He emerged from the metro at the L'Enfant Plaza station and positioned himself against a wall beside a trash basket. By most measures, he was nondescript: a youngish white man in jeans, a long-sleeved T-shirt and a Washington Nationals baseball cap. From a small case, he removed a violin. Placing the open case at his feet, he shrewdly threw in a few dollars and pocket change as seed money, swiveled it to face pedestrian traffic, and began to play.
It was 7:51 a.m. on Friday, January 12, the middle of the morning rush hour. In the next 43 minutes, as the violinist performed six classical pieces, 1,097 people passed by. Almost all of them were on the way to work, which meant, for almost all of them, a government job. L'Enfant Plaza is at the nucleus of federal Washington, and these were mostly mid-level bureaucrats with those indeterminate, oddly fungible titles: policy analyst, project manager, budget officer, specialist, facilitator, consultant.
Each passerby had a quick choice to make, one familiar to commuters in any urban area where the occasional street performer is part of the cityscape: Do you stop and listen? Do you hurry past with a blend of guilt and irritation, aware of your cupidity but annoyed by the unbidden demand on your time and your wallet? Do you throw in a buck, just to be polite? Does your decision change if he's really bad? What if he's really good? Do you have time for beauty? Shouldn't you? What's the moral mathematics of the moment?
Monday, February 20, 2012
Sunday, February 19, 2012
- 古代の喪服が白かったということは日本書紀や隋書倭国伝などで知ってい ました。
- 718年に養老喪葬令が出されて、「天皇は直系二親等以上の喪には錫紵を着る」と定められたのがきっかけで 、なぜか黒に変ってしまうのです。唐書の「皇帝が喪服として錫衰を着る」というのを真似したのですが、唐でいう錫とは、灰汁処理した目の細かい白い麻布のことなのを、どういうわけか日本人はこれを金属のスズと解釈し、スズ色、つまり薄墨に染めてしまったというわけなんです。この錫紵の色は、平安時代になると貴族階級にも広まって、薄墨だった色合いも次第に濃くなっていきます。これはより黒い方が深い悲しみを表現すると考えられたからで、あの源氏物語でも、妻を亡くした光源氏が「自分が先に死んでいたら妻はもっと濃い色を着るのに、自分は妻の喪だから薄い色しか着られない」と嘆く場面があります。
- 白が復活したのは室町時代で、途中江戸時代に水色が登場したりしますが、基本的には白が続きます。私が思うには養老喪葬令以降、喪服を黒くしたのは上流階級だけで、庶民は一貫して白のままだったのではないかということです。といいますのは、白い布を黒く染めるには染料もいりますし、手間もかかります。昔は人の死を穢れと考えていて、一度着用した喪服を処分していたようですが、そんな手間をかけたものを庶民が簡単に捨てたとは考えにくい。それに、先祖代々受け継いできた伝統を変えるには、相当勇気がいるはずです。現代よりもはるかに信心深い時代ですから、伝統を変えることによってたたりや災いが起こるのではないかという"恐れ"が相当強かったと思います。
- そして、明治維新を機にヨーロッパの喪服を取り入れて黒になり、現代に至っています。
Japanese way
現存する法隆寺は、塔と金堂が"東西・横並び"で左右非対称、真ん中に空白がある伽藍配置になっています。 。。。 日本独特の「空間の美」、「余白の美」がありますね。
Japanese way
East West
East West
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Laura Hillenbrand
In the predawn darkness of August 26, 1929, in the back bedroom of a small house inTorrance, California, a twelve-year-old boy sat up in bed, listening. There was a sound coming from outside, growing ever louder. It was a huge, heavy rush, suggesting immensity, a great parting of air. It was coming from directly above the house. The boy swung his legs off his bed, raced down the stairs, slapped open the back door, and loped onto the grass. The yard was otherworldly, smothered in unnatural darkness, shivering with sound. The boy stood on the lawn beside his older brother, head thrown back, spellbound.
The sky had disappeared. An object that he could see only in silhouette, reaching across a massive arc of space, was suspended low in theair over the house. It was longer than two and a half football fields and as tall as a city. It was putting out the stars.
The sky had disappeared. An object that he could see only in silhouette, reaching across a massive arc of space, was suspended low in theair over the house. It was longer than two and a half football fields and as tall as a city. It was putting out the stars.
Adam Kirsch
Americans’ favorite World War II stories have always been about the democratic heroism of ordinary soldiers; this kind of popular history has never disappeared, and probably never will. Laura Hillenbrand’s “Unbroken” (2010), which has resided for months near the top of the best-seller list, tells the story of Louis Zamperini, an ex-track star turned airman, whose plane went down over the Pacific and who survived weeks adrift on a raft and even worse ordeals in a Japanese prison camp. As the title suggests, Zamperini is an untroubling kind of war hero, because his greatness was his refusal to break, not his ability to break others — a part of the soldier’s job that is far less comfortable to read about. Zamperini was a bombardier on a B-24, and at the very time he was being tortured by the Japanese, other bomber crews, made up of men no better or worse than he, carried out “Operation Gomorrah” — the weeklong raid on Hamburg, Germany, that in July 1943 killed some 40,000 civilians and destroyed virtually the entire city. Can we make room for that story, and others like it, in our memory of World War II? And if we do, can we still keep our pride in a “good war”?
Those are the questions being asked by the new wave of World War II histories. These books are not “revisionist,” in the pejorative sense: they don’t suggest a moral equivalence between the Axis and the Allies, or minimize Nazi crimes, or deny the Holocaust. Rather, they are thoughtful works by professional historians, who are less interested in rewriting the facts of the war than in reconsidering their moral implications.
Those are the questions being asked by the new wave of World War II histories. These books are not “revisionist,” in the pejorative sense: they don’t suggest a moral equivalence between the Axis and the Allies, or minimize Nazi crimes, or deny the Holocaust. Rather, they are thoughtful works by professional historians, who are less interested in rewriting the facts of the war than in reconsidering their moral implications.
Mark Hosenball
Iranian engineers have succeeded in neutralizing and purging the computer virus known as Stuxnet from their country's nuclear machinery, European and U.S. officials and private experts have told Reuters.
The malicious code, whose precise origin and authorship remain unconfirmed, made its way as early as 2009 into equipment controlling centrifuges Iran is using to enrich uranium, dealing a significant but perhaps temporary setback to Iran's suspected nuclear weapons work.
Many experts believe that Israel, possibly with assistance from the United States, was responsible for creating and deploying Stuxnet. But no authoritative account of who invented Stuxnet or how it got into Iran's centrifuge control equipment has surfaced.
The malicious code, whose precise origin and authorship remain unconfirmed, made its way as early as 2009 into equipment controlling centrifuges Iran is using to enrich uranium, dealing a significant but perhaps temporary setback to Iran's suspected nuclear weapons work.
Many experts believe that Israel, possibly with assistance from the United States, was responsible for creating and deploying Stuxnet. But no authoritative account of who invented Stuxnet or how it got into Iran's centrifuge control equipment has surfaced.
Anthony Shadida
If the revolts that swept the Middle East a year ago were the coming of age of youths determined to imagine another future for the Arab world, the aftermath that has brought elections in Egypt and Tunisia and the prospect of decisive Islamist influence in Morocco, Libya and, perhaps, Syria is the moment of another, older generation.
No one knows how one of the most critical chapters in the history of the modern Arab world will end, as the region pivots from a movement against dictatorship toward a movement for something that is proving far more ambiguous. But the generation, shaped by jail, exile and repression and bound by faith and alliances years in the making, will have the greatest say in determining what emerges.
No one knows how one of the most critical chapters in the history of the modern Arab world will end, as the region pivots from a movement against dictatorship toward a movement for something that is proving far more ambiguous. But the generation, shaped by jail, exile and repression and bound by faith and alliances years in the making, will have the greatest say in determining what emerges.
Friday, February 17, 2012
We wanted to bring the WordPress experience to a larger audience. So we created WordPress.com, a hosted version of the open source package where you can start a blog in seconds without any technical knowledge. We’re a bit of an underdog, as there are much larger hosted blogging services such as Blogger that have been out for years, but when WordPress.org got started people said the blog software market was saturated and there wasn’t room for anything new. (The big players then were Greymatter and Movable Type.) We think we have something unique to bring to the table.
WordPress.com is under very active development, and we roll out updates almost every day. New features and services are driven by you so please use our feedback form to let us know what you want.
WordPress.com is under very active development, and we roll out updates almost every day. New features and services are driven by you so please use our feedback form to let us know what you want.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Alvin Toffler
The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.
Barak Ravid

"A cartoon like this endangers the lives of unarmed diplomats, and you have an obligation to protect them," Falt said, according to an Israeli source. "We understand that there is freedom of the press in Israel, but the government must prevent attacks on UNESCO."
Barkan pointed out that the government has no control over editorial cartoons printed in the papers. "Ask yourselves what you did to make a moderate paper with a deeply internationalist bent publish such a cartoon," he suggested. "Perhaps the problem is with you."
WikiLeaks denounced UNESCO for banning WikiLeaks from tomorrow’s international conference about WikiLeaks. The large two-day conference, which has 37 speakers listed, is to be held UNESCO Headquarters in Paris. US organizers have stacked the conference with WikiLeaks opponents and blocked all speakers from WikiLeaks, stating that the decision to censor WikiLeaks representation was an exercise in ’freedom of expression... our right to give voice to speakers of our choice’.
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange denounced the conference: ’UNESCO has made itself an international human rights joke. To use "freedom of expression" to censor WikiLeaks from a conference about WikiLeaks is an Orwellian absurdity beyond words. This is an intolerable abuse of UNESCO’s Constitution. It’s time to occupy UNESCO.’
WikiLeaks spokesperson Kristinn Hrafnsson expressed consternation in a letter to UNESCO about the exclusion: ’UNESCO has a duty to assure that fairness and balance is secured in important discussions carried out under the banner of the organization. It is obvious that this will hardly be the case, given the selection of speakers. This is both a disgrace to UNESCO and potentially harmful to WikiLeaks.’
Julian Assange calls for an immediate investigation "UNESCO must conduct a full, frank and open investigation as to how its constitution, which tasks it to promote freedom of expression, freedom of information and freedom of communication, has become a blunt instrument of censorship. UNESCO must demonstrate that cold-war style power-plays, by the United States, or indeed any other country, are no longer acceptable."
The following hash tag may be used to follow the story: "#OccupyUNESCO"
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange denounced the conference: ’UNESCO has made itself an international human rights joke. To use "freedom of expression" to censor WikiLeaks from a conference about WikiLeaks is an Orwellian absurdity beyond words. This is an intolerable abuse of UNESCO’s Constitution. It’s time to occupy UNESCO.’
WikiLeaks spokesperson Kristinn Hrafnsson expressed consternation in a letter to UNESCO about the exclusion: ’UNESCO has a duty to assure that fairness and balance is secured in important discussions carried out under the banner of the organization. It is obvious that this will hardly be the case, given the selection of speakers. This is both a disgrace to UNESCO and potentially harmful to WikiLeaks.’
Julian Assange calls for an immediate investigation "UNESCO must conduct a full, frank and open investigation as to how its constitution, which tasks it to promote freedom of expression, freedom of information and freedom of communication, has become a blunt instrument of censorship. UNESCO must demonstrate that cold-war style power-plays, by the United States, or indeed any other country, are no longer acceptable."
The following hash tag may be used to follow the story: "#OccupyUNESCO"
Innovation is “the Way of Haier”, which means: create values for customer on the basis of world-class systems and platforms, so as to establish a win-win culture. Meanwhile, Haier is committed to long term success, which depends to a large extent on our values.
Core Values of Haier:
Core Values of Haier:
- Customer Oriented – Think what consumers think
- Development Focused - Entrepreneurial spirit and creativity
- Interest Driven – Win-Win Culture
AfriGadget is a website dedicated to showcasing African ingenuity. A team of bloggers and readers contribute their pictures, videos and stories from around the continent. The stories of innovation are inspiring. It is a testament to Africans bending the little they have to their will, using creativity to overcome life’s challenges.
Apple Inc.
Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.
Neil Gaiman
Google can bring you back 100,000 answers, a librarian can bring you back the right one.
Drew Houston
Most of our growth is word of mouth/viral, so free users are still valuable: we grow faster, and they refer people who might pay.
Picking the right duration is tricky, and people add files to their Dropboxes at different rates. Many pay eventually after using the free service for a long time.
Picking the right duration is tricky, and people add files to their Dropboxes at different rates. Many pay eventually after using the free service for a long time.
A father who was upset after a Tennessee couple deleted his adult daughter as a friend on Facebook has been charged in the shooting deaths of the couple, authorities said Wednesday.
The victims had complained to police that Marvin Potter's daughter was harassing them after they deleted her as a friend on the social networking site, Johnson County Sheriff Mike Reece said Wednesday.
Potter, 60, has been charged with two counts of first-degree murder in last week's slayings of Billy Payne Jr. and his girlfriend, Billie Jean Hayworth. The couple was shot to death in their Mountain City home in the far northeast corner of the state. Their 8-month-old baby was found unharmed in Hayworth's arms.
The victims had complained to police that Marvin Potter's daughter was harassing them after they deleted her as a friend on the social networking site, Johnson County Sheriff Mike Reece said Wednesday.
Potter, 60, has been charged with two counts of first-degree murder in last week's slayings of Billy Payne Jr. and his girlfriend, Billie Jean Hayworth. The couple was shot to death in their Mountain City home in the far northeast corner of the state. Their 8-month-old baby was found unharmed in Hayworth's arms.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
asian way
Jason Chow
Zurich took over from Tokyo as the world's most expensive city to live in, according to the Economist Intelligence Unit's most recent world-wide cost-of-living survey.
The study, which is published twice a year, tracks the prices of goods and services such as food, transportation, utilities, private schools and domestic help to calculate scores for each city, using New York as its base with a score of 100. Real-estate prices aren't factored into the survey.
Zurich and Tokyo scored 170 and 166, respectively, indicating that they are about 70% and 66% more expensive to live in than New York.
The study, which is published twice a year, tracks the prices of goods and services such as food, transportation, utilities, private schools and domestic help to calculate scores for each city, using New York as its base with a score of 100. Real-estate prices aren't factored into the survey.
Zurich and Tokyo scored 170 and 166, respectively, indicating that they are about 70% and 66% more expensive to live in than New York.
Bruce Chapman
What do diplomats do when circumstances change before a scheduled international conference to take action? They put out a resounding statement and pledge to meet again. That is what you can expect from the coming global climate summit in Denmark.
The problem for the global warming hysterics is that the globe is not warming this decade. Activists like Chris Mooney who have tried to smear anyone who questioned the extent or causes of global warming now have to deal with growing dissent within the ranks of climatologists.
How much better it would be for them to try to find common practical ground with doubters. You don't have to buy the idea that human beings have caused global warming to agree that Americans should reduce pollution and reduce dependency on foreign oil--and on oil in general. The Obama Administration that has ditched cap and trade for now could achieve an alternative victory by encouraging conversion to nuclear power and abundant, cleaner burning natural gas. At that point, electricity becomes relatively cheaper and electric cars become viable. Meanwhile, agreement also could be reached on helping developing countries to effect a similar conversion.
Instead, we get endless Chicken Little statements that seem to have increasingly little point.
The problem for the global warming hysterics is that the globe is not warming this decade. Activists like Chris Mooney who have tried to smear anyone who questioned the extent or causes of global warming now have to deal with growing dissent within the ranks of climatologists.
How much better it would be for them to try to find common practical ground with doubters. You don't have to buy the idea that human beings have caused global warming to agree that Americans should reduce pollution and reduce dependency on foreign oil--and on oil in general. The Obama Administration that has ditched cap and trade for now could achieve an alternative victory by encouraging conversion to nuclear power and abundant, cleaner burning natural gas. At that point, electricity becomes relatively cheaper and electric cars become viable. Meanwhile, agreement also could be reached on helping developing countries to effect a similar conversion.
Instead, we get endless Chicken Little statements that seem to have increasingly little point.
Niccolò Machiavelli
Entrepreneurs are simply those who understand that there is little difference between obstacle and opportunity and are able to turn both to their advantage.
human rights and democracy
human rights and democracy
human rights and democracy
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Human Rights Now
Our mission is to take action to: 1) Contribute to the promotion and protection of human rights worldwide, with a special focus on Asian countries; 2) Contribute to the development of international human rights standards and norms through the UN and other international institutions; and 3) Promote the incorporation of international human rights standards within the domestic framework in Japan.
In particular, we seek to make a concerted effort to improve the human rights situation in the Asian region, where many people are suffering from serious human rights abuses. By highlighting the situation and enabling victims of abuse to have their voices heard, we spare all effort to make a positive difference. In working to achieve these goals, we would be very happy to cooperate closely with international and grassroots NGOs around the world.
In particular, we seek to make a concerted effort to improve the human rights situation in the Asian region, where many people are suffering from serious human rights abuses. By highlighting the situation and enabling victims of abuse to have their voices heard, we spare all effort to make a positive difference. In working to achieve these goals, we would be very happy to cooperate closely with international and grassroots NGOs around the world.
human rights and democracy
human rights and democracy
Peter Morville
Ambient findability describes a fast emerging world where we can find anyone or anything from anywhere at anytime. We're not there yet, but we're headed in the right direction. Information is in the air, literally. And it changes our minds, physically. Most importantly, findability invests freedom in the individual.
Hiroshi Ishii
At the seashore, between the land of atoms and the sea of bits, we are now facing the challenge of reconciling our dual citizenship in the physical and digital worlds. Our windows to the digital world have been confined to flat rectangular screens and pixels, or ‘painted bits’. While our visual senses are steeped in the sea of digital information, our bodies remain in the physical world. The vision of tangible bits is to provide seamless coupling between these two very different worlds of bits and atoms. Tangible Bits give physical form to digital information, making bits directly manipulable and perceptible and blurring the boundary between physical space and cyberspace.
Peace Corps
The Peace Corps traces its roots and mission to 1960, when then Senator John F. Kennedy challenged students at the University of Michigan to serve their country in the cause of peace by living and working in developing countries. From that inspiration grew an agency of the federal government devoted to world peace and friendship.
Since that time, 200,000+ Peace Corps Volunteers have served in 139 host countries to work on issues ranging from AIDS education to information technology and environmental preservation.
Today's Peace Corps is more vital than ever, working in emerging and essential areas such as information technology and business development, and contributing to the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief. Peace Corps Volunteers continue to help countless individuals who want to build a better life for themselves, their children, and their communities.
Since that time, 200,000+ Peace Corps Volunteers have served in 139 host countries to work on issues ranging from AIDS education to information technology and environmental preservation.
Today's Peace Corps is more vital than ever, working in emerging and essential areas such as information technology and business development, and contributing to the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief. Peace Corps Volunteers continue to help countless individuals who want to build a better life for themselves, their children, and their communities.
american way
Peter Menzel, Faith D’Aluisi
Mariel Booth
The Model Student
Calories: 2400, Country: USA
Her 2,400 calories could rise or fall depending on whether she’s indulging in comfort food
with her boyfriend or slimming down for a modeling job.
The Sumo Wrestler
Calories: 3500, Country: Japan
To achieve his fighting weight, the mountain of a man spent years force-feeding himself many more calories than the listed 3,500. Now it takes fewer calories to maintain his 400-pound bulk. During the week of his interview, he was in training for a tournament—one of six big yearly matches—so he wasn’t drinking alcohol or eating at restaurants with sponsors of his club. His calorie count would have been higher at those times.
The Model Student
Calories: 2400, Country: USA
Her 2,400 calories could rise or fall depending on whether she’s indulging in comfort food
with her boyfriend or slimming down for a modeling job.

The Sumo Wrestler
Calories: 3500, Country: Japan
To achieve his fighting weight, the mountain of a man spent years force-feeding himself many more calories than the listed 3,500. Now it takes fewer calories to maintain his 400-pound bulk. During the week of his interview, he was in training for a tournament—one of six big yearly matches—so he wasn’t drinking alcohol or eating at restaurants with sponsors of his club. His calorie count would have been higher at those times.
Exit Mundi
Isn't life a bitch? The world is going to end. You don't even have to be a religious fundamentalist to see that's true.
Some people collect postal stamps; Exit Mundi collects scenarios of what could go wrong with the world. Sure, our planet could get hit by an asteroid. But hey, that's nothing. Did you know we could all be munched away by hungry molecules? Or that our physicists could unintentionally wipe us all out while tinkering with particles? `Oops, sorry...'
Exit Mundi isn't in it for doom preaching, but strictly for fun. It's a fascinating thought: if that &*%#-comet didn't wipe out the dinosaurs 65 million years ago, we wouldn't be here pondering about apocalypses and armageddons in the first place. The dinosaurs roamed our planet millions of years longer than we did. If it wasn't for the comet, they still would.
That's why this site is a tribute to floods, quantum explosions and awfully big chunks of space rock falling out of the sky. If there's a lesson to be learnt, it should be that within every end looms the dawn of a new beginning.
Sounds good, doesn't it?
Some people collect postal stamps; Exit Mundi collects scenarios of what could go wrong with the world. Sure, our planet could get hit by an asteroid. But hey, that's nothing. Did you know we could all be munched away by hungry molecules? Or that our physicists could unintentionally wipe us all out while tinkering with particles? `Oops, sorry...'
Exit Mundi isn't in it for doom preaching, but strictly for fun. It's a fascinating thought: if that &*%#-comet didn't wipe out the dinosaurs 65 million years ago, we wouldn't be here pondering about apocalypses and armageddons in the first place. The dinosaurs roamed our planet millions of years longer than we did. If it wasn't for the comet, they still would.
That's why this site is a tribute to floods, quantum explosions and awfully big chunks of space rock falling out of the sky. If there's a lesson to be learnt, it should be that within every end looms the dawn of a new beginning.
Sounds good, doesn't it?
Kim Zetter
The government released Steve Jobs’ FBI file Thursday, including details of a background check done for a presidential appointment in 1991 and a bomb threat against him in 1985. The document also indicates that Jobs had a Top Secret government security clearance while working at Pixar.
The background check for an appointment to the president’s Export Council, under former President George H. W. Bush, included interviews with friends and colleagues to make sure there was nothing in Jobs’ background that would open him to blackmail.
One interviewee remarked on Jobs’ well-known drug use — which included, by his own admission, the use of LSD during his schooldays.
Others mentioned that Jobs couldn’t be trusted and that he was able to create a reality-distortion field.
The background check for an appointment to the president’s Export Council, under former President George H. W. Bush, included interviews with friends and colleagues to make sure there was nothing in Jobs’ background that would open him to blackmail.
One interviewee remarked on Jobs’ well-known drug use — which included, by his own admission, the use of LSD during his schooldays.
Others mentioned that Jobs couldn’t be trusted and that he was able to create a reality-distortion field.
american way
Monday, February 13, 2012
Maria Robinson
Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Faisal Al Yafai
The clouds of conspiracy are gathering over Syria. With more than half of Syrians supporting President Bashar Al Assad, there has been a concerted effort by the western media to minimise his domestic support while maximising criticism of his failings. In particular, the effectiveness of the observer mission is questioned, to speed the day when the United Nations authorises Nato intervention and ushers into power a more pro-western Syrian government.
That, at least, is the analysis of the situation that has been best articulated by Jonathan Steele in the Guardian and Aisling Byrne of the Beirut-based Conflicts Forum website. It is not wrong. But it is not right, either. Very few of the separate claims of this theory are inaccurate, but the way they are strung together misses the nature of what is happening in the Levant.
... Egypt and Libya were good guys, until one day they simply weren't. The complicity of western governments in repressing Egyptians and Libyans was forgotten.
There were some hints of culpability, usually phrased as a wistful "we should have known more", but the dominant narrative was simplified to exonerate the western powers. Questions about the cost of the war and the involvement of the West were raised, but western politicians were always framed as disinterested and impartial. That, for much of the West's media, was the only conceivable frame.
That, at least, is the analysis of the situation that has been best articulated by Jonathan Steele in the Guardian and Aisling Byrne of the Beirut-based Conflicts Forum website. It is not wrong. But it is not right, either. Very few of the separate claims of this theory are inaccurate, but the way they are strung together misses the nature of what is happening in the Levant.
... Egypt and Libya were good guys, until one day they simply weren't. The complicity of western governments in repressing Egyptians and Libyans was forgotten.
There were some hints of culpability, usually phrased as a wistful "we should have known more", but the dominant narrative was simplified to exonerate the western powers. Questions about the cost of the war and the involvement of the West were raised, but western politicians were always framed as disinterested and impartial. That, for much of the West's media, was the only conceivable frame.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
John Rawls
All social primary goods - liberty and opportunity, income and wealth, and the bases of self-respect - are to be distributed equally unless an unequal distribution of any or all of these goods is to the advantage of the least favored.
Libertarian Socialism
Robert Nozick
If the state did not exist would it be necessary to invent it? Would one be needed, and would it have to be invented? These questions arise for political philosophy and for a theory explaining political phenomena, and are answered by investigating the "state of nature," to use the terminology of traditional political theory. The justification for resuscitating this archaic notion would have to be the fruitfulness, interest, and far-reaching implications of the theory that results. For the (less trusting) readers who desire some assurance in advance, this chapter discusses reasons why it is important to pursue state-of-nature theory, reasons for thinking that theory would be a fruitful one. These reasons necessarily are somewhat abstract and metatheoretical. The best reason is the developed theory itself.
Libertarian Socialism
asian way
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Pew Research Center

american way
Kyoungwha Kim
With Asia’s elderly population poised to double within four decades, more money is being plowed into preserving wealth than enhancing growth, driving up demand for the region’s bonds that are beating returns on stocks.
The number of Asians 60 or older will exceed 1.25 billion, or 24 percent of the population in 2050 from 10 percent in 2011, according to data compiled by the United Nations. That helps explain the surge in pension fund assets and shows why the region’s emerging-market debt returned 63 percent in the five years through 2011. The MSCI Asia Pacific Index of shares excluding Japan gained 17 percent in that period.
The number of Asians 60 or older will exceed 1.25 billion, or 24 percent of the population in 2050 from 10 percent in 2011, according to data compiled by the United Nations. That helps explain the surge in pension fund assets and shows why the region’s emerging-market debt returned 63 percent in the five years through 2011. The MSCI Asia Pacific Index of shares excluding Japan gained 17 percent in that period.
asian way

"Recent developments in the region show that the Iranian nation has been able to find friends, supporters, and allies for themselves over the past three decades."
Ravi Somaiya, Alan Cowell
Rupert Murdoch’s British newspaper subsidiary reached a new batch of settlements in the hacking scandal that has convulsed parts of the British press, police and political establishment, according to lawyers.
... Mr. Murdoch’s media empire agreed to pay substantial damages to several dozen high-profile victims of phone and e-mail hacking, and lawyers for those victims said they had seen documents showing that senior managers not only knew about the practice but also lied about it and destroyed evidence as part of a cover-up. ...
... The settlements disclosed last month included those of the actor Jude Law, who received about $200,000; Sadie Frost, his ex-wife, who received $77,000; Ben Jackson, his assistant, who received $61,000; Gavin Henson, a Welsh rugby star, who also received $61,000; and Denis MacShane, a member of Parliament, who received $50,000.
It was unclear how much the Murdoch businesses will end up having to pay after all the cases are settled.
According to the police, there may be as many as 800 victims.
... Mr. Murdoch’s media empire agreed to pay substantial damages to several dozen high-profile victims of phone and e-mail hacking, and lawyers for those victims said they had seen documents showing that senior managers not only knew about the practice but also lied about it and destroyed evidence as part of a cover-up. ...
... The settlements disclosed last month included those of the actor Jude Law, who received about $200,000; Sadie Frost, his ex-wife, who received $77,000; Ben Jackson, his assistant, who received $61,000; Gavin Henson, a Welsh rugby star, who also received $61,000; and Denis MacShane, a member of Parliament, who received $50,000.
It was unclear how much the Murdoch businesses will end up having to pay after all the cases are settled.
According to the police, there may be as many as 800 victims.
Jason Burke
Fresh violence has broken out in the Maldives after Mohamed Nasheed, the ousted president, claimed he was forced to give up his office at gunpoint, raising the prospect of a fierce struggle for power in the island nation.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Déclaration universelle des droits de l'homme (Français: Universal)
Всеобщая декларация прав человека (Русский: Universal)
世界人权宣言 (中文: World)
Déclaration universelle des droits de l'homme (Français: Universal)
Всеобщая декларация прав человека (Русский: Universal)
世界人权宣言 (中文: World)
(語本日: World) 言宣権人界世
(العربية: World/International) الإعلان العالمي لحقوق الإنسان
United Nations
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations in 1948 sets a common standard to ensure that all human beings are treated equally. The United Nations has advanced and supported democracy and democractic goverance through electoral assistance provided to over 50 countries since 2010 alone. The UN has assisted in milestone elections in many countries, including Afghanistan, Burundi, Cambodia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Iraq, Nepal, Sierra Leone, the Sudan, and Timor-Leste. The United Nations has formulated more than 80 treaties and declarations protecting and promoting human rights, for example, banning the participation of children under 18 in armed conflict and prohibiting the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography.
UN way
Susan Rice
Out of every tax dollar you pay, 34 cents goes to Social Security and Medicare, 22 cents to national security and our amazing military, and a nickel to paying interest on the national debt. Just one-tenth of a single penny goes to pay our UN dues.
The other alternative to the UN is that we do nothing and that these con icts fester, spill over, and create an environment where criminals can operate and where terrorists can nd a safe haven.
We see human rights and democracy not only as the expression of universal values, but as the only means of achieving the goals of long-term political stability and sustainable economic development on the African continent.
The other alternative to the UN is that we do nothing and that these con icts fester, spill over, and create an environment where criminals can operate and where terrorists can nd a safe haven.
We see human rights and democracy not only as the expression of universal values, but as the only means of achieving the goals of long-term political stability and sustainable economic development on the African continent.
american way
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Japanese way
Maria Panina
A Russian team has succeeded in drilling through four kilometres (2.5 miles) of ice to the surface of a mythical subglacial Antarctic lake which could hold as yet unknown life forms, reports said Monday.
Lake Vostok is the largest subglacial lake in Antarctica and scientists want to study its eco-system which has been isolated for hundreds of thousands of years under the ice in the hope of finding previously unknown microbiological life forms.
"Our scientists completed drilling at a depth of 3,768 metres and reached the surface of the subglacial lake." ...
"Because the lower layer was formed 400,000 years ago, from the composition of the gas it is possible to judge the gas composition in the atmosphere 400,000 years ago and during the time that has passed since the formation of the lake."
"From there, it is possible to identify and forecast certain climatic changes in the future. This is very important."
Lake Vostok is the largest subglacial lake in Antarctica and scientists want to study its eco-system which has been isolated for hundreds of thousands of years under the ice in the hope of finding previously unknown microbiological life forms.
"Our scientists completed drilling at a depth of 3,768 metres and reached the surface of the subglacial lake." ...
"Because the lower layer was formed 400,000 years ago, from the composition of the gas it is possible to judge the gas composition in the atmosphere 400,000 years ago and during the time that has passed since the formation of the lake."
"From there, it is possible to identify and forecast certain climatic changes in the future. This is very important."
Christine Haughney
After the flames were extinguished Sunday night, firefighters made the discovery: a body, deep in an abandoned crew room, in a subway tunnel on the F line just north of 63rd Street and Lexington Avenue.
The victim was obviously homeless. Less apparent were his circumstances and history, but it did not take long for those to emerge. Of all the homeless people in the subway, the victim, Anthony Horton, 43, had been among the least faceless.
Mr. Horton found solace in the blackness of the tunnels. He made the subway the subject of his canvases, the muse for a graphic novel that he co-wrote, and the place he called home for the better part of his adult life, even when he had other places to stay.
... The book was based on his life underground. He told of a dozen or so rules of thumb, including: Always carry a light. Anything you need can be found in the garbage. Always have more than one spot.
Then there was this: Always have a way out that is different from the way in.
“He was a gentle soul, and I admired him.” ... “I wanted him to live a long time.”
The victim was obviously homeless. Less apparent were his circumstances and history, but it did not take long for those to emerge. Of all the homeless people in the subway, the victim, Anthony Horton, 43, had been among the least faceless.
Mr. Horton found solace in the blackness of the tunnels. He made the subway the subject of his canvases, the muse for a graphic novel that he co-wrote, and the place he called home for the better part of his adult life, even when he had other places to stay.
... The book was based on his life underground. He told of a dozen or so rules of thumb, including: Always carry a light. Anything you need can be found in the garbage. Always have more than one spot.
Then there was this: Always have a way out that is different from the way in.
“He was a gentle soul, and I admired him.” ... “I wanted him to live a long time.”
american way
Leslie Kaufman, Kate Zernike
Across the country, activists with ties to the Tea Party are railing against all sorts of local and state efforts to control sprawl and conserve energy. They brand government action for things like expanding public transportation routes and preserving open space as part of a United Nations-led conspiracy to deny property rights and herd citizens toward cities.
In Maine, the Tea Party-backed Republican governor canceled a project to ease congestion along the Route 1 corridor after protesters complained it was part of the United Nations plot.
In Maine, the Tea Party-backed Republican governor canceled a project to ease congestion along the Route 1 corridor after protesters complained it was part of the United Nations plot.
The Republican National Committee resolution, passed without fanfare on Jan. 13, declared, “The United Nations Agenda 21 plan of radical so-called ‘sustainable development’ views the American way of life of private property ownership, single family homes, private car ownership and individual travel choices, and privately owned farms; all as destructive to the environment.”
american way
Rodd Wagner, Gale Muller
The best happen when you and someone who has strengths that complement yours join forces and focus on a single goal. Your strengths cancel out your partner's weaknesses, and vice versa. You accomplish together what could not be done separately.
Before you can forge a successful alliance, you must understand what you bring to the combination, and equally important, what you don't.
Before you can forge a successful alliance, you must understand what you bring to the combination, and equally important, what you don't.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Kenneth Roth
The sad truth is that the dominant Western policy toward the Arab people traditionally has been one of containment. Today many applaud as the people of the region take to the streets to claim their rights, but until recently Western governments frequently acted as if the Arab people were to be feared, hemmed in, controlled. In other regions, democracy spread, but in the Middle East and North Africa, the West seemed content to back an array of Arab autocrats, so long as they in turn supported Western interests. Elsewhere, governments were expected, at least in principle, to serve their people, but the West looked to the monarchs and strongmen of the Arab world to guarantee “stability,” to keep the lid on popular demands. The world’s promotion of human rights had an Arab exception.
The Arab Spring showed that many people in the region do not share the West’s comfortable complacency with autocratic rule. No longer willing to be the passive subjects of self-serving rulers, they began to insist on becoming full citizens of their countries, the proper agents of their fate. In one country after another, an act of repression sparked popular outrage at a regime that had taken one brutal step too many. This time the much discussed but long quiescent Arab Street arose and upended the old order. In finding its collective voice and power, the region’s people transformed its politics in a way that will not be easy to turn back.
The Arab Spring showed that many people in the region do not share the West’s comfortable complacency with autocratic rule. No longer willing to be the passive subjects of self-serving rulers, they began to insist on becoming full citizens of their countries, the proper agents of their fate. In one country after another, an act of repression sparked popular outrage at a regime that had taken one brutal step too many. This time the much discussed but long quiescent Arab Street arose and upended the old order. In finding its collective voice and power, the region’s people transformed its politics in a way that will not be easy to turn back.
human rights and democracy
Somini Sengupta
A discomfort is sweeping through Europe about the ways in which Internet companies treat personal information. That discomfort has, in turn, prompted proposals for stricter regulation of online data across the continent. And Europe’s moves to protect Internet privacy — something Americans have not, as yet, actively agitated for — have given rise to a thorny question: How do the laws and mores of different nations manage, if at all, the multinational companies that now govern our digital lives?
United States House of Representatives

american way
human being
Estimates that include second language speakers vary greatly from 470 million to over a billion depending on how literacy or mastery is defined and measured.
Japanese way
Saturday, February 4, 2012

Alfred M. Worden
Now I know why I'm here
Not for a closer look at the moon,
But to look back
At our home
The Earth.
Quietly, like a night bird, floating, soaring, wingless.
We glide from shore to shore, curving and falling
but not quite touching;
Earth: a distant memory seen in an instant of repose,
crescent shaped, ethereal, beautiful,
I wonder which part is home, but I know it doesn't matter . . .
the bond is there in my mind and memory;
Earth: a small, bubbly balloon hanging delicately
in the nothingness of space.
Not for a closer look at the moon,
But to look back
At our home
The Earth.
Quietly, like a night bird, floating, soaring, wingless.
We glide from shore to shore, curving and falling
but not quite touching;
Earth: a distant memory seen in an instant of repose,
crescent shaped, ethereal, beautiful,
I wonder which part is home, but I know it doesn't matter . . .
the bond is there in my mind and memory;
Earth: a small, bubbly balloon hanging delicately
in the nothingness of space.
Center for Democracy in Lebanon
The Center for Democracy in Lebanon (CDL) supports, strengthens and enhances the aspiration of the Lebanese People to be governed by a secular and democratic government of their own.
human rights and democracy
Rick Gore
Who were the Phoenicians? We know they dominated sea trade in the Mediterranean for 3,000 years. Now DNA testing and recent archaeological finds are revealing just what the Phoenician legacy meant to the ancient world—and to our own.
The tests could confirm that men of Tyre - Christians and Muslims alike - are related to the ancient traders. Wells and Zalloua also took samples in other parts of the Phoenician world, where results may reveal the same lineage in areas of former colonies like Sardinia and Malta.
The tests could confirm that men of Tyre - Christians and Muslims alike - are related to the ancient traders. Wells and Zalloua also took samples in other parts of the Phoenician world, where results may reveal the same lineage in areas of former colonies like Sardinia and Malta.
Friday, February 3, 2012
Serendipity 3
ser•en•dip•i•ty (n) the art of making happy discoveries, or finding the unexpectedly pleasant by chance or sagacity
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company
The much-anticipated Fifth Edition of The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language is the premier resource about words for people who seek to know more and find fresh perspectives. Exhaustively researched and thoroughly revised, the Fifth Edition contains 10,000 new words and senses, over 4,000 dazzling new full-color images, and authoritative, up-to-date guidance on usage from the celebrated American Heritage Usage Panel.
The print edition includes a passkey code for a free download of a smartphone app that works with the iPad/iPhone/iPod or Android platform. A $24.99 value, the app puts the entire dictionary at your fingertips anywhere, anytime, making this one of the most comprehensive and accessible resources available on any mobile device.
The print edition includes a passkey code for a free download of a smartphone app that works with the iPad/iPhone/iPod or Android platform. A $24.99 value, the app puts the entire dictionary at your fingertips anywhere, anytime, making this one of the most comprehensive and accessible resources available on any mobile device.
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Amy L. Strauss
Punctuality is defined as the act of arriving at or completing a task, event, or engagement at or before a previously designated time. Perhaps most easily thought of as being “on time” or “on task,” punctuality, or the lack of, is in most cases an individual trait or tied to an individual event or task. It is, however, a more widespread problem across some cultures.
By far, punctuality is a much higher priority in countries that are largely industrialized, such as the United States, China, Germany, and the United Kingdom. For countries such as Spain, India, and those in Latin America and the Middle East, however, punctuality is a much lesser priority. When a culture relies heavily on clocks, time dictate the start of events, meetings, and the like. It is in these cultures that watches, clocks, and time pieces are generally kept in unison. In event time, the focus is less on time and more on the event itself, meaning that people living by event time will see an event through before carrying on to the next.
... To that end, Japan, a country that is hypersensitive to the clock and the need to be punctual, has developed such a reliance on the adherence to schedules that its transportation workers fear reprimand for delays. Commuter trains connect with only minutes to spare before their riders must make their next connection. Such a focus on punctuality has been blamed for accidents, such as the one that occurred in 2005 when nearly 100 people were killed because the commuter train's engineer was trying desperately to make up 90 seconds.
Punctuality is to an extent a relatively modern concept. Clocks and standardized time have only been in use for little more than a century. Prior to that, there were wide variations in the keeping of time, thereby making punctuality nearly impossible. Clocks were set relative to the sun's position, making them inaccurate. It was not until a global standardized time plan went into effect that there was a gauge of timeliness.
By far, punctuality is a much higher priority in countries that are largely industrialized, such as the United States, China, Germany, and the United Kingdom. For countries such as Spain, India, and those in Latin America and the Middle East, however, punctuality is a much lesser priority. When a culture relies heavily on clocks, time dictate the start of events, meetings, and the like. It is in these cultures that watches, clocks, and time pieces are generally kept in unison. In event time, the focus is less on time and more on the event itself, meaning that people living by event time will see an event through before carrying on to the next.
... To that end, Japan, a country that is hypersensitive to the clock and the need to be punctual, has developed such a reliance on the adherence to schedules that its transportation workers fear reprimand for delays. Commuter trains connect with only minutes to spare before their riders must make their next connection. Such a focus on punctuality has been blamed for accidents, such as the one that occurred in 2005 when nearly 100 people were killed because the commuter train's engineer was trying desperately to make up 90 seconds.
Punctuality is to an extent a relatively modern concept. Clocks and standardized time have only been in use for little more than a century. Prior to that, there were wide variations in the keeping of time, thereby making punctuality nearly impossible. Clocks were set relative to the sun's position, making them inaccurate. It was not until a global standardized time plan went into effect that there was a gauge of timeliness.
The medicine wheel consists of the four cardinal directions and four sacred colors representing certain properties:
- blue (north) ... defeat; trouble ... winter - a season for survival and waiting
Wisdom, intellect, the adult self, MIND
Element = Wind/Breath - yellow (east) ... success; triumph ... spring - a re-awakening, the power of new life
Illumination, creation, the wonder child self, SPIRIT
Element = Fire/Life Source - black (west) ... death ... autumn - the final harvest, the end of life's cycle
Introspection and intuition, the physical body, MANIFESTATION
Element = Earth - white (south) ... peace; happiness ... summer - a time of plenty
Trust and Innocence, EMOTIONS
Element = Water - Center ... learning, SELF
Balance, beauty, harmony
The symbolism may vary from tribe to tribe.
human being
Greening the Blue
During 2011, the United Nations Headquarters (UNHQ) in New York consumed 10,077 cartons of paper, each approximately10 inches tall.. If we were to stack all that paper up, it would build a structure 8,397 feet tall, or over 15 times the height of the Secretariat Building (544 feet).
Printing is not just about paper either, but also about the ink, which not only has environmental but also financial consequences. In 2011, UNHQ in New York spent approximately $1.2 million on toners/cartridges. 60% of that spend was on colour cartridges. Do we really need it? Go easy on the colour.
Less is more, both for the environment and for our budget!
Printing is not just about paper either, but also about the ink, which not only has environmental but also financial consequences. In 2011, UNHQ in New York spent approximately $1.2 million on toners/cartridges. 60% of that spend was on colour cartridges. Do we really need it? Go easy on the colour.
Less is more, both for the environment and for our budget!
UN way
Tenement Museum
We tell the stories of 97 Orchard Street. Built on Manhattan's Lower East Side in 1863, this tenement apartment building was home to nearly 7000 working class immigrants.
They faced challenges we understand today: making a new life, working for a better future, starting a family with limited means.
In recognizing the importance of this seemingly ordinary building, the Tenement Museum has re-imagined the role that museums can play in our lives.
The Tenement Museum preserves and interprets the history of immigration through the personal experiences of the generations of newcomers who settled in and built lives on Manhattan's Lower East Side, America's iconic immigrant neighborhood; forges emotional connections between visitors and immigrants past and present; and enhances appreciation for the profound role immigration has played and continues to play in shaping America's evolving national identity.
They faced challenges we understand today: making a new life, working for a better future, starting a family with limited means.
In recognizing the importance of this seemingly ordinary building, the Tenement Museum has re-imagined the role that museums can play in our lives.
The Tenement Museum preserves and interprets the history of immigration through the personal experiences of the generations of newcomers who settled in and built lives on Manhattan's Lower East Side, America's iconic immigrant neighborhood; forges emotional connections between visitors and immigrants past and present; and enhances appreciation for the profound role immigration has played and continues to play in shaping America's evolving national identity.
american way
New York Transit Museum
The New York Transit Museum, one of the city's leading cultural institutions is the largest museum in the United States devoted to urban public transportation history, and one of the premier institutions of its kind in the world. The Museum explores the development of the greater New York Metropolitan region through the presentations of exhibitions, tours, educational programs, and workshops dealing with the cultural, social, and technological history of public transportation. Since it's inception over a quarter century ago, the Museum, housed in a historic 1936 IND subway station in Brooklyn Heights, has grown in scope and popularity. As custodian and interpreter of the region's extensive public transportation networks, the Museum strives to share, through its public programs, this rich and vibrant history with local, regional, and international audiences.
american way
Museum of Tolerance New York
The Museum of Tolerance New York, modeled ater the highly successful Museum of Tolerance Los Angeles, is part of the educational arm of the Simon Wiesenthal Center is a global Jewish human rights organization that confronts anti-Semitism, hate and terrorism, promotes human rights and dignity, stands with Israel, defends the safety of Jews worldwide, and teaches the lessons of the Holocaust for future generations.
human rights and democracy
The New York Times
Friday, August 2nd, 1918
Open New Subway Lines To Traffic; Called A Triumph
Great H System Put in Operation.
Marks an Era in Railroad Construction.
But Public Groups Blindly to Find the Way in Maze of New Stations.
Leaders in City's Life Hail Accomplishment of Great Task at Meeting at the Astor.
The new H system, so-called utilizes the old subway as its base. On the east side the old subway lines form a connection with the Lexington Avenue subway at the Grand Central diagonal station. The tracks across Forty-Second Street to the Times Square Station are the horizontal bar of the H and are used for shuttle service. At the Times Square Station the new Seventh Avenue subway is joined to the tracks of the old subway, extending up Broadway and forming the west side line of the new system.
american way
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Yoji Watanabe
Capt. Kurusu, born in January 1919, died due to an accident at Tama Army Airfield on February 16, 1945. When an air-raid siren sounded at the airfield, all pilots including Capt. Kurusu ran to their aircraft. As he was trying to pass in front of one plane, it moved forward two to three meters, and its propeller cut his neck. His severed head flew up two meters, and his headless body moved forward four or five more steps. This accident was unavoidable even though 1st Lieutenant Umekawa, the pilot of the plane that hit Capt. Kurusu, had fourteen and a half years of flying experience. If someone had given instructions to 1st Lieutenant Umekawa on the taxiway, this unfortunate accident could have been avoided. However, no one was giving directions to the aircraft. Capt. Kurusu was running in 1st Lieutenant Umekawa’s blind spot as everybody hurriedly ran to their planes to make sorties. 1st Lieutenant Umekawa honestly reported the accident to his commander, Maj. Yoshitsugu Aramaki. Maj. Aramaki did not say anything to 1st Lieutenant Umekawa, whose face was pale. Later, the Imperial Army leaders overlooked the accident since it was unavoidable.
Japanese way
human rights and democracy
human rights and democracy
Steve Winwood
Don't be sad, ...
All I have, it's yours if you think it helps you ...
There is only one who means more than all to me ...
I see that there's no need in trying to run ...
All I have, it's yours if you think it helps you ...
There is only one who means more than all to me ...
I see that there's no need in trying to run ...
「NECトーキンの裏事情」という3年前からあるスレッドには、発表前の26日に人員削減に関する通達が書き込まれた。その後、「うわあああああああ いやだいやだいやだ」「組合のお力で白石移転を止めさられませんでしょうか?? 白石に引っ越しとか出来ない…」といった叫びが寄せられた。
「NECトーキンの裏事情」という3年前からあるスレッドには、発表前の26日に人員削減に関する通達が書き込まれた。その後、「うわあああああああ いやだいやだいやだ」「組合のお力で白石移転を止めさられませんでしょうか?? 白石に引っ越しとか出来ない…」といった叫びが寄せられた。
Japanese way
Jill Britton

The ancient temple fits almost precisely into a golden rectangle.
Mathematicians had the contribution of the Greeks in mind when they christened the ratio "phi" in tribute to the great Phidias, who used the proportion frequently in his sculpture.
Shu Xian Wui

- A typical digital camera's aspect ratio is 1.333... (4:3)
- International paper sizes' ratio (ISO 216) is 1.414 ... (√2:1)
- A 35 mm picture's aspect ratio, as well as iPhone displays' ratio, is 1.5 (3:2)
- Golden ratio is 1.6180339887...
- Super 16 mm is 1.666 (5:3)
- Widescreen TV, as well as APS-H, is 1.777... (16:9)
Exactly what is the criminal offenses rate in the area where your home is? Low or excessive? The automobile car insurance quotes online may also be partially influenced out of this factor. Living in a dangerous area, risking potential vandalism and theft will be higher, as well as the rate increases accordingly.
american way
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