Sunday, February 27, 2011


ツルドクダミ(Polygonum multiflorum)は中国原産のタデ科のつる性多年草。葉は心臓形でドクダミに似る。花は単性、白く円錐花序をなして秋に咲く。地下に塊根があり、漢方薬で何首烏(カシュウ)と称される。


1 comment:

  1. Fo-Ti:

    In Chinese medicine, fo-ti is a longevity tonic that is used for greying hair, premature aging, weakness, vaginal discharge, and erectile dysfunction. Red fo-ti is considered a tonic to increase vitality and energy, strengthen the blood, kidneys and liver. White fo-ti is used for constipation.

    There is evidence that fo-ti can lower serum cholesterol, decrease hardening of the arteries, and improve immune function.

    - Atherosclerosis
    - Constipation
    - Fatigue
    - High cholesterol
    - Insomnia
    - Immune function
    - Erectile dysfunction
    - Parkinson's disease
    - Alzheimer's disease
