L’homme propose, et Dieu dispose. …
Aujourd’hui, tout le monde pose. L’homme propose, la femme dispose, l’industrie expose, le commerce dépose, les sciences composent, et les grands hommes reposent.
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Press TV
A senior Iranian lawmaker says former French socialist Prime Minister Michel Rocard’s unofficial visit to Iran indicates that the new French government is distancing itself from Nicolas Sarkozy’s policies.
According to the French daily Le Figaro, the visit is aimed at “boosting relations” between Paris and Tehran, which were seriously strained under the term of outgoing French President Nikolas Sarkozy in office.
According to the French daily Le Figaro, the visit is aimed at “boosting relations” between Paris and Tehran, which were seriously strained under the term of outgoing French President Nikolas Sarkozy in office.
Русская пословица
Чем ниже человек душой,
тем выше задирает нос.
Он носом тянется туда,
куда душою не дорос.
Кузница Счастья
тем выше задирает нос.
Он носом тянется туда,
куда душою не дорос.
Кузница Счастья
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Janet Fitzpatrick
I am surprised you felt it was appropriate to publish Roberto Loiederman’s April 28 column “Curse of the unpaid prostitute.” His suggestion that it is normal and expected for merchant seamen and Secret Service agents to hire prostitutes is outdated. I am not suggesting that it doesn’t happen, but attitudes and laws are different than they were when he served more than 40 years ago.
Because the U.S. military combats human trafficking, the establishment of a zero-tolerance policy with respect to solicitation of prostitution by U.S. military personnel was taken on Oct. 14, 2005. President George W. Bush signed Executive Order 13387, which amends the Manual for Courts-Martial to specify “patronizing a prostitute” as a violation of Article 134 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). Please note, this was seven years ago. Even if military personnel are stationed somewhere that prostitution is legal, it is not legal for them!
The military is held to a higher standard than it was 40 years ago. It is no longer a culture of heavy drinking and a woman in every port. The Secret Service has an even higher standard and U.S. and world security are at stake.
american way
Ira Glass
You will be stupid. You will worry your parents as I worried mine. You will question your own choices. You will question your relationships, your jobs, your friends, where you live, what you studied in college, that you went to college at all. The thing I want to say is: That is totally okay. That is totally normal. If that happens, you’re doing it right.
Jane Lynch
Let life surprise you. Don’t have a plan. Plans are for wusses. If my life went according to my plan, I would never ever have the life I have today. You are obviously good planners, or you wouldn’t be here. Stop it! Stop it now! Don’t deprive yourself of the exciting journey your life can be when you relinquish the need to have goals and a blueprint.
Jon Rabiroff
In a country where the U.S. military lives by the motto “ready to fight tonight,” the families of service members in South Korea are asked always to be prepared to take flight at very short notice.
It is one of the realities of living in the shadow of North Korea, a country with a history of provocations and unpredictable behavior.
There are 28,500 U.S. troops stationed in South Korea, along with more than 100,000 other American citizens.
Kim said that in planning for a possible evacuation, “We really don’t know who we’d have to evacuate … (but) our planning figure is 220,000.”
It is one of the realities of living in the shadow of North Korea, a country with a history of provocations and unpredictable behavior.
There are 28,500 U.S. troops stationed in South Korea, along with more than 100,000 other American citizens.
Kim said that in planning for a possible evacuation, “We really don’t know who we’d have to evacuate … (but) our planning figure is 220,000.”
american way
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Misako Hida
The issue of “karojisatsu,” meaning “suicide from overwork,” is a serious and profound issue in Japan. Japan’s suicide tally has increased drastically, topping 30,000 since 1998, when the unemployment rate hit a record postwar high. According to the latest data of the World Health Organization, the number of suicides per 100,000 people is about twice the American rate.
Japan’s National Police Agency’s latest study shows that 32,155 people killed themselves nationwide in 2006. Mr. Kawahito estimates that roughly more than 5,000 suicides per year are the result of depression caused by overwork.
The ILO’s book released in 2004 shows that Japan has the highest proportion (28.1 %) of employees working more than 50 hours per week, while in most EU countries the corresponding number is well under 10 percent. According to The Age of Overwork, the ratio of employee use of paid vacations dropped to 47 percent in 2004 from 61 percent in 1980.
Japan’s National Police Agency’s latest study shows that 32,155 people killed themselves nationwide in 2006. Mr. Kawahito estimates that roughly more than 5,000 suicides per year are the result of depression caused by overwork.
The ILO’s book released in 2004 shows that Japan has the highest proportion (28.1 %) of employees working more than 50 hours per week, while in most EU countries the corresponding number is well under 10 percent. According to The Age of Overwork, the ratio of employee use of paid vacations dropped to 47 percent in 2004 from 61 percent in 1980.
Japanese way
International Labour Office
The global youth unemployment rate has proved sticky, and remained close to its crisis peak. At 12.6 per cent in 2011 and projected at 12.7 per cent in 2012, the global youth unemployment rate remains at least a full percentage point above its level in 2007. Nearly 75 million youth are unemployed around the world, an increase of more than 4 million since 2007.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
human rights and democracy
Monday, May 21, 2012
human rights and democracy
Swedish Proverb
Fear less, hope more; Eat less, chew more; Whine less, breathe more; Talk less, say more; Love more, and all good things will be yours.
Peter Thomas Bauer
(Foreign aid is; government-to-government transfers are) an excellent method for transferring money from poor people in rich countries to rich people in poor countries.
高校2年 選択総合人間科「国際理解と平和」2学期中間テスト
I 日本の政府開発援助ODA額は約100億ドル、国民1人あたり約1万円に相当する。「外務省では今年の援助予算約1兆2千億円のうち、100億円が予算未消化で残ってしまった。いつもならお役所仕事で適当に配分するのだが、近年はODAに対する関心も高まり、今年は広く国民に100億円の使途について意見を求めることになった。」と想定して、次のようなA~Iの援助内容について優先順位をつけて、解答欄に記号で答えなさい。また理由を述べよ。
A) 援助しない 援助は政府を通じて行われるので、開発途上国の権力者や特権階級を豊かにするだけで、現地の住民に届かない。さらに援助は実は日本に利益が還元されるだけで途上国の自立に役立っているわけではない。日本国内の社会福祉のために回した方がよい。
I 日本の政府開発援助ODA額は約100億ドル、国民1人あたり約1万円に相当する。「外務省では今年の援助予算約1兆2千億円のうち、100億円が予算未消化で残ってしまった。いつもならお役所仕事で適当に配分するのだが、近年はODAに対する関心も高まり、今年は広く国民に100億円の使途について意見を求めることになった。」と想定して、次のようなA~Iの援助内容について優先順位をつけて、解答欄に記号で答えなさい。また理由を述べよ。
A) 援助しない 援助は政府を通じて行われるので、開発途上国の権力者や特権階級を豊かにするだけで、現地の住民に届かない。さらに援助は実は日本に利益が還元されるだけで途上国の自立に役立っているわけではない。日本国内の社会福祉のために回した方がよい。
Karen Salmansohn
My dear girl, the day you see I’m getting old, I ask you to please be patient, but most of all, try to understand what I’m going through. If when we talk, I repeat the same thing a thousand times, don’t interrupt to say: “You said the same thing a minute ago.” Just listen, please. Try to remember the times when you were little and I would read the same story night after night until you would fall asleep. When I don’t want to take a bath, don’t be mad and don’t embarrass me. Remember when I had to run after you making excuses and trying to get you to take a shower when you were just a girl?
警察の負担を示す指標に人口比を用いることは、国民を監視の対象とする発想に基 づいている。指標としてこれは妥当とはいえず、実際に処理を迫られている犯罪の量 を指標として用いるべきである。例えば、上述の殺人発生率を指標としてアメリカと 比べれば、米国は日本の4.67倍の殺人発生率なのであるから、警察官一人あたりの負 担人口に換算したとして”日本:アメリカ=4.67:1”となってはじめて、同等の負担 といえる。前掲『警察白書』によれば、その比率は”日本:アメリカ=1.57:1”であ るわけだが、これでもなお、「日本でも警察官を増やすべき」であろうか。
Japanese way
Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press
A prior restraint is an official government restriction of speech prior to publication. Prior restraints are viewed by the U.S. Supreme Court as “the most serious and the least tolerable infringement on First Amendment rights,” according to the Court’s 1976 opinion in Nebraska Press Association v. Stuart.1 Since 1931, the Court repeatedly has found that such attempts to censor the media are presumed unconstitutional.
One interesting aspect of this area of the law is that while courts have been clear that prior restraints will rarely survive scrutiny even when national security concerns are raised, courts seem to be most willing to allow restraints when the administration of a trial is at issue, or when fair trial rights are implicated.
One interesting aspect of this area of the law is that while courts have been clear that prior restraints will rarely survive scrutiny even when national security concerns are raised, courts seem to be most willing to allow restraints when the administration of a trial is at issue, or when fair trial rights are implicated.
報道におけるタブー: およそ表現の自由が認められている国では、報道の自由が認められており、少なくとも建前上は報道にタブーなるものは存在しない。日本においても日本国憲法により言論の自由・報道の自由が認められており、見かけ上はタブーは存在しない。しかし実際には。。。。。。 報道内容に係る責任の帰属が、諸外国では表現者であるが、日本ではマスコミであり、日本では訴訟となると、マスコミ側にまず勝ち目はない。従って日本では読者や視聴者、官庁、企業や団体、他国から抗議・圧力を受けたり、訴訟を起こされたり、物理的ないし経済的な損失を被る危険がある話題について、大多数のマスコミは触れたがらないのである。
表現の自主規制: 基本的人権である表現の自由は、経済的自由権などに比べて優位にあるものとされる。 これは民主主義社会の成立には、表現の自由の保証が不可欠であると考えられているからであるが。。。
表現の自主規制: 基本的人権である表現の自由は、経済的自由権などに比べて優位にあるものとされる。 これは民主主義社会の成立には、表現の自由の保証が不可欠であると考えられているからであるが。。。
Le Figaro
Des médias arabophones ont été obligés d’adapter la transcription du nom du nouveau Premier ministre français, Jean-Marc Ayrault, pour éviter que chaque évocation du chef du gouvernement socialiste ne se transforme en histoire graveleuse.
En effet, la transcription en arabe du nom tel que prononcé en France — “Aïro” — est un synonyme de “pénis” dans le langage familier de nombreux pays du Proche-Orient.
Le casse-tête a duré plusieurs heures pour de nombreux journalistes arabophones de par le monde, qui ont du jongler avec la prononciation. Certains médias ont transcrit “Aro”, ou ajouté un “H” aspiré au début de son nom, ou encore prononcé les deux consonnes muettes de la fin du nom.
Afin de dissiper tout malentendu, le ministère français des Affaires étrangères a transmis à la presse une transcription officielle, retenant l’option de transcrire toutes les lettres de son nom comme si elles se prononçaient, y compris le L et le T.
En effet, la transcription en arabe du nom tel que prononcé en France — “Aïro” — est un synonyme de “pénis” dans le langage familier de nombreux pays du Proche-Orient.
Le casse-tête a duré plusieurs heures pour de nombreux journalistes arabophones de par le monde, qui ont du jongler avec la prononciation. Certains médias ont transcrit “Aro”, ou ajouté un “H” aspiré au début de son nom, ou encore prononcé les deux consonnes muettes de la fin du nom.
Afin de dissiper tout malentendu, le ministère français des Affaires étrangères a transmis à la presse une transcription officielle, retenant l’option de transcrire toutes les lettres de son nom comme si elles se prononçaient, y compris le L et le T.
「専業主婦と兼業主婦という分け方自体がナンセンス! そんなことをして、女性同士がいがみ合っていては、敵(男性)の思うつぼです!」
これにはびっくりしました。男性と女性って、二手に分かれて争っていたんでしたっけ? 私は知りませんでした。それに、男性社会の被害者って言いますけれど、社会を構成しているのは、半分は女性です。男性対女性という分け方をしたって、どちらか片方に一方的に有利な社会を作ることができるでしょうか。いまのこの社会を作ってきたのは、男性だけではないはずです。
また、誰かが無理矢理専業主婦を強制しているんでしょうか。それぞれの意思で、働いたり、働かなかったりしているんじゃないんですか? それなのに、被害者……。加害者はいったい誰なんでしょう。
「私は大学を出ていなくて、苦労したからうちの○○には……」とか、「私は小さい頃、ピアノを習いたかったから、娘には……」とか、「主人の子どもの頃の夢がサッカー選手だったからその夢を息子に」 って言う人たち、いますよね。
「専業主婦と兼業主婦という分け方自体がナンセンス! そんなことをして、女性同士がいがみ合っていては、敵(男性)の思うつぼです!」
これにはびっくりしました。男性と女性って、二手に分かれて争っていたんでしたっけ? 私は知りませんでした。それに、男性社会の被害者って言いますけれど、社会を構成しているのは、半分は女性です。男性対女性という分け方をしたって、どちらか片方に一方的に有利な社会を作ることができるでしょうか。いまのこの社会を作ってきたのは、男性だけではないはずです。
また、誰かが無理矢理専業主婦を強制しているんでしょうか。それぞれの意思で、働いたり、働かなかったりしているんじゃないんですか? それなのに、被害者……。加害者はいったい誰なんでしょう。
「私は大学を出ていなくて、苦労したからうちの○○には……」とか、「私は小さい頃、ピアノを習いたかったから、娘には……」とか、「主人の子どもの頃の夢がサッカー選手だったからその夢を息子に」 って言う人たち、いますよね。
Brooke Shields
The old me felt creepy and I didn’t want to be it anymore…Everybody thought I would suck. I thought, if I get slaughtered, I will cry, it will be horrible, but I’ll have taken another step. And I tried not to think about whether I was talented or not – I still don’t think about whether I have any real talent. What I did know was hard work.
The premises of dependency theory are that:
Dependency theory states that the poverty of the countries in the periphery is not because they are not integrated into the world system, or not ‘fully’ integrated as is often argued by free market economists, but because of how they are integrated into the system.
- Poor nations provide natural resources, cheap labor, a destination for obsolete technology, and markets for developed nations, without which the latter could not have the standard of living they enjoy.
- Wealthy nations actively perpetuate a state of dependence by various means. This influence may be multifaceted, involving economics, media control, politics, banking and finance, education, culture, sport, and all aspects of human resource development (including recruitment and training of workers).
- Wealthy nations actively counter attempts by dependent nations to resist their influences by means of economic sanctions and/or the use of military force.
Dependency theory states that the poverty of the countries in the periphery is not because they are not integrated into the world system, or not ‘fully’ integrated as is often argued by free market economists, but because of how they are integrated into the system.
UN way
Vuk Vukovic
The debate on austerity v stimulus is again the main focus of attention. Particularly due to the recent results of the Greek and French elections where opposition to European “redistributive austerity” is gaining strength. Even though they don’t refer to it as redistributive austerity, but as “painful cuts that are hurting growth”. Even in the very phrasing of the debate as ‘austerity v growth’, it is obvious that people don’t really understand what austerity is, and even less what their governments are doing.
… governments sometimes do tend to use tax hikes to lower the deficit. But essentially the very definition of austerity primarily implies cutting spending and cutting entitlements in order to create more scope for the private sector to grow on its own, i.e. to remove the dependency mentality from people and from businesses.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Tim Harford
Black-Scholes was first written down in the early 1970s but its story starts earlier than that, in the Dojima Rice Exchange in 17th Century Japan where futures contracts were written for rice traders. A simple futures contract says that I will agree to buy rice from you in one year’s time, at a price that we agree right now.
By the 20th Century the Chicago Board of Trade was providing a marketplace for traders to deal not only in futures but in options contracts. An example of an option is a contract where we agree that I can buy rice from you at any time over the next year, at a price that we agree right now – but I don’t have to if I don’t want to.
By the 20th Century the Chicago Board of Trade was providing a marketplace for traders to deal not only in futures but in options contracts. An example of an option is a contract where we agree that I can buy rice from you at any time over the next year, at a price that we agree right now – but I don’t have to if I don’t want to.
Ευχαριστημένος ο θεός του είπε ότι μπορούσε να ζητήσει οποιαδήποτε ανταμοιβή. Ο Μίδας ζήτησε να μετατρέπεται σε χρυσάφι ο,τιδήποτε άγγιζε. Αρχικά ο Μίδας απέκτησε μεγάλη δύναμη από την ικανότητά του αυτή, αργότερα όμως κατανόησε τη λανθασμένη επιλογή του, όταν, ακόμα και το φαγητό που έτρωγε, γινότανε χρυσάφι, και παρακάλεσε το Διόνυσο να τον απαλλάξει από αυτό. Ακολουθώντας τη συμβουλή του θεού, ο Μίδας πήγε στον ποταμό Πακτωλό και με το που άγγιξε τα νερά, η δύναμή του πέρασε στον ποταμό και από τότε ο ποταμός Πακτωλός ανέβλυζε χρυσάφι.
Ian Stewart
It was the holy grail of investors. The Black-Scholes equation, brainchild of economists Fischer Black and Myron Scholes, provided a rational way to price a financial contract when it still had time to run. It was like buying or selling a bet on a horse, halfway through the race. It opened up a new world of ever more complex investments, blossoming into a gigantic global industry. But when the sub-prime mortgage market turned sour, the darling of the financial markets became the Black Hole equation, sucking money out of the universe in an unending stream. …
The equation itself wasn’t the real problem. It was useful, it was precise, and its limitations were clearly stated. It provided an industry-standard method to assess the likely value of a financial derivative. So derivatives could be traded before they matured. The formula was fine if you used it sensibly and abandoned it when market conditions weren’t appropriate. The trouble was its potential for abuse. It allowed derivatives to become commodities that could be traded in their own right. The financial sector called it the Midas Formula and saw it as a recipe for making everything turn to gold. But the markets forgot how the story of King Midas ended.
The equation itself wasn’t the real problem. It was useful, it was precise, and its limitations were clearly stated. It provided an industry-standard method to assess the likely value of a financial derivative. So derivatives could be traded before they matured. The formula was fine if you used it sensibly and abandoned it when market conditions weren’t appropriate. The trouble was its potential for abuse. It allowed derivatives to become commodities that could be traded in their own right. The financial sector called it the Midas Formula and saw it as a recipe for making everything turn to gold. But the markets forgot how the story of King Midas ended.
Reporters sans frontières
A l’occasion de la Journée mondiale contre la Cyber-censure, le 12 mars, Reporters sans frontières sensibilise le public à la liberté d’expression sur Internet. L’organisation dénonce alors la répression dont sont victimes de nombreux blogueurs et cyberdissidents et la censure pratiquée par des pays qui souhaitent contrôler l’accès à l’information en ligne de leurs citoyens. Reporters sans frontières publie à cette occasion une liste des “Ennemis d’Internet” et de pays considérés comme “sous surveillance” et fait connaître des outils de contournement de la censure.
Lydia Lim
Some years ago, I heard a group of editors from Southeast Asia describe their impressions after a week of visiting newsrooms in my country, Singapore. An editor from Thailand observed candidly that what made this candid remark: “What gets to me about you Singapore journalists is that you talk so differently from how you write.” What he was pointing to was an apparent gap between what Singapore journalists express in private, and what they write for publication. That observation struck me as both insightful and disturbing. It spurred me into thinking harder about the phenomenon of self censorship.
Jeffrey Kluger
Here’s what’s not going to happen this year: the earth won’t end on Dec. 12; it won’t be swallowed by a black hole, consumed by the sun or get taken out by a collision with the imaginary planet Nibiru. Here’s what will happen: as of today, more people than ever will believe that those calamities will occur on precisely the day they’re predicted to. The reason: a new discovery — just reported in the journal Science — of the earliest known Mayan astronomical calendar, featuring elaborate and detailed work by one of the most impressive civilizations that ever lived.
It was earlier interpretations of other Mayan calendars that gave rise to the Internet-fueled doomsday scenarios of the past few years — mostly because one calendar cycle the Mayans computed ends Dec. 12 (though no one paid much attention to the fact that another one was supposed to begin immediately after that). If people can stay focused on the science this time though, they’ll find a lot to be impressed by in the new findings.
Carlos Batzín
The significance above and beyond the end of a world which was announced by some actually what will happen is a natural regeneration of mother earth. There will be changes in mother earth and like any change this will lead to some difficult situations and it will manifest in some beneficial situations.
Monday, May 14, 2012
Thomas Szasz
The scientific concept of illness refers to a bodily lesion, that is, to a material — structural or functional — abnormality of the body, as a machine. This is the classic, Victorian, pathological definition of disease and it is still the definition of disease used by pathologists and physicians as scientific healers.
The brain is an organ — like the bones, liver, kidney, and so on — and of course can be diseased. That’s the domain of neurology. Since a mind is not a bodily organ, it cannot be diseased, except in a metaphorical sense — in the sense in which we also say that a joke is sick or the economy is sick. Those are metaphorical ways of saying that some behavior or condition is bad, disapproved, causing unhappiness, etc. In other words, talking about “sick minds” is analogous to talking about “sick jokes” or “sick economies.” In the case of mental illness, we are dealing with a metaphorical way of expressing the view that the speaker thinks there is something wrong about the behavior of the person to whom he attributes the “illness.”
The brain is an organ — like the bones, liver, kidney, and so on — and of course can be diseased. That’s the domain of neurology. Since a mind is not a bodily organ, it cannot be diseased, except in a metaphorical sense — in the sense in which we also say that a joke is sick or the economy is sick. Those are metaphorical ways of saying that some behavior or condition is bad, disapproved, causing unhappiness, etc. In other words, talking about “sick minds” is analogous to talking about “sick jokes” or “sick economies.” In the case of mental illness, we are dealing with a metaphorical way of expressing the view that the speaker thinks there is something wrong about the behavior of the person to whom he attributes the “illness.”
Martha Payne
Food-o-meter- 6/10
Mouthfuls- forgot to count but not enough!
Courses- main/dessert
Health Rating- 4/10
Price- £2
Pieces of hair- 0!
The pizza was alright but I’d have enjoyed more than 1 croquet. I’m a growing kid and I need to concentrate all afternoon and I cant do it on 1 croquette. Do any of you think you could?
Mouthfuls- forgot to count but not enough!
Courses- main/dessert
Health Rating- 4/10
Price- £2
Pieces of hair- 0!
The pizza was alright but I’d have enjoyed more than 1 croquet. I’m a growing kid and I need to concentrate all afternoon and I cant do it on 1 croquette. Do any of you think you could?
Japanese way
Paul Soifer, Abraham Hoffman, D. Stephen Voss
Deregulation is when government reduces its role and allows industry greater freedom in how it operates.
Friday, May 11, 2012
Joe Arpaio
I want to make this place so unpleasant that they won’t even think about doing something that could bring them back.
But we can’t let this continue.
I’m the elected sheriff, … I serve the people. I don’t serve the mayor. I don’t serve some politicians.
But we can’t let this continue.
I’m the elected sheriff, … I serve the people. I don’t serve the mayor. I don’t serve some politicians.
american way
Владислав Каган
Одной из ключевых тем обращения президента Лукашенко, прозвучавшего во вторник, оказалась социально-экономическая ситуация в республике, в последние месяцы ставшая источником растущей напряженности в обществе. Объявив о том, что кризис в Белоруссии — лишь часть общемирового тренда, господин Лукашенко предложил повысить инвестиционную привлекательность страны, убрав бюрократические препоны на пути идущих в Белоруссию иностранных инвесторов.
Президент Белоруссии убежден, что созданная им система полностью отвечает интересам государства и его граждан. В подтверждение своих слов он процитировал Федора Достоевского: «Нет ничего для человека невыносимее свободы». «Гениальный писатель был прав: получая свободу, человек понимает, что взвалил на себя тяжелейшую ношу; свобода предполагает ответственность, человек сам принимает решения и сам за них отвечает», — пояснил Александр Лукашенко.
Joseph Berger
To many Russian and Ukrainian immigrants, the cornucopia in the shops along Brighton Beach Avenue — pyramids of oranges, heaps of Kirby cucumbers, bushels of tomatoes with their vines still attached and a variety of fish, sausages and pastries — seems like an exuberant rebuke of the meager produce that was available to them when they lived in the Soviet Union.
This contrast helps explain a striking political anomaly: immigrants from the former Soviet Union are far more apt to vote for Republicans than are most New Yorkers, who often drink in Democratic Party allegiance with their mothers’ milk and are four times as likely to register as Democrats than as Republicans.
This contrast helps explain a striking political anomaly: immigrants from the former Soviet Union are far more apt to vote for Republicans than are most New Yorkers, who often drink in Democratic Party allegiance with their mothers’ milk and are four times as likely to register as Democrats than as Republicans.
american way
Todd Heisler
The boardwalk in Brighton Beach, one of several Brooklyn enclaves with large numbers of immigrants who speak Russian.
american way
Sipsey Street Irregulars
During the American Revolution, the active forces in the field against the King’s tyranny never amounted to more than 3% of the colonists. They were in turn actively supported by perhaps 10% of the population. In addition to these revolutionaries were perhaps another 20% who favored their cause but did little or nothing to support it. Another one-third of the population sided with the King (by the end of the war there were actually more Americans fighting FOR the King than there were in the field against him) and the final third took no side, blew with the wind and took what came.
american way
Paul B. Farrell
Yes, Wall Street will crash. Has to. They’re gambling addicts. Dodged the bullet in 2008. But learned nothing. Now killing reforms. Teamed up with the Super Rich, CEOs, lobbyists, and crony politicians. It’s only a matter of time.
Yes, they’ll crash, again. No matter how anemic the recovery. No matter how much more debt they pile on taxpayers. No matter who’s president. Crash.
Yes, they’ll crash, again. No matter how anemic the recovery. No matter how much more debt they pile on taxpayers. No matter who’s president. Crash.
american way
人権は全世界共通の課題であり、国連においては、昭和23年に「世界人権宣言」を採択、さらに昭和41年には、これに法的拘束力を持たせるための「国際人権規約」を制定しております。 。。日本国憲法においては、基本的人権を大きな柱の一つとして、『侵すことのできないもの』であると規定しているところであります。
human rights and democracy
ここ3~ 4年、「在特会」とか「主権回復を目指す会」、「チーム関西」など、民族差別の汚い罵倒語を公衆の面前で怒号し、差別プラカードを掲げてデモをし、異を唱える者を集団襲撃したりする輩が横行しています。私自身も2010年4月の大阪駅や今年8月6日の広島で襲撃され、その凶暴性を身をもって知っています。
彼らの差別行動の酷さは、現実を見た人でないと、とても信じられないものなので、市に事実を示す資料を渡し、証拠動画も示しておきましたが、 。。。「シナ人を叩き出せ~!」とか、「ゴキプリ朝鮮人を叩き出せ~!」、「チョン公は出て行け~!」、と怒号しながらの民族差別デモを各地で繰り返し、今年になると奈良の水平社博物館の前に乗り込んでスピーカーを使って、 「エッタ、エッタ、出て来い!」 と、部落差別怒号する者まで現れています。9月24日に隣の大東市で「君が代押しつけ反対の全国集会」があった折りには、住道駅前に陣取って、「君が代反対を操っているのはエッタとチョンコだ!」、などの差別怒号をしていたとの事です。
彼らの差別行動の酷さは、現実を見た人でないと、とても信じられないものなので、市に事実を示す資料を渡し、証拠動画も示しておきましたが、 。。。「シナ人を叩き出せ~!」とか、「ゴキプリ朝鮮人を叩き出せ~!」、「チョン公は出て行け~!」、と怒号しながらの民族差別デモを各地で繰り返し、今年になると奈良の水平社博物館の前に乗り込んでスピーカーを使って、 「エッタ、エッタ、出て来い!」 と、部落差別怒号する者まで現れています。9月24日に隣の大東市で「君が代押しつけ反対の全国集会」があった折りには、住道駅前に陣取って、「君が代反対を操っているのはエッタとチョンコだ!」、などの差別怒号をしていたとの事です。
human rights and democracy
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Ernie Small
For most species, conservation efforts are being determined by qualities that humans admire or dislike, including economic importance. The most universally admired physical characteristic is size: huge creatures elicit great respect, whereas the majority of species, which are small, tend to be ignored. Glamorous appearance is critical for sympathetic attention, and there are numerous features such as colour and impressive architecture that contribute to what makes a species attractive. However, bizarre or ferocious appearance, if entertaining, can also be a key to conservation. We are hard-wired to admire many of the larger mammals, provided that they have features reminiscent of health and intelligence in humans, or are “cute and cuddly” like human babies. Most bird species also possess many admirable traits. However, most animals distantly related to humans, particularly invertebrates, usually have few characteristics considered attractive. The majority of the world’s threatened species are insects, but except for butterflies and bees, most are usually perceived very negatively. Unfortunately, numerous animal groups in dire need of conservation, such as frogs and snakes, are decidedly handicapped by both their appearance and behaviour. The majority of species are undiscovered, and so are hardly in a position to compete for conservation attention. While there are advantages to conservation focussed on particular species, preservation of diverse habitats is preferable in order to benefit the planet’s life-sustaining ecosystems and their constituent biodiversity, including humans.
Yoshiaki Nagaya, a Japanese diplomat based at the consulate in San Francisco, was charged with 17 felony counts of domestic violence against his wife. … They said diplomatic immunity does not cover what a consulate official does in his private life.
The district attorney said the message is simple.
“There’s no corner of our society that is immune, number one, from this type of violence. Number two, there is no corner of this community where this type of violence is ignored.”
Japanese way
Monday, May 7, 2012
John A. Simone, Sr.
If you’re in a bad situation, don’t worry it’ll change. If you’re in a good situation, don’t worry it’ll change.
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Charles Darwin
It is impossible to answer your question briefly; and I am not sure that I could do so, even if I wrote at some length. But I may say that the impossibility of conceiving that this grand and wondrous universe, with our conscious selves, arose through chance, seems to me the chief argument for the existence of God; but whether this is an argument of real value, I have never been able to decide. I am aware that if we admit a first cause, the mind still craves to know whence it came and how it arose. Nor can I overlook the difficulty from the immense amount of suffering through the world. I am, also, induced to defer to a certain extent to the judgment of the many able men who have fully believed in God; but here again I see how poor an argument this is. The safest conclusion seems to be that the whole subject is beyond the scope of man’s intellect; but man can do his duty.
Leon C. Megginson
According to Darwin’s Origin of Species, it is not the most intellectual of the species that survives; it is not the strongest that survives; but the species that survives is the one that is able best to adapt and adjust to the changing environment in which it finds itself.
Kurt Lewin
In any situation there are both driving and restraining forces that influence any change that may occur.
Driving forces are those forces affecting a situation that are pushing in a particular direction; they tend to initiate a change and keep it going. In terms of improving productivity in a work group, pressure from a supervisor, incentive earnings, and competition may be examples of driving forces.
Restraining forces are forces acting to restrain or decrease the driving forces. Apathy, hostility, and poor maintenance of equipment may be examples of restraining forces against increased production. Equilibrium is reached when the sum of the driving forces equals the sum of the restraining forces.
This equilibrium, or present level of productivity, can be raised or lowered by changes in the relationship between the driving and the restraining forces.
Driving forces are those forces affecting a situation that are pushing in a particular direction; they tend to initiate a change and keep it going. In terms of improving productivity in a work group, pressure from a supervisor, incentive earnings, and competition may be examples of driving forces.
Restraining forces are forces acting to restrain or decrease the driving forces. Apathy, hostility, and poor maintenance of equipment may be examples of restraining forces against increased production. Equilibrium is reached when the sum of the driving forces equals the sum of the restraining forces.
This equilibrium, or present level of productivity, can be raised or lowered by changes in the relationship between the driving and the restraining forces.
Thomas L. Friedman
Who will tell the people how much time has been wasted? Who will tell the people that, for the last 50 years, most of the Arab regimes squandered their dictatorship moments.
Who will tell the people that, yes, the way capitalism came to the Arab world in the last 20 years was in its most crony and corrupt mutation, but that the right answer now is not to go back to Arab socialism, but better capitalism: better market-based economics, emphasizing expanded exports, but properly governed by the real rule of law and targeted safety nets.
Who will tell young Arabs that they have as much talent as young people anywhere?
Pushing out the autocrats in Egypt, Yemen, Tunisia, Libya and, maybe soon, Syria is necessary. But it is not sufficient. This region doesn’t only need to get rid of the old, it needs to give birth to the new — new leaders able to tell hard truths and build broad domestic coalitions to implement them. It is not happening yet. Who will tell the people?
Who will tell the people that, yes, the way capitalism came to the Arab world in the last 20 years was in its most crony and corrupt mutation, but that the right answer now is not to go back to Arab socialism, but better capitalism: better market-based economics, emphasizing expanded exports, but properly governed by the real rule of law and targeted safety nets.
Who will tell young Arabs that they have as much talent as young people anywhere?
Pushing out the autocrats in Egypt, Yemen, Tunisia, Libya and, maybe soon, Syria is necessary. But it is not sufficient. This region doesn’t only need to get rid of the old, it needs to give birth to the new — new leaders able to tell hard truths and build broad domestic coalitions to implement them. It is not happening yet. Who will tell the people?
山本 一郎
Autism is the most common condition in a group of developmental disorders known as the autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). Autistic children have difficulties with social interaction and verbal and nonverbal communication, and exhibit repetitive behaviors or narrow, obsessive interests. Autism varies widely in its severity, with symptoms ranging from mild to severe. In some cases the disorder may go unrecognized. Scientists aren’t certain what causes autism, but it’s likely that both genetics and environment play a role.
There is no single known cause of autism. Contributing causes may include:
There is no single known cause of autism. Contributing causes may include:
- Genetics: There is convincing evidence that autism is a heritable disorder. The identity and number of genes involved remain unknown.
- Environmental: Epidemiologic studies indicate that environmental factors such as toxic exposures, teratogens, perinatal insults, and prenatal infections such as rubella and cytomegalovirus account for few cases.
- Toxic exposure: Studies done to date fail to find evidence that immunizations with the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine are responsible for the surge in autism. There has been considerable controversy about a possible toxic or heavy metal (especially mercury) component to autism.
しかし、1980年前後のどん底時代から約30 年たった今、地下鉄は見違えるようにきれいで安全になった。
Karl Hawkins
Time and time again, the Army’s unmanned aircraft systems know how to make a good impression.
From the Soldier operator on console to the commander in the field, one display of the capabilities of an unmanned aircraft system as it performs reconnaissance or surveillance for an advancing unit or for an Army helicopter is enough to convince users of its value on the battlefield.
american way
AeroVironment, Inc.
The unique craft is intended to demonstrate two key missions:
The ability to reach and sustain horizontal flight at 100,000 feet altitude on a single-day flight, and to maintain flight above 50,000 feet altitude for at least four days, both on electrical power derived from non-polluting solar energy.
- 酸素と反応させてエネルギーを取り出した後は水になります。
- 化石燃料からの精製だけでなく、水の電気分解や様々な工場の副生成物として得ることができます。
- 再生可能エネルギーを用いて水素を製造すれば、循環型エネルギー社会が形成できます。
Hiroshi Mitsumoto
In order to study the cause of ALS outside of the motoneuron and the nervous system in ALS, we have launched a new study on genetic environmental epidemiology. We believe that interactions between genetic predisposition and environmental/behavioral factors and exposures may lead to oxidative stress in patients who develop ALS. In collaboration with Drs. Ottman and Factor Litvak, we have already developed the interview tools for genetic, behavioral and environmental factors. Now, we are conducting a small center-based study in preparation for a future larger population-based study. For genetic factors, we also have been working with Dr. Kottmann, who is investigating motor neuron specific gene expression, and we are also a part of the ALS DNA repository.
Robert MacLaren
We are excited to be involved in this pioneering subretinal implant technology and to announce the first patients implanted in the UK were successful. The visual results of these patients exceeded our expectations. This technology represents a genuinely exciting development and is an important step forward in our attempts to offer people with RP a better quality of life.
Saturday, May 5, 2012
human rights and democracy
List of agnostics
Samuel Beckett, Albert Camus, Thomas Carlyle, Franz Kafka, Vladimir Nabokov, Marcel Proust, Alexander Pushkin, John Steinbeck, Stendhal, Mark Twain, Émile Zola, Bill Gates, Hideaki Anno, Henry Fonda, Gilberto Gil, Dave Matthews, Brian May, Brad Pitt, Franz Schubert, Sting, Gautama Buddha, Noam Chomsky, Democritus, Epicurus, Immanuel Kant, Thomas Henry Huxley, Robert G. Ingersoll, Bertrand Russell, Rafael Nadal, …
Leslie Weatherhead, …
Leslie Weatherhead, …
Paul Cartledge
The ancient Greek word demokratia was ambiguous. It meant literally ‘people-power’. But who were the people to whom the power belonged? Was it all the people – the ‘masses’? Or only some of the people – the duly qualified citizens? The Greek word demos could mean either. There’s a theory that the word demokratia was coined by democracy’s enemies, members of the rich and aristocratic elite who did not like being outvoted by the common herd, their social and economic inferiors. If this theory is right, democracy must originally have meant something like ‘mob rule’ or ‘dictatorship of the proletariat’.
human rights and democracy
- Everything existing in the universe is the fruit of chance and necessity.
- If you suffer injustice, console yourself; the true unhappiness is in doing it.
- Good means not merely not to do wrong, but rather not to desire to do wrong.
- By desiring little, a poor man makes himself rich.
- Do not trust all men, but trust men of worth; the former course is silly, the latter a mark of prudence.
- Happiness resides not in possessions, and not in gold, happiness dwells in the soul.
- Hope of ill gain is the beginning of loss.
- I would rather discover one true cause than gain the kingdom of Persia.
- It is better to destroy one’s own errors than those of others.
- It is godlike ever to think on something beautiful and on something new.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Michael Michalko
Genius is not about scoring 1600 on the SATs, mastering fourteen languages at the age of seven, finishing Mensa exercises in record time, having an extraordinarily high I.Q., or even about being smart. After considerable debate initiated by J. P. Guilford, a leading psychologist who called for a scientific focus on creativity in the sixties, psychologists reached the conclusion that creativity is not the same as intelligence. …
Typically, we think reproductively, that is on the basis of similar problems encountered in the past. When confronted with problems, we fixate on something in our past that has worked before. We ask, “What have I been taught in life, education or work on how to solve the problem?” Then we analytically select the most promising approach based on past experiences, excluding all other approaches, and work within a clearly defined direction towards the solution of the problem. Because of the soundness of the steps based on past experiences, we become arrogantly certain of the correctness of our conclusion.
Typically, we think reproductively, that is on the basis of similar problems encountered in the past. When confronted with problems, we fixate on something in our past that has worked before. We ask, “What have I been taught in life, education or work on how to solve the problem?” Then we analytically select the most promising approach based on past experiences, excluding all other approaches, and work within a clearly defined direction towards the solution of the problem. Because of the soundness of the steps based on past experiences, we become arrogantly certain of the correctness of our conclusion.
Paul Krugman
In Spain, the unemployment rate among workers under 25 is more than 50 percent. In Ireland almost a third of the young are unemployed. Here in America, youth unemployment is “only” 16.5 percent, which is still terrible — but things could be worse.
And sure enough, many politicians are doing all they can to guarantee that things will, in fact, get worse. We’ve been hearing a lot about the war on women, which is real enough. But there’s also a war on the young, which is just as real even if it’s better disguised. And it’s doing immense harm, not just to the young, but to the nation’s future.
And sure enough, many politicians are doing all they can to guarantee that things will, in fact, get worse. We’ve been hearing a lot about the war on women, which is real enough. But there’s also a war on the young, which is just as real even if it’s better disguised. And it’s doing immense harm, not just to the young, but to the nation’s future.
International Labour Organization
Across the globe, the number of people who are unemployed continues to increase and there are no signs the situation will improve in the near future.
Vincent Mosco
No matter where we turn, whether in the news media, popular culture, or simple conversation, we seem increasingly preoccupied with the notion that computers and communication technology are dramatically transforming society and culture. Advocates typically claim we’re going through a period as significant as the development of agriculture—which transformed us from a nomadic hunting and gathering way of life about ten thousand years ago. Or they claim it’s as significant as the development of industry—which made manufacturing rather than farming central to modern economic and social life beginning about three hundred years ago.
Rethinking Capitalism
… If such contracts had value, then it would seem that producing them created value. There could thus be a financial “industry” that produced financial products, the volume of which is apparently unconstrained by the scarcity of anything in particular. Advances in financial valuation could thus be considered a type of advancing technology that drives economic events as much as any patentable piece of engineering. Thus conceived, the model for valuing derivatives has become a new way of understanding capitalism as a production of new property (a commodity) by means of contract alone.
Rethinking Capitalism is concerned with examining this phenomenon in the context of the broader claims that are made for it as both resolving and accelerating inherent problems in market economies as such. …
Karel van Wolferen
The reason why Washington-based think tanks, like the Stimson Center, are important is because those are where the news about Japan is made, or rather amplified. Few people until now have realized that news about Japan has to be made outside it because most foreign newspapers, TV companies, and magazines that used to have regular correspondents in Tokyo have withdrawn them. … There are of course financial correspondents in Tokyo catering to the international investors community, but these wear visors that produce a heavily filtered picture of reality. …
Regular correspondents of the classical variety are paid to write about what they have figured out must be close to actual reality, perhaps with an eye on editorial preferences and prejudice. Scholars and analysts in think tanks are paid to peddle a line, no matter their protestations of ‘neutrality’ or ‘nonpartisanship’. The line in the case of Japan’s new government was created by reporters interviewing Pentagon officials, Pentagon alumni and their friends, and a couple of academics who must keep in mind on which side their bread is buttered.
Japanese are sometimes, wittingly or unwittingly, part of this game. The main Japanese newspapers jumped at the opportunity to copy Washington concerns about the government in Tokyo breaking routine, …
Regular correspondents of the classical variety are paid to write about what they have figured out must be close to actual reality, perhaps with an eye on editorial preferences and prejudice. Scholars and analysts in think tanks are paid to peddle a line, no matter their protestations of ‘neutrality’ or ‘nonpartisanship’. The line in the case of Japan’s new government was created by reporters interviewing Pentagon officials, Pentagon alumni and their friends, and a couple of academics who must keep in mind on which side their bread is buttered.
Japanese are sometimes, wittingly or unwittingly, part of this game. The main Japanese newspapers jumped at the opportunity to copy Washington concerns about the government in Tokyo breaking routine, …
Japanese way
Timothy Mitchell
During the second half of the twentieth century, economics established its claim to be the true political science. The idea of “the economy” provided a mode of seeing and a way of organizing the world that could diagnose a country’s fundamental condition, frame the terms of its public debate, picture its collective growth or decline, and propose remedies for its improvement, all in terms of what seemed a legible series of measurements, goals, and comparisons. In the closing decade of the century, after the collapse of state socialism in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, the authority of economic science seemed stronger than ever. Employing the language and authority of neoclassical economics, the programs of economic reform and structural adjustment advocated in Washington by the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and the United States government could judge the condition of a nation and its collective well-being by simply measuring its monetary and fiscal balance sheets.
Kodomo no Kippu
Excluding the few exceptions that come along with any judgment of a cultural group, I have to say that Japanese people have made an impression upon me as being very warm, attentive, and agreeable. In America, many times people can feel like you are invading their personal space or privacy, or overstepping your bounds as a stranger if you come up to them to ask them something. Although it seems sometimes as though people here are in their own personal worlds, all it takes is one to first break the ice in order to receive a positive response. For instance, while unsuccessfully trying to find a certain restaurant in Kyoto, my friend and I finally stopped to ask for assistance from a man handing out tissues with advertisements. He kindly put down his box, and helped us for about 5 minutes, looking on the smart phone map and trying to figure out how to direct us, even using a little bit of the English he knew. Although we had interrupted his activities, he was willing to help complete strangers find a place that he had never himself been to.
Japanese way
Japanese way
Good Night 数えきれぬ Good Night 罪を越えて
Good Night 僕らは強く Good Night 美しく
あの偉い発明家も 凶悪な犯罪者も
外国で飛行機が墜ちました ニュースキャスターは嬉しそうに
僕は何を思えばいいんだろう 僕は何て言えばいいんだろう
こんな夜は逢いたくて 逢いたくて 逢いたくて
君に逢いたくて 君に逢いたくて
Good Night 僕らは強く Good Night 美しく
あの偉い発明家も 凶悪な犯罪者も
外国で飛行機が墜ちました ニュースキャスターは嬉しそうに
僕は何を思えばいいんだろう 僕は何て言えばいいんだろう
こんな夜は逢いたくて 逢いたくて 逢いたくて
君に逢いたくて 君に逢いたくて
Japanese way
Eugene Ivanov
I wonder how many members of the U.S. Congress have heard of Adam Montoya. In 2009, Montoya was sentenced to a prison term for counterfeiting commercial checks and credit cards. Shortly after arriving at the Pekin, Illinois, federal penitentiary, Montoya began complaining of abdominal pain. For nine days, he pleaded with his guards to take him to the doctor; they refused and instead gave him Tylenol. On the evening of Nov. 12, 2009, Montoya reported having trouble breathing; a prison staffer promised to get him help the next day. But next morning, Montoya was found dead in his cell.
The Montoya case is unlikely to reach Capitol Hill. Our lawmakers have no interest in the death of an “ordinary” victim of the U.S. criminal justice system; they prefer instead high-profile cases in distant countries.
The Montoya case is unlikely to reach Capitol Hill. Our lawmakers have no interest in the death of an “ordinary” victim of the U.S. criminal justice system; they prefer instead high-profile cases in distant countries.
John Feffer
In early February, Iran launched its third successful commercial satellite in three years.
The Barack Obama administration, the United Nations and the news media barely acknowledged the accomplishment. North Korea, on the other hand, has created a furor each of the three times its satellites failed to reach orbit.
Its latest effort, on April 13, broke up within two minutes of launch. …
The Obama administration immediately condemned the North Korean launch. It followed through on its threat to suspend its participation in the February 29 agreement that would have sent 240,000 tonnes of food assistance to North Korea. …
The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) released a “presidential statement” on April 16 accusing North Korea of violating a 2009 sanctions resolution that barred the country from missile tests, including satellite launches.
The Barack Obama administration, the United Nations and the news media barely acknowledged the accomplishment. North Korea, on the other hand, has created a furor each of the three times its satellites failed to reach orbit.
Its latest effort, on April 13, broke up within two minutes of launch. …
The Obama administration immediately condemned the North Korean launch. It followed through on its threat to suspend its participation in the February 29 agreement that would have sent 240,000 tonnes of food assistance to North Korea. …
The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) released a “presidential statement” on April 16 accusing North Korea of violating a 2009 sanctions resolution that barred the country from missile tests, including satellite launches.
United Nations
Contributions by Member States to the United Nations regular budget for the year 2011
Member State | Scale of assessments |
United States of America | 22.000% |
Japan | 12.530% |
Germany | 8.018% |
United Kingdom | 6.604% |
France | 6.123% |
Italy | 4.999% |
Canada | 3.207% |
China | 3.189% |
Spain | 3.177% |
Mexico | 2.356% |
Republic of Korea | 2.260% |
Australia | 1.933% |
Netherlands | 1.855% |
Brazil | 1.611% |
Russian Federation | 1.602% |
Симонов Артём
Сегодня на в РФ, на Украине и в Белоруссии Чернобыльскую катастрофу. Самая страшная в истории авария на атомной электростанции произошла 26 лет назад.
Wikipedia: Death Penalty World Map

(Lawn green) Abolished for crimes not committed in exceptional circumstances.
(Orange yellow) Legal form of punishment but not used in the last 10 years.
(Wine red) Legal form of punishment for certain offenses.
human rights and democracy
Jeff Neuman
How can Tiger turn it around? “If he ever asked me what I thought he needed to do, I’d tell him, look, go on the practice tee without anybody—without me, without Sean, without Haney, without a camera, and start hitting golf shots. Hit some high draws, some low draws, high fades, low fades, move the ball up and down, move it around; don’t worry about how you do it and go back to feeling it again. Quit playing golf-swing and just hit shots; just say to himself, I’m gonna hit a low fade, and I don’t need anybody to tell me how to do it, I’m just gonna feel it. He’s Tiger Woods, for God’s sake. He doesn’t know how to hit a shot?” Woods declined to comment.
human being
Yun-keol Lee
The Korean Peninsula is going through such a convulsion that it is difficult to predict what might happen next. Only a radical improvement in the human rights situation in North Korea in step with the development of a market economy can bring lasting peace and liberty to the entire peninsula. However, recent developments show that we are no nearer to that goal. We will never realize our hopes while we engage in fruitless discussions without firm action.
human rights and democracy
НПО Канагавское общество “Япония-страны Евразии”
Transparency International

TI publishes the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) annually ranking countries “by their perceived levels of corruption, as determined by expert assessments and opinion surveys.” The CPI generally defines corruption as “the misuse of public power for private benefit.” As of 2010, the CPI ranks 178 countries “on a scale from 10 (very clean) to 0 (highly corrupt).”
Thomas L. Friedman
I had to catch a train in Washington last week. The paved street in the traffic circle around Union Station was in such poor condition that I felt as though I was on a roller coaster. I traveled on the Amtrak Acela, our sorry excuse for a fast train, on which I had so many dropped calls on my cellphone that you’d have thought I was on a remote desert island, not traveling from Washington to New York City. When I got back to Union Station, the escalator in the parking garage was broken. Maybe you’ve gotten used to all this and have stopped noticing. I haven’t. Our country needs a renewal.
american way
Sebastian Mallaby
No reasonable person can doubt that the US must eventually raise taxes. The country is running an unsustainable budget deficit. Its tax take, measured as a share of gross domestic product, is the lowest in the OECD.
Equally, no reasonable person can doubt that the tax system must be used to soften inequality. Some inequality is good: it is a spur to enterprise and effort. But too much is clearly bad: it punctures meritocracy. As gaps in wealth and income have widened, it has become steadily harder for talented poor kids to compete against lavishly tutored rich kids armed with iPhones full of contacts. This is politically corrosive, morally unjust, and a shocking waste of human capital.
Equally, no reasonable person can doubt that the tax system must be used to soften inequality. Some inequality is good: it is a spur to enterprise and effort. But too much is clearly bad: it punctures meritocracy. As gaps in wealth and income have widened, it has become steadily harder for talented poor kids to compete against lavishly tutored rich kids armed with iPhones full of contacts. This is politically corrosive, morally unjust, and a shocking waste of human capital.
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