価の基準がずっと外にあるんですよ。

Matt Groening

dolce far niente

John William Godward

dolce far niente

Thursday, September 9, 2010



Wednesday, September 8, 2010






それぞれの種の1つ1つの個体が自分自身の子孫を殖やしていこうとするので、それは当然シェア争いになる。なぜならその種が生きていける条件をそなえた場所は限られているからである。だとすると、自然はこのような果てしないシェア争いの場であって、けっして調和のとれた場所ではない。 。。。 しかしそこには、強弱の問題や、競争コストの問題があるから、一定のところで妥協点に達せざるを得ない。この妥協した状態をわれわれが外から見ると、それは一つの「調和」のようにみえる。

Crown Publishers

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Pablo Martinez Monsivais

Michael J. Sandel

It might be argued that a genetically enhanced athlete, like a drug-enhanced one, would have an unfair advantage over his unenhanced competitors. But the fairness argument against enhancement has a fatal flaw: it has always been the case that some athletes are better endowed genetically than others, and yet we do not consider this to undermine the fairness of competitive sports. From the standpoint of fairness, enhanced genetic differences would be no worse than natural ones, assuming they were safe and made available to all. If genetic enhancement in sports is morally objectionable, it must be for reasons other than fairness.

Daniel Decot

Un bimoteur allemand s’écrasa de nuit, près d’Issanlas, le 23 juin 1944. Décrit par les témoins, il pourrait s’agir d’un Dornier 217, d’autant que parmi les débris éparpillés, on retrouva une torpille et un canot pneumatique. Or, des Dornier 217 furent affectés à l’attaque des convois maritimes alliés en Méditerranée. L’équipage de quatre hommes se parachuta-t-il avant l’écrasement de l’appareil? car aucun corps ne fut retrouvé.

Alasdair MacIntyre

I am never able to seek for the good or exercise the virtues only qua individual. ... What the good life is for a fifth-century Athenian general will not be the same as what it was for a medieval nun or a seventeenth-century farmer. But it is not just that different individuals live in different social circumstances; it is also that we all approach our own circumstances as bearers of a particular social identity. I am someone's son or daughter, someone else's cousin or uncle; I am a citizen of this or that city, a member of this or that guild or profession, I belong to this clan, that tribe, this nation. Hence what is good for me has to be the good for one who inhabits these roles. As such, I inherit from the past of my family, my city, my tribe, my nation, a variety of debts, inheritances, rightful expectations and obligations. These constitute the given of my life, my moral starting point. This is in part what gives my life its own moral particularity.

Immanuel Kant

Die wahre Weisheit ist die Begleiterin der Einfalt.

Robert Nozick

It is helpful to imagine cavemen sitting together to think up what, for all time, will be the best possible society and then setting out to institute it. Do none of the reasons that make you smile at this apply to us.

John Stuart Mill

It will probably be conceded that it is desirable people should exercise their understandings, and that an intelligent following of custom, or even occasionally an intelligent deviation from custom, is better than a blind and simply mechanical adhesion to it.
A person whose desires and impulses are his own — are the expression of his own nature, as it has been developed and modified by his own culture — is said to have a character. One whose desires and impulses are not his own, has no character, no more than a steam-engine has a character.

Jeremy Bentham

The principle of utility was an appellative, at that time employed by me, as it had been by others, to designate that which, in a more perspicuous and instructive manner, may, as above, be designated by the name of the greatest happiness principle.

John Rawls

Self-interested rational persons behind the veil of ignorance would choose two general principles of justice to structure society in the real world:
  1. Principle of Equal Liberty: Each person has an equal right to the most extensive liberties compatible with similar liberties for all. (Egalitarian.)
  2. Difference Principle: Social and economic inequalities should be arranged so that they are both (a) to the greatest benefit of the least advantaged persons, and (b) attached to offices and positions open to all under conditions of equality of opportunity.

Kurt Vonnegut

The year was 2081, and everybody was finally equal. They weren’t only equal before God and the law. They were equal every which way. Nobody was smarter than anybody else. Nobody was better looking than anybody else. Nobody was stronger or quicker than anybody else. All this equality was due to the 211th, 212th, and 213th Amendments to the Constitution, and to the unceasing vigilance of agents of the United States Handicapper General.

Sunday, September 5, 2010



Samuel Bollendorff

Marine et Jean-Marie Le Pen, tout naturellement.

Bethpage High School Students

The early Native Americans were broken into thirteen communities on Long Island. They all spoke a very similar language and were known as a peaceful people. Never very large in number, their total population was probably never more than 6,500. These various communities seemed to get along pretty well with one another.

  • Canarsies (meaning "at the fenced place") who lived from what is now Brooklyn and Jamaica.
  • Rockaways ("sandy land") - Rockaway Beach to Long Island Sound.
  • Matinecocks ("at the hilly land") - Flushing, Glen Cove, Cold Spring Harbor and Huntington.
  • Massapequas ("great waterland") - Seaford to Islip. They also occupied Bethpage.
  • Merricks ("plains country") - Merrick.
  • Nissaquoges ("clay country") - Nissaquoge to Stony Brook.
  • Secatogs ("black or colored land") - Eastport to Bridgehampton.
  • Setaukets ("land at the mouth of the river") - Stony Bronk to Wading River.
  • Unkechaugs ("land beyond the hill") - Patchogue to Westhampton.
  • Corchaugs ("principal place") from Wading River to Orient Point.
  • Manhassets ("island sheltered by islands") - Shelter Island, Ram Island and Hog Island.
  • Shinnecocks ("at level land") - Westhampton to Easthampton.
  • Montauks ("fortified place") - Easthampton to Montauk Point. Their chief was the grand chief of all the Algonquin's.

Jürgen Moltmann

In many places and cultures throughout the world, the rise of insights into the basic rights and duties of human beings has coincided with the understanding of the humanity of persons. What is involved here is not an exclusively European or Christian idea, although at the time of the Enlightenment, human rights, not independent of Christian influence, entered into the processes of constitution-making in Europe and North America, and so attained a world-wide political significance.
The Church, Christian congregations, and ecumenical organizations have the clear task and duty of identifying, promoting and realizing human rights. Since they are neither private associations nor statutory authorities, yet must exist and work in the public eye, those Christian organizations can be expected to be less influenced by their self-interests, and to be better able to enter the struggle for human rights with less prejudice than other institutions.

Council for World Mission

Our 31 members share their experience of mission through training, short-term exchanges and conferences. In partnership through CWM they also share financial resources and missionaries from one side of the globe to the other to carry out God’s mission locally. CWM stands for
  • Justice in relationships
  • Mutuality, equality and interdependence
  • Unity in diversity
  • Generosity of spirit



William Eggleston

(How do you decide if something is worthy of being captured?)
I never know beforehand. Until I see it. It just happens all at once. I take a picture very quickly and instantly forget about it. Not for good, but for the time being. Suddenly I just feel like I have to take a picture. Sometimes I’ll leave the house with a fully loaded camera and end up with nothing. It’s just about being there. Anywhere. Even the most uninteresting, ugly or boring places can for an instant become magical to me.

Stephen Shore

(Do you need a philosophy to do great work?)
I would call it ‘intentionality’. Sometimes I meet young artists and it becomes clear that for some the main motivation is getting a show in Chelsea. It strikes me that this is very different to the way it was for me, which was that I wanted to understand photography and the world and myself. To do that, I produced work. The work that was shown was like a by-product, but never the purpose of my photography. The thought process doesn’t even have to be conceptual or intellectual. It can be visual, or a layer of thought that’s wordless. I’m always exploring some question or other, but it may not even be formulate as such. I believe the work produced by most established artists, was produced as a by-product of their personal explorations.

Susan Sontag

Die von der Kamera aufgezeichnete Realität wird zwangsläufig stets mehr verbergen als sie enthüllt.
Fotografieren heisst, sich das fotografierte Objekt aneignen. Es heisst, sich selbst in eine bestimmte Beziehung zur Welt setzen, die wie Erkenntnis – und deshalb wie Macht – anmutet.

Judy Linn

If photography had been invented in color who would have missed black and white.

Frieder Nake

Im technisch realisierten Pixel können wir meinen, einen letzten Grund der Bilder, die wir technisch betrachten, gefunden zu haben. Die Leere, die uns da technisch empfängt, erschreckt im Vergleich zur semantischen Fülle des Bildes.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Albert Bierstadt




Princeton University

Friday, September 3, 2010

C60 Fullerene

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Maria Sharapova

Tennis has never been the most important thing in my life. My family, my health, my happiness...they are more important to me. On court, I want to win. Off court, I want to be a better person. Tennis is a path to my future.

Kirk Douglas

Love has more depth as you get older.