Monday, February 28, 2011
Simon Wiesenthal Center
Michael Calderone
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Martin Hilbert, Priscila López
Hillary Clinton
Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Tina Turner
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Charles Bukowski
Iain Watt
Anna Galluzzi
Flynt Leverett
Flynt and Hillary Mann Leverett
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Jerry Haber
Thank you, Mr. President, for vetoing the UN Security Counsel Resolution condemning the Israeli settlements as illegal.
Thank you for making America the only country in the world to support Israel on this matter.
Thank you for contradicting long-standing US policy on the settlements.
Thank you for not abstaining on this vote – which is what the US has done in the past.
Thank you for talking the talk on settlements but not walking the walk.
Thank you for allowing Israel to say, as it always does, “We and the US have disagreements on various items, but our bond is strong.”
Thank you for doing nothing about the biggest settlement activity within East Jerusalem in over forty-three years.
Thank you for undermining the PA and Abu Mazen.
Thank you for showing the Palestinian people how much – or how little – you can be relied upon.
Thank you for holding the Palestinians hostage to a non-existent (fortunately) peace process.
Thank you for allowing Israel to kill any chance of a two-state solution.
Thank you for making the United States irrelevant in the Middle East.
And Shabbat Shalom from your neighbor up 16th Street.
Pete McCloskey
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Sylvain Allemand, Jean-Claude Ruano-Borbalan
Françoise Sagan
«Luc, dit Bertrand, je suis venu avec une amie, Dominique. C'est mon oncle Luc, le voyageur.»
J' étais agréablement surprise. Je me disais: «Tout à fait possible, l'oncle voyageur.»
Il avait les yeux gris, l'air fatigué, presque triste. D'une certaine manière il était beau.
Barbe de Miriam
Forum for a new World Governance
Victor Hugo
Arnaud Blin, Gustavo Marin
René Passet
Paul Valéry
Monday, February 21, 2011
Patricia Steinhoff
Captain Grace M. Hopper
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Edsger W. Dijkstra
Daniel J. Boorstin
Cambridge Books Online
- Thousands of front & backlist titles
- Dynamic content and feature set, with frequent addition of new titles being and regular functionality enhancements
- Titles from across all Cambridge world renowned subject areas
- Flexible purchase plans and custom packages
- Powerful quick search, advanced search and browse capabilities
- Comprehensive library support tools including downloadable MARC records, usage reports and access & authentication methods
- Compliance with all major industry standards and initiatives
- Extensive user functionality including hyperlinked references & personalisation features
- Dedicated customer support teams
- Enhanced discoverability tools
Scribd is the world’s largest social reading and publishing company. We've made it easy to share and discover entertaining, informative and original written content across the web and mobile devices. Our vision is to liberate the written word, to connect people with the information and ideas that matter most to them.
Think of Scribd (pronounced “skribbed”) as the largest book club on the planet -- except that anyone can join the conversation on any topic imaginable: vampire fan fiction, European travel, the latest research in neuroscience, even crossword puzzles.
Scribd’s patent-pending conversion technology has democratized the publishing process. Now, anyone can instantly upload and transform any file -- including PDF, Word and PowerPoint -- into a web document that’s discoverable through search engines, shared on social networks and read on billions of mobile devices.
Scribd is where your content finds an audience. Millions of people come to Scribd every day to read and discuss business presentations, poetry, magazines and the latest best-sellers. Scribd’s content publishers include the biggest names in book publishing, media, government and entertainment. Many more are people just like you.
Peter L. Shillingsburg
Richard Flanagan
W. N. Herbert
is never merely good or bad — or worse:
authentic or unnatural,
but somewhere in the greys our habits spread
as the brain's best stab at rainbow.
Marshall Lee
Jason — Round and warm
Granjon — Round, warm and graceful
Caledonia — Clean, firm, business-like
Times Roman — Stiff, cold, formal
Electra — Light, cool, efficient
Fairfield — Fussy
Bodoni — Dramatic
Waverley — Round and cool
In choosing type, it's better to consider these characteristics than to follow historical or conventional rules. It's the type's character, not its history, that affects the reader.

Christine Monnier
Organized criminal organizations have the following traits:
- They are profit-oriented: Their goal is to make money by supplying illegal goods (such as drugs, weapons, human organs, prostitutes or sex slaves) through criminal means (such extortion, protection, corruption, murder or money-laundering).
- Most have high longevity: Some criminal organizations have existed for decades if not for centuries.
- They are organized so as to facilitate criminal activities, such as non-hierarchical and flexible networks.
- They all use violence at every level of their trade: against competitors, customers, suppliers, officials and even their own member as a form of social control.
- They engage in corruption of government and corporate officials as well as law enforcement agents
In the context of globalization, not only have traditional criminal networks, such as the Italian Mafia or the Japanese Yakuza adapted to the new political and economic conditions, but new criminal organizations have emerged precisely as a product of globalization capitalizing on the profitability and high demands for new illegal commodities on a global scale.
Manuel Castells
There are three stages involved in money laundering:
(1) The first stage is the placement of the illegal proceeds into the financial system through banks or other financial institutions. Often, criminal organizations use banks located in countries that exercise banking secrecy (they do not disclose financial information to investigators), such as Aruba, the Cayman Islands or Luxemburg.
(2) The second stage is called “layering,” that is, to detach the funds from their illegal source. This can be done by swapping currency (illegal proceeds in US dollars are converted into Euros) or by investing the money into stocks. Thanks to the liberalization of global financial markets, it is easy to transfer vast sums of money all over the world, several times over within seconds.
(3) The third stage is call “integration,” that is, the introduction of the laundered money back into the legitimate economy through various investments. The majority of criminal organizations described above engages directly in money laundering or hire the services of other criminal syndicates to do it.
Alessandra Dino
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Christian Caryl

INHOPE is the International Association of Internet Hotlines.
The mission of the INHOPE Association is to support and enhance the performance of Internet Hotlines around the World, ensuring swift action is taken in responding to reports of illegal content making the internet a safer place.
The key functions of the Association are:
- Exchange expertise
- Support new hotlines
- Exchange reports
- Interface with relevant initiatives outside the EU
- Educate and inform policy makers, particularly at the international level.
- Freedom of the Internet.
- A commitment to positive uses of the Internet
- Shared responsibility for protection of young people by government, educators, parents and the Internet industry
- To establish and support effective national hotlines.
- To train and support new hotlines
- To foster ongoing Internet safety awareness and education throughout Europe
- The establishment of effective common procedures for receiving and processing reports
Richard March Hoe

Philip B. Meggs
Theodore Levitt
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Jeremy Page
David Rapp
Queens Library (QL), the 2009 Gale/LJ Library of the Year and the highest-circulating library in the United States, will go live next month with its new daVinci Open Library Platform—a customizable, multi-purpose integrated library system (ILS) and other components the library has developed with ILS company VTLS.
QL and VTLS have been working on daVinci since 2008. Its architecture includes a heavily customized version of VTLS's Virtua ILS and other VTLS components, as well as a QL-created, Drupal-based content management system that will host staff and customer websites, and many open-source elements, such as an Apache Solr search platform, a MySQL database, and Fedora Commons digital asset management.
After the launch of QL's new website in January, many new features are slated for development, including a mobile website and mobile app, a recommendation engine which would give QL patrons the option to save their own search histories, revamped econtent delivery, and enhanced community-oriented news and information on each of its 62 branch library sites. (A preview version of the new site is available on the current QL website.)
Peter Jackson
- (Only at a library) 1. Specialist research; 2. Environment to learn; 3. Expert staff;
4. Free internet access; 5. Engage in local democracy - (Only online) 1. Searchability; 2. Digital books; 3. Comfort in numbers;
4. Brings niches together; 5. Self-publishing
Friday, February 11, 2011
Stephen Leahy
Ben Bernanke
Michael Pento
Ian Bremmer, David Gordon
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Pranab Mukherjee
- Счастье...
- А почему такое маленькое?
- Оно только моё. Зато какое лучистое и красивое...
- Да, восхитительно!
- Хочешь кусочек?
- Наверное...
- Давай ладошку, я поделюсь с тобой.
- Ой, оно такое тёплое!
- Нравится?
- Очень...Спасибо! Знаешь, мне намного лучше, когда счастье в руке...
- Так всегда бывает.
- А если я с кем-то поделюсь?
- Тогда у тебя прибавится своего!
- Почему?
- Сам не знаю. Только потом оно станет ещё более тёплым.
- А руки об него обжечь можно?
- Руки обжигает боль...Счастье не может обжечь...
Paul Krugman
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
English mother
Bob Perks
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Clare Kipps