The tip of a girl’s 40,000-year-old pinky finger found in a cold Siberian cave, paired with faster and cheaper genetic sequencing technology, is helping scientists draw a surprisingly complex new picture of human origins.
The new view is fast supplanting the traditional idea that modern humans triumphantly marched out of Africa about 50,000 years ago, replacing all other types that had gone before.
Instead, the genetic analysis shows, modern humans encountered and bred with at least two groups of ancient humans in relatively recent times: the Neanderthals, who lived in Europe and Asia, dying out roughly 30,000 years ago, and a mysterious group known as the Denisovans, who lived in Asia and most likely vanished around the same time.
Their DNA lives on in us even though they are extinct. In a sense, we are a hybrid species. ...
The Denisovans (pronounced dun-EE-suh-vinz) were first described a year ago in a groundbreaking paper in the journal Nature made possible by genetic sequencing of the girl’s pinky bone and of an oddly shaped molar from a young adult.
Those findings have unleashed a spate of new analyses.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Monday, January 30, 2012
Japanese way
National Institute of Population and Social Security Research
People aged 65 and older will make up nearly 40 percent of the population of Japan 50 years from now. Even more troubling, the country’s population is expected to shrink by 30 percent, with birth rates showing little signs of improvement.
Young workers have increasingly become reluctant to start families, because of financial concerns. Women are putting off marriage altogether, worried it could tie down their careers. On average, Japanese women have 1.4 children (that number is 1.9 for U.S. women, according to the CDC).
There is one number that continues to go up: Japan’s life expectancy. Already the highest in the world, researchers estimate life expectancy for Japanese women will increase from 86 to 91 over the next half century. The number is expected to rise from 79 to 84, for men.
Young workers have increasingly become reluctant to start families, because of financial concerns. Women are putting off marriage altogether, worried it could tie down their careers. On average, Japanese women have 1.4 children (that number is 1.9 for U.S. women, according to the CDC).
There is one number that continues to go up: Japan’s life expectancy. Already the highest in the world, researchers estimate life expectancy for Japanese women will increase from 86 to 91 over the next half century. The number is expected to rise from 79 to 84, for men.
Japanese way
Daniel Burrus
Technology-Driven Trends for 2012
- Rapid growth of big data.
- Cloud computing and advanced cloud services
- On demand services will increasingly be offered to companies needing to rapidly deploy new services. Hardware as a Service (HaaS) joins Software as a Service (SaaS), creating what some have called “IT as a service.”
- Virtualization of storage, desktops, applications, and networking.
- Consumerization of IT increases.
- Gamification of training and education.
- Social business.
- Smart phones and tablets become our primary PCs, and the mobile web.
- Tablet computers with enterprise level web apps.
- Intelligent electronic agents.
- Digital identity management.
- Visual communications.
- Enhanced location awareness.
- Geo-spatial visualization.
- Smart TV using apps.
- Multiple app stores.
- 3D displays for smart phones and tablets.
- eBooks, eNewspapers, and eMagazines pass the tipping point.
- Interactive multimedia eTextbooks.
- Wireless machine-to-machine applications.

コンピュータの発展によって、人はその恩恵を享受する一方で、デジタルデバイドなどの多くの問題を引き起こしています。これらの問題を解決するために、人の知的な活動とコンピュータを自然に連携させる技術が求められ、目標指向や感性指向といった新しい方法論が模索されています。電話とテレビとWeb と紙メディアがシームレスに連携する次の世代では、「知的コンテンツ」がユーザ・インタフェースになると予想しています。
Jakob Nielsen, Kara Pernice
The 10 best-designed intranets for 2012:
- CenturyLink Business, a telecommunications company (US)
- Everything Everywhere, a communications company (UK)
- Genentech, a biotechnology company (US)
- LivePerson, Inc., a communications company (US)
- Logica, a business and technology service company (UK)
- MAN Diesel & Turbo SE, provider of large-bore diesel engines and turbomachinery for marine and stationary applications (Germany)
- NCR Corporation, a technology company (US)
- The Scotts Miracle-Gro Company, a marketer of branded consumer products for lawn and garden care (US)
- Skanska, a project development and construction group (Sweden)
- Staples, Inc., an office products company (US)
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Headquartered in New York, with further presence in London and Zurich, we specialize in providing leading brand technology.
From digital brand guidelines to eCommerce and social media platforms, our technology solutions turn our clients’ online brand plans into reality.
We’ve pioneered more customized and user friendly digital brand asset management systems for over 12 years, with over 250,000 users, working in over 65 client organizations, in 14 languages across 211 countries.
BrandWizard is a wholly owned subsidiary of Interbrand – a leading brand consultancy owned by Omnicom Inc.
From digital brand guidelines to eCommerce and social media platforms, our technology solutions turn our clients’ online brand plans into reality.
We’ve pioneered more customized and user friendly digital brand asset management systems for over 12 years, with over 250,000 users, working in over 65 client organizations, in 14 languages across 211 countries.
BrandWizard is a wholly owned subsidiary of Interbrand – a leading brand consultancy owned by Omnicom Inc.
2011 Ranking of the Top 100 Brands
Rank | Brand | Region/Country | Sector | Brand Value ($m) |
1 | United States | Beverages | 71,861 | |
2 | United States | Business Services | 69,905 | |
3 | United States | Computer Software | 59,087 | |
4 | United States | Internet Services | 55,317 | |
5 | United States | Diversified | 42,808 | |
6 | United States | Restaurants | 35,593 | |
7 | United States | Electronics | 35,217 | |
8 | United States | Electronics | 33,492 | |
9 | United States | Media | 29,018 | |
10 | United States | Electronics | 28,479 |
Strategy is the fine art of keeping every factor and element in perfect balance.
Interbrand started in 1974 when the world still thought of brands as just another word for logo.
We have changed the world’s view of branding and brand management by creating and managing brands as valuable business assets.
We now have nearly 40 offices and are the world’s largest brand consultancy.
We bring together a diverse range of insightful thinkers making our business both rigorously analytical and highly creative.
Interbrand has the broadest geographical presence – offering more people, more disciplines, and more knowledge tailored to our clients. Our work goes deeper and further.
We create and manage brand value by making the brand central to the business’s strategic aims. We’re not interested in simply being the world’s biggest brand consultancy. We want to be the most valued.
Interbrand started in 1974 when the world still thought of brands as just another word for logo.
We have changed the world’s view of branding and brand management by creating and managing brands as valuable business assets.
We now have nearly 40 offices and are the world’s largest brand consultancy.
We bring together a diverse range of insightful thinkers making our business both rigorously analytical and highly creative.
Interbrand has the broadest geographical presence – offering more people, more disciplines, and more knowledge tailored to our clients. Our work goes deeper and further.
We create and manage brand value by making the brand central to the business’s strategic aims. We’re not interested in simply being the world’s biggest brand consultancy. We want to be the most valued.
我们都错了!其实生活就是过我们喜欢的日子。喜欢的日子,有一些喜欢的东西围绕着。喜欢的闹钟,喜欢的牙膏,喜欢的毛巾,喜欢的自行车,喜欢的包包,喜欢的鞋子,喜欢的铅笔,喜欢的手机,喜欢的一切一切… … 做喜欢的工作,挣喜欢的钱,买来喜欢的东西,这些喜欢的东西组成了我们的生活。
我们都错了!其实生活就是过我们喜欢的日子。喜欢的日子,有一些喜欢的东西围绕着。喜欢的闹钟,喜欢的牙膏,喜欢的毛巾,喜欢的自行车,喜欢的包包,喜欢的鞋子,喜欢的铅笔,喜欢的手机,喜欢的一切一切… … 做喜欢的工作,挣喜欢的钱,买来喜欢的东西,这些喜欢的东西组成了我们的生活。
asian way
plural + totalstudio

Camila Vallejo

human rights and democracy
- 海外公開情報のモニタリング並びに海外情報の収録、翻訳、速報、報道
- 国際親善と国際相互理解の促進に資する国際事情の調査研究、情報の提供並びに刊行物の編集・監修及び資料の収集、斡旋、紹介
- 海外の無線放送、衛星放送等公開情報に関する調査
- CIA - Central Intelligence Agency, USA
- ISI - Inter Services Intelligence, Pakistan
- Mossad - המוסד למודיעין ולתפקידים מיוחדים, Israel
- MI6 - Secret Intelligence Service, UK
- MSS - 中华人民共和国国家安全部, China
- FSB - Федеральная служба безопасности, Russia
- RAW - Research and Analysis Wing, India
- BND - Bundesnachrichtendienst, Germany
- CSIS - Canadian Security Intelligent Service, Canada
- ASIS- Australian Secret Intelligence Service, Australia
Saturday, January 28, 2012

Japanese way
Jean-Christophe Bptt

human rights and democracy
Minority Career Network, Inc.
According to A. Barbour, author of Louder Than Words: Nonverbal Communication, the total impact of a message breaks down like this:
Body Movement indicates attitude, conveys feelings serves as illustrators and regulators. Illustrators are nonverbal movements that accompany and illustrate verbal communication.
- 7 percent verbal (words)
- 38 percent vocal (volume, pitch, rhythm, etc)
- 55 percent body movements (mostly facial expressions)
Body Movement indicates attitude, conveys feelings serves as illustrators and regulators. Illustrators are nonverbal movements that accompany and illustrate verbal communication.
human being
Susan Candiotti, Mick Krever
More than 35 pounds of cocaine was discovered in at least one bag that turned up at the United Nations headquarters in New York.
The narcotics were uncovered on January 16 inside hollowed-out books that had been shipped from Mexico City in a bag made to look like a diplomatic pouch.
The bag was being screened at the United Nations' postal receiving center when the cocaine was discovered.
It lacked a destination address and was without a return address.
Authorities have not located the intended recipient, he said.
The narcotics were uncovered on January 16 inside hollowed-out books that had been shipped from Mexico City in a bag made to look like a diplomatic pouch.
The bag was being screened at the United Nations' postal receiving center when the cocaine was discovered.
It lacked a destination address and was without a return address.
Authorities have not located the intended recipient, he said.
UN way
Libraries In Crisis
Libraries are essential public goods. Like our public parks and museums, libraries are free, non-commercial gathering places for everyone, regardless of income. Yet our nation's public libraries appear to be under threat.
... The time has come for libraries to speak up.
... The time has come for libraries to speak up.
人と違うことは当たり前のはずなのに、友達と同じでないと不安を感じることが多い今のこどもたち。人に合わせることが必要なこともありますが、自分らしさを見つけ出し、それを認めることができると、自分と違う人の事も認めることができるようになり、人間関係も楽になります。ムーミンの住む世界が平和なのはムーミンたちがお互いの違いを認めているからなのです。 そして実はそれこそが本当の「国際人」になるためにも必要なことなのです。

Albert Hofmann
It is true that my discovery of LSD was a chance discovery, but it was the outcome of planned experiments and these experiments took place in the framework of systematic pharmaceutical, chemical research. It could better be described as serendipity.
Julius H. Comroe
Serendipity means a "happy accident" or "pleasant surprise"; specifically, the accident of finding something good or useful without looking for it. The word has been voted one of the ten English words hardest to translate in June 2004 by a British translation company. However, due to its sociological use, the word has been exported into many other languages. Julius H. Comroe once described serendipity as:
to look for a needle in a haystack and get out of it with the farmer's daughter.
to look for a needle in a haystack and get out of it with the farmer's daughter.
Barry Greenfield
Public libraries have been in existence for thousands of years, but for the purposes of this article, let's start with the year 1731, when Benjamin Franklin began a subscription library as a means of sharing thousands of books. Members needed to either purchase stock in the library (which was setup as a company) or become a member -- for about $5.
By 1833, Peterborough, New Hampshire, began to use tax revenue to purchase books for a publicly owned library, free to all residents. In 1854, the Boston Public Library became what is widely known as the first real public library, and more than 20 years later, the Dewey decimal system was brought into use.
In the early 20th century, philanthropist Andrew Carnegie donated $50 million to build 1,700 libraries in the United States. There are now more than 9,000 public libraries, not including branches. Around 85 percent of library funding comes from federal, state, and local taxes. The majority (90 percent or more) of that comes from local property taxes.
... At a time where the tax burden can often be onerous, doesn't it make sense to ask library users to pay a nominal fee for a book rental? When municipal budgets are tightened, almost universally the library is left to hang by a thread. Amazingly, when library usage is at an all-time high, I read about library closings every week across this country.
But I never hear any politician or citizen's group recommending a rental fee to support the library.
By 1833, Peterborough, New Hampshire, began to use tax revenue to purchase books for a publicly owned library, free to all residents. In 1854, the Boston Public Library became what is widely known as the first real public library, and more than 20 years later, the Dewey decimal system was brought into use.
In the early 20th century, philanthropist Andrew Carnegie donated $50 million to build 1,700 libraries in the United States. There are now more than 9,000 public libraries, not including branches. Around 85 percent of library funding comes from federal, state, and local taxes. The majority (90 percent or more) of that comes from local property taxes.
... At a time where the tax burden can often be onerous, doesn't it make sense to ask library users to pay a nominal fee for a book rental? When municipal budgets are tightened, almost universally the library is left to hang by a thread. Amazingly, when library usage is at an all-time high, I read about library closings every week across this country.
But I never hear any politician or citizen's group recommending a rental fee to support the library.

Sarah Lyall
... the Scottish government recently passed a law making it illegal for fans to attack one another using religious, ethnic, regional or violent historical slurs in songs, chants, Internet postings or even stray remarks at a stadium or pub.
That means that fans of Rangers, a team with roots in Protestant Northern Ireland, cannot sing “The Billy Boys” — a song that refers to Irish blood and to William of Orange, a Protestant hero from the 17th century — for fear of being sent to prison. It means that fans of their mortal enemies, Celtic, cannot sing “Up the ’Ra,” which celebrates the Irish Republican Army and is a throwback to their Roman Catholic Northern Ireland origins.
And it means that no one is allowed to take part in once-common chants in which fans goad their opponents by gleefully rehashing past tragedies like players’ untimely deaths, or, in the case of Rangers, the infamous 1971 incident in which 66 fans were crushed and asphyxiated to death at Ibrox as they rushed for the exits.
That means that fans of Rangers, a team with roots in Protestant Northern Ireland, cannot sing “The Billy Boys” — a song that refers to Irish blood and to William of Orange, a Protestant hero from the 17th century — for fear of being sent to prison. It means that fans of their mortal enemies, Celtic, cannot sing “Up the ’Ra,” which celebrates the Irish Republican Army and is a throwback to their Roman Catholic Northern Ireland origins.
And it means that no one is allowed to take part in once-common chants in which fans goad their opponents by gleefully rehashing past tragedies like players’ untimely deaths, or, in the case of Rangers, the infamous 1971 incident in which 66 fans were crushed and asphyxiated to death at Ibrox as they rushed for the exits.
human rights and democracy
Roy Pea, Clifford Nass, Lyn Meheula, Marcus Rance, Aman Kumar, Holden Bamford, MatthewNass, Aneesh Simha, Benjamin Stillerman, Steven Yang, Michael Zhou
Regression analyses indicated that negative social well-being was positively associated with levels of uses of media that are centrally about interpersonal interaction (e.g., phone, online communication) as well as uses of media that are not (e.g., video, music, and reading). Video use was particularly strongly associated with negative social well-being indicators. Media multitasking was also associated with negative social indicators. Conversely, face-to-face communication was strongly associated with positive social well-being. Cell phone ownership and having a television or computer in one's room had little direct association with children's socioemotional well-being.
american way
Japanese way
Friday, January 27, 2012
Thursday, January 26, 2012
- 両足を伸ばした状態で座る
- 片足を曲げ、かかとをお尻に近づける
- 上体を軽く後ろに倒す
- ゆっくりと呼吸をしながら3の状態を30秒間キープする
- もう片足も同じようにおこなう
- 床に座って足を組む
- ひざをひじで押さえるようにして、上体をひねる
- ゆっくりと呼吸をしながら、2.の状態を30秒間キープする
- 反対側も同じようにしておこなう
- うつ伏せになり、腕をゆっくりと伸ばして背中をそらせる
- ゆっくりと呼吸をしながら、1.の状態を30秒間キープする
Peter McGee
Liebe Leserinnen und Leser,
sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
auf Antrag des Bayerischen Staatsministeriums der Finanzen hat ein Münchner Gericht am Nachmittag des 25.Januar entschieden, dass
Zeitungszeugen bis auf weiteres keine Auszüge aus ‘Mein Kampf’ verwenden darf, um sie wissenschaftlich kommentiert und analysiert zu veröffentlichen. Wir bedauern, dass wir deshalb anders als angekündigt allen interessierten Lesern, die uns einen frankierten und adressierten Rückumschlag zugesandt haben, vorerst keine vollständig leserliche Variante unserer Zeitungszeugen-Beilage ‘Das unlesbare Buch’ zusenden können. Gegen die Entscheidung des Münchner Gerichts werden wir Rechtsmittel einlegen. Sollten wir Erfolg haben, werden wir Ihnen die vollständig lesbare Variante zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt schicken.
Das große Interesse unserer Leserschaft und die breite Unterstützung für unser Anliegen einer verantwortungsvollen Auseinandersetzung mit diesem zentralen Werk der deutschen Geschichte bestärken uns in dem Wunsch nach einer abschließenden Klärung der Rechtslage.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Peter McGee
sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
auf Antrag des Bayerischen Staatsministeriums der Finanzen hat ein Münchner Gericht am Nachmittag des 25.Januar entschieden, dass
Zeitungszeugen bis auf weiteres keine Auszüge aus ‘Mein Kampf’ verwenden darf, um sie wissenschaftlich kommentiert und analysiert zu veröffentlichen. Wir bedauern, dass wir deshalb anders als angekündigt allen interessierten Lesern, die uns einen frankierten und adressierten Rückumschlag zugesandt haben, vorerst keine vollständig leserliche Variante unserer Zeitungszeugen-Beilage ‘Das unlesbare Buch’ zusenden können. Gegen die Entscheidung des Münchner Gerichts werden wir Rechtsmittel einlegen. Sollten wir Erfolg haben, werden wir Ihnen die vollständig lesbare Variante zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt schicken.
Das große Interesse unserer Leserschaft und die breite Unterstützung für unser Anliegen einer verantwortungsvollen Auseinandersetzung mit diesem zentralen Werk der deutschen Geschichte bestärken uns in dem Wunsch nach einer abschließenden Klärung der Rechtslage.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Peter McGee
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Phred Dvorak, Takashi Nakamichi
One of the world's greatest export engines is running out of steam.
For decades, Japan used the combination of manufacturing might and an export-oriented trade policy to shower markets around the world with its cars and consumer electronics and semiconductors.
No longer.
The Japanese government is expected to announce Wednesday that the country recorded its first annual trade deficit since 1980. If the yen remains strong and global demand weak, economists warn that Japan could run trade deficits for years to come.
The startling change is partly a result of one-time factors like the disastrous earthquake and tsunami last March, ...
For decades, Japan used the combination of manufacturing might and an export-oriented trade policy to shower markets around the world with its cars and consumer electronics and semiconductors.
No longer.
The Japanese government is expected to announce Wednesday that the country recorded its first annual trade deficit since 1980. If the yen remains strong and global demand weak, economists warn that Japan could run trade deficits for years to come.
The startling change is partly a result of one-time factors like the disastrous earthquake and tsunami last March, ...
Japanese way
New York City
- Theater/performance art (#1)
- Diverse (#1)
- Stylish (#1)
- Classical music (#1)
- Luxury stores (#1)
- People: Diverse, Stylish (#1)
- Culture: Classical music, Theater/performance art (#1)
- Shopping: Luxury stores (#1)
- ThePeace and quiet (#35)
- Affordability (#35)
- Cleanliness (#35)
- People: Friendly (#35)
- Quality of Life and Visitor Experience: Affordability, Cleanliness, Peace and quiet (#35)
Sunday, January 22, 2012
human rights and democracy
Obviously, not all prostitution is enslavement or trafficking, and some is voluntary. China probably has more prostitutes than any country in the world,Cautious Optimism for Sufferers of Joint Pain - NY, and it is largely voluntary with the women themselves keeping the money they earn. But in many countries — including the U.S., for that matter — there is a considerable amount of prostitution that is forced or involves minors. Talk to the survivors, and the stories are chilling. For that matter, read Somaly Mam’s terrific memoir, “The Road of Lost Innocence,” which offers a luminous window into what these girls go through.
There’s a tendency in some quarters to be non-judgmental about trafficking and even to criticize the raids on these brothels as traumatic to the girls involved. Well, it strikes me as pretty traumatic for a 12-year-old girl to be raped 20 times a night, seven days a week — not including the tortures that pimps worldwide use to break a girl’s spirit. This trafficking, in other words, has nothing to do with consenting adults and everything to do with rape and child abuse. Figuring what to do with adult prostitution is a tough challenge (I favor experimenting with the Swedish model), but cracking down on human trafficking should be a no-brainer.
There’s a tendency in some quarters to be non-judgmental about trafficking and even to criticize the raids on these brothels as traumatic to the girls involved. Well, it strikes me as pretty traumatic for a 12-year-old girl to be raped 20 times a night, seven days a week — not including the tortures that pimps worldwide use to break a girl’s spirit. This trafficking, in other words, has nothing to do with consenting adults and everything to do with rape and child abuse. Figuring what to do with adult prostitution is a tough challenge (I favor experimenting with the Swedish model), but cracking down on human trafficking should be a no-brainer.
human rights and democracy
Nicholas Kristof
My Sunday column returns to a regular theme — human trafficking — and recounts a raid on a brothel in northern Cambodia with one of my heroes, Somaly Mam. The youngest girl in the brothel had been trafficked from Vietnam a few months ago when she was in the seventh grade, meaning that she was born in 1999. That makes her about 12 years old.
Her youth made her very popular in the brothel. There were sometimes lines of men waiting to have sex with her, and she could have 20 customers a night. Of course, she didn’t get a penny of that income.
Her youth made her very popular in the brothel. There were sometimes lines of men waiting to have sex with her, and she could have 20 customers a night. Of course, she didn’t get a penny of that income.
human rights and democracy
Geoffrey A. Fowler, Christopher S. Stewart, Lucy Craymer
Kim Schmitz legally changed his surname to Dotcom at some point over the last decade, a homage to the technology that made him a millionaire and that has now landed him in a New Zealand jail.
Mr. Dotcom was charged with criminal copyright infringement and conspiracy to commit racketeering. The Federal Bureau of Investigation shut down his Hong Kong-based website, which it claims was used to pirate half a billion dollars worth of entertainment content.
The husky Mr. Dotcom is a kingpin in a little-exposed side of the Internet economy, who profited by tapping changes in technology, roiling the entertainment industry.
His company, Megaupload Ltd., and similar online storage sites known as cyberlockers, have many legitimate uses, such as allowing people to share large presentation files and home movies.
But U.S. authorities and entertainment executives say in court documents and interviews that cyberlockers are at the vanguard of online piracy. On Friday, the U.S. Congress abandoned two controversial antipiracy bills.
Despite the legal controversy brewing around his website—and a previous conviction for insider trading—Mr. Dotcom didn't lay low or hide anonymously behind his computer.
Mr. Dotcom was charged with criminal copyright infringement and conspiracy to commit racketeering. The Federal Bureau of Investigation shut down his Hong Kong-based website, which it claims was used to pirate half a billion dollars worth of entertainment content.
The husky Mr. Dotcom is a kingpin in a little-exposed side of the Internet economy, who profited by tapping changes in technology, roiling the entertainment industry.
His company, Megaupload Ltd., and similar online storage sites known as cyberlockers, have many legitimate uses, such as allowing people to share large presentation files and home movies.
But U.S. authorities and entertainment executives say in court documents and interviews that cyberlockers are at the vanguard of online piracy. On Friday, the U.S. Congress abandoned two controversial antipiracy bills.
Despite the legal controversy brewing around his website—and a previous conviction for insider trading—Mr. Dotcom didn't lay low or hide anonymously behind his computer.
Simon Constable
... Yes, there are some mammoth-sized unknowns out there that could hurt your returns. But when the biggest "what ifs" are resolved, you could also profit, if you play it right.
- What if Europe gets worse? No matter how much investors might desire it, Europe's economic mess just won't go away. But the big fear is that it will deteriorate even more before it gets better.
- What if U.S. housing finally improves? It's now close to five years since the housing bubble burst. When it rebounds isn't only an investment question, but of vital importance to households as well.
- What if the jobs recovery falters? The long-awaited jobs recovery seems to have arrived. The unemployment rate has dropped steadily, albeit slowly, from 9.1% in August to 8.5% in December. The big question: Can it be sustained?
- What if there's another budget crisis? Last summer, investors watched in horror as Congress wrestled over the government's finances. They even risked the first-ever default on U.S. debt.
- What if China's economy heats up? China's economy matters because it's the second largest in the world. Over the past decade, the communist country has grown fast, but lately it has been cooling off. The question is: What happens when it heats up again?
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Emma Graham-Harrison
Taliban fighters in Afghanistan have been enraged by a video which shows U.S. marines urinating on three corpses, believed to be insurgents, and some say they do not understand their leadership's relatively measured response to the tape.
News of the clip spread fast across Afghanistan, even though only a minority of people have electricity and the internet is restricted to a tiny urban elite.
Radio can reach remote militants and villagers and mobile phones are used by many Afghans, on both sides of the war, for storing and sharing videos even in remote areas with little communications infrastructure.
... they had been advised by their leaders not to kill their prisoners and spies but after seeing the video, many of them might not control themselves in future.
News of the clip spread fast across Afghanistan, even though only a minority of people have electricity and the internet is restricted to a tiny urban elite.
Radio can reach remote militants and villagers and mobile phones are used by many Afghans, on both sides of the war, for storing and sharing videos even in remote areas with little communications infrastructure.
... they had been advised by their leaders not to kill their prisoners and spies but after seeing the video, many of them might not control themselves in future.
CNN Wire Staff
Allied forces suffered a day of heavy losses in Afghanistan Friday after a helicopter crash killed six U.S. Marines and an attack killed four French soldiers, prompting Paris to consider an early troop withdrawal.
The Marines died after their CH-53 helicopter crashed in Helmand province, a U.S. military official said. The NATO-led force reported no enemy activity in the area, but the Taliban claimed credit for bringing down the chopper.
Separately, an Afghan soldier killed four French soldiers and injured 15 others, one critically, in eastern Afghanistan.
The Marines died after their CH-53 helicopter crashed in Helmand province, a U.S. military official said. The NATO-led force reported no enemy activity in the area, but the Taliban claimed credit for bringing down the chopper.
Separately, an Afghan soldier killed four French soldiers and injured 15 others, one critically, in eastern Afghanistan.
Kendra N. Hardesty
While we have not yet verified the origin or authenticity of this video, the actions portrayed are not consistent with our core values and are not indicative of the character of the Marines in our Corps.
american way
The United States Marine Corps
scout sniper team 4 with 3rd battalion 2nd marines out of camp lejeune peeing on dead talibans
human rights and democracy
Teresa Watanabe
For many students, L.A. Unified's trailblazing introduction of healthful school lunches has been a flop. Earlier this year, the district got rid of chocolate and strawberry milk, chicken nuggets, corn dogs, nachos and other food high in fat, sugar and sodium. Instead, district chefs concocted such healthful alternatives as vegetarian curries and tamales, quinoa salads and pad Thai noodles.
There's just one problem: Many of the meals are being rejected en masse. Participation in the school lunch program has dropped by thousands of students. Principals report massive waste, with unopened milk cartons and uneaten entrees being thrown away. Students are ditching lunch, and some say they're suffering from headaches, stomach pains and even anemia. At many campuses, an underground market for chips, candy, fast-food burgers and other taboo fare is thriving.
american way
Free Republic
american way
Linda Heard
... Yet, for some reason, major Western news channels and newspapers are treating this story in somewhat of a cavalier fashion, placing it way behind the turmoil in Syria, Iraq and Nigeria. This may be because such mutual belligerence between the West and Tehran has been going on for years – or, more likely, news outlets have been advised by governments to avoid incitement.
The real battle is not about the potential of an Iranian nuclear bomb, which even if it existed would be used as a deterrent. It is driven by a fundamental clash of ideologies but at its kernel is domination of the oil-rich Gulf. GCC states are the victims of this power play that’s been ongoing since the folding of the British Empire when its foothold was replaced by the US and its man, The Shah. ...
From the US perspective, Iran and its ally Syria together represent the last bastion of anti-Americanism in the area obstructing Washington’s hegemonic ambitions. ...
The Israeli point of view is far simpler. ...
The question is what’s the end game of this cacophony of saber rattling? ...
The bottom line is that there are only two ways this standoff can be resolved: The type of dialogue and carrot and stick diplomacy used to bring Pakistan, Myanmar and, less successfully, North Korea into the fold – or death, destruction and economic suicide. For responsible leaders with a conscience this would be a no-contest decision.
The real battle is not about the potential of an Iranian nuclear bomb, which even if it existed would be used as a deterrent. It is driven by a fundamental clash of ideologies but at its kernel is domination of the oil-rich Gulf. GCC states are the victims of this power play that’s been ongoing since the folding of the British Empire when its foothold was replaced by the US and its man, The Shah. ...
From the US perspective, Iran and its ally Syria together represent the last bastion of anti-Americanism in the area obstructing Washington’s hegemonic ambitions. ...
The Israeli point of view is far simpler. ...
The question is what’s the end game of this cacophony of saber rattling? ...
The bottom line is that there are only two ways this standoff can be resolved: The type of dialogue and carrot and stick diplomacy used to bring Pakistan, Myanmar and, less successfully, North Korea into the fold – or death, destruction and economic suicide. For responsible leaders with a conscience this would be a no-contest decision.
american way
Jeane J. Kirkpatrick
We have war when at least one of the parties to a conflict wants something more than it wants peace.
Michael McLaughlin
Students in the popular and provocative human sexuality course at Northwestern University were invited for an optional demonstration after class on Feb. 21 in which a naked woman was penetrated by a sex toy until she reached sexual climax.
About 120 students voluntarily stayed for the extracurricular activity organized by professor John Michael Bailey. Guest speaker Ken Melvoin-Berg, co-owner of Weird Chicago Tours, led the "Network for Kinky People" panel, which included several women.
Before a woman onstage disrobed, students were repeatedly advised that they would see explicit content.
The woman then used a machine with a graphic name to stimulate herself to the point of ejaculation, a topic that had been recently covered in class, Bailey said.
About 120 students voluntarily stayed for the extracurricular activity organized by professor John Michael Bailey. Guest speaker Ken Melvoin-Berg, co-owner of Weird Chicago Tours, led the "Network for Kinky People" panel, which included several women.
Before a woman onstage disrobed, students were repeatedly advised that they would see explicit content.
The woman then used a machine with a graphic name to stimulate herself to the point of ejaculation, a topic that had been recently covered in class, Bailey said.
american way
Friday, January 20, 2012

British Library, JISC
University College London
So what are the main challenges to libraries and their information services in meeting the needs of users?
- Taking full advantage of the popularity of scholarly information.
- Reversing the process of dis-intermediation in a full-blown do-it-yourself consumer marketplace.
- Becoming much more e-consumer-friendly and less stodgy and intellectual.
- Avoiding the decoupling scenario – libraries being decoupled from the user and the publisher.
- Introducing robust, fit-for-purpose mechanisms for monitoring and evaluating their users.
- Really getting information skills on the agenda because clearly people are having great difficulties navigating and profiting from the virtual scholarly environment.
- The library profession desperately needs leadership to develop a new vision for the 21st century and reverse its declining profile and influence.
Peter Williams, Ian Rowlands
- Google Generation show a preference for visual information over text
- Google Generation want a variety of learning experiences
- Google Generation Have shifted decisively to digital forms of communication
- Google Generation ‘Multitask’
- Google Generation are impatient and have zero tolerance for delay
- Google Generation find their peers more credible as a source of information than authority figures
- Google Generation need to feel constantly connected to the web
- Google Generation learn by doing rather than knowing
- Google Generation prefer quick information in the form of easily digested short chunks rather than full text
- Google Generation have a poor understanding and lack of respect for intellectual property
- Google Generation are format agnostic
- For the Google Generation, virtual reality may be as real as the real experience
Lisa Satayut
The five candidates spoke harshly of the United Nations and international treaties.
... When asked about the U.N., Durant said the United States should leave the international body. He believes a new "united body" should be created. "I would take an effort to re-establish a new united body of people across the world that seek freedom and want to be a part of a universal body who emulates what we have established," he added.
Besides the U.N., international treaties were also not favored by any of the candidates.
... Hekman, a father of 12, said he would fight any effort that would give American sovereignty to an international body, including the U.N.
... Marino added he believes the U.N. is only in it for the money and power. "They want to influence a cash stream for themselves. They inject things like global warming. I'm here to tell you global warming is the biggest hoax."
... When asked about the U.N., Durant said the United States should leave the international body. He believes a new "united body" should be created. "I would take an effort to re-establish a new united body of people across the world that seek freedom and want to be a part of a universal body who emulates what we have established," he added.
Besides the U.N., international treaties were also not favored by any of the candidates.
... Hekman, a father of 12, said he would fight any effort that would give American sovereignty to an international body, including the U.N.
... Marino added he believes the U.N. is only in it for the money and power. "They want to influence a cash stream for themselves. They inject things like global warming. I'm here to tell you global warming is the biggest hoax."
american way
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Ayala Malach Pines
He is similar to me in many things, even though there are also many things in which we are different. We have many things in common. ... We had a special kind of closeness because of our personality.
Alan Watts
Falling in love is a thing that strikes like lightning and is, therefore, extremely analogous to the mystical vision… We do not really know how people obtain [these experiences], and there is not as yet a very clear rationale as to why it happens. If you should be so fortunate as to encounter either of these experiences, it seems to me to be a total denial of life to refuse it.
Alina Bezhenar
One evening, President Obama and his wife, Michelle, decided to go for an unplanned dinner in a restaurant that was not very luxurious. When they were seated, the restaurant owner asked the guard to Obama, whether it be converted to the first lady in private. Then Michelle and the man's conversation. After this conversation, President Obama askedMichelle, "Why was he so interested in communicating with you?" She said that in her teenage years, he was madly in love with her. President Obama said, "So what if youmarried him, you would now be able to be the owner of this fine restaurant?"
And Michelle replied: "No. If I married him, he would become president".
And Michelle replied: "No. If I married him, he would become president".
american way
Margaret Thatcher
I think we have gone through a period when too many children and people have been given to understand "I have a problem, it is the Government's job to cope with it!" or "I have a problem, I will go and get a grant to cope with it!" "I am homeless, the Government must house me!" and so they are casting their problems on society and who is society? There is no such thing! There are individual men and women and there are families and no government can do anything except through people and people look to themselves first. It is our duty to look after ourselves and then also to help look after our neighbour and life is a reciprocal business and people have got the entitlements too much in mind without the obligations, ...
human rights and democracy
International Telecommunications Union
At the beginning of the year 2000 there were only 500 million mobile subscriptions globally and 250 million Internet users.
By the beginning of this year 2011 those numbers have mushroomed to over five billion mobile users and two billion subscribers to the Internet.
By the beginning of this year 2011 those numbers have mushroomed to over five billion mobile users and two billion subscribers to the Internet.
Наталья Быкова
А что происходит, когда люди влюбляются? Они не кричат, напротив, говорят тихо. Потому, что их сердца находятся очень близко, и расстояние между ними совсем маленькое. А когда влюбляются еще сильнее, что происходит? Не говорят, а только перешептываются и становятся еще ближе в своей любви.
В конце даже перешептывание становится им не нужно. Они только смотрят друг на друга и все понимают без слов. Такое бывает, когда рядом двое любящих людей.
В конце даже перешептывание становится им не нужно. Они только смотрят друг на друга и все понимают без слов. Такое бывает, когда рядом двое любящих людей.
In the United States, Salafism has been equated by some with radicalism and terrorism in some newspaper articles, books, and public discourse. However, "Salafism" is not inherently synonymous with violence, terrorism, or radicalism. Many Salafis throughout the world are doctrinally rigid, but peaceful.
It is important to distinguish between the following groups, thought of (perhaps) as concentric circles:
It is important to distinguish between the following groups, thought of (perhaps) as concentric circles:
- "Jihadist Salafis" - such as the followers of al-Qaeda and like-minded local groups;
- "Salafis" - those who believe that the imitation of the behavior of the Prophet's closest companions should be the basis of the social order;
- "Islamists" - a still broader category,which includes anyone who thinks that the precepts of Islam - however interpreted - should be fundamental to the political and social order; and,
- "Discontented Muslims" - people who identify themselves as Muslims,and who are unhappy with their life prospects, with the justice of their societies,and/or with the state of the wider world.
John D. Sutter
Apple on Thursday lifted the veil on its plans to remake the educational landscape in a way that centers on its best-selling tablet computer, the iPad.
At a press conference in New York, the company announced three products that aim to get students and teachers to use the iPad's touch-screen interface to read, write, plan classes and communicate with each other.
First, a free app called iBooks Author lets anyone create a digital, interactive textbook.
Second, an update to a piece of software called iTunes U lets teachers plan their curriculum and communicate with their students over the iPad.
Finally, a new textbook store called iBooks 2, also a free app, will feature digital e-books for schools.
At a press conference in New York, the company announced three products that aim to get students and teachers to use the iPad's touch-screen interface to read, write, plan classes and communicate with each other.
First, a free app called iBooks Author lets anyone create a digital, interactive textbook.
Second, an update to a piece of software called iTunes U lets teachers plan their curriculum and communicate with their students over the iPad.
Finally, a new textbook store called iBooks 2, also a free app, will feature digital e-books for schools.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
IT Law Wiki
Technological protection measures (TPM) encompass software, devices or other technologies used to block or limit access to a work, or certain actions with respect to the work (e.g., copying). TPMs include such things as encryption, passwords, and access controls.
Section 1201 of Title 17, enacted as part of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), prohibits anyone from circumventing a “technological measure that effectively controls access to a work.” There is no ban on circumventing a technological measure that protects a right of a copyright owner, such as reproduction or distribution, without controlling access to the work. Circumventing a copy control in and of itself, for example, is not prohibited.
Section 1201 also prohibits manufacturing, providing, or trafficking in devices or services primarily designed to circumvent either access controls or rights controls. There are a number of exceptions to these anti-circumvention provisions.
Section 1201 of Title 17, enacted as part of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), prohibits anyone from circumventing a “technological measure that effectively controls access to a work.” There is no ban on circumventing a technological measure that protects a right of a copyright owner, such as reproduction or distribution, without controlling access to the work. Circumventing a copy control in and of itself, for example, is not prohibited.
Section 1201 also prohibits manufacturing, providing, or trafficking in devices or services primarily designed to circumvent either access controls or rights controls. There are a number of exceptions to these anti-circumvention provisions.
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