Monday, November 29, 2010
Robert Graves
Ancient Europe had no gods. The Great Goddess was regarded as immortal, changeless, and omnipotent; and the concept of fatherhood had not been introduced into religious thought. She took lovers, but for pleasure, not to provide her children with a father. Men feared, adored, and obeyed the matriarch; the hearth which she tended in a cave or hut being their earliest social centre, and motherhood their prime mystery.
Charles Bukowski
The difference between a democracy and a dictatorship is that in a democracy you vote first and take orders later; in a dictatorship you don't have to waste your time voting.
human rights and democracy
Kary Mullis
Weʼre not pragmatists anymore. For at least a couple of hundred years Americans have always been thought of as pragmatic philosophers ... and all you have to do is take LSD one time to realize that that is not going to happen. (laughter) ... But human beings, who are paying for this whole endeavor, will never understand this. ... You can find evidence for anything if you look hard enough.
american way
Martin Gardner
Biographical history, as taught in our public schools, is still largely a history of boneheads: ridiculous kings and queens, paranoid political leaders, compulsive voyagers, ignorant generals - the flotsam and jetsam of historical currents. The men who radically altered history, the great scientists and mathematicians, are seldom mentioned, if at all.
Joshua Kadison
You're my peace of mind in this crazy world.
You're everything I've tried to find, your love is a pearl.
You're my Mona Lisa, you're my rainbow skies,
and my only prayer is that you realize
you'll always be beautiful in my eyes.
The world will turn and the seasons will change,
and all the lessons we will learn will be beautiful and strange.
We'll have our fill of tears, our share of sighs.
And my only prayer is that you realize
you'll always be beautiful in my eyes.
You will always be beautiful in my eyes.
And the passing years will show
that you will always grow ever more beautiful in my eyes.
Grace Mirabella
I am not a fashion maven. I never have been and never will be. You’ll never catch me saying things like "Think Pink," and you’ll never see me wearing dark sunglasses during lunch at the "21" Club. I don’t play the fashion game; I don’t lunch, wine-and-dine with the fashion-y crowd, and I’ve never perfected the art of going backstage after a bad fashion show and telling the designer that it was "fabulous."
The charge that I am not, somehow, a real fashion person has dogged me throughout the greater portion of my professional life, through my years as editor in chief at Vogue and through my tenure as founder and director of Mirabella. It’s a criticism that I have always claimed as a badge of honor. I don’t like glitz and I don’t like trendy things and I don’t like slapdash and silly fashion games. All of which has, at times, led some very influential people to conclude that I don’t like or appreciate fashion at all.
To me, fashion has always been a vehicle--a fascinating, sometimes magnificent vehicle--for helping women enjoy and delight in their lives. Fashion to me isn’t, and never has been, an end in and of itself You’ll never find me getting excited about shoulder pads or caring deeply, one way or the other, if hemlines go up or down. And you won’t find a magazine that bears my name going on about it either.
Maurice Maeterlinck
Wait. Yes, my bird…
Where is he? Ah! There in the cage!
Mytyl, do you see the cage?
That's the one that Bread was carrying.
Yes, yes, that's the same one;
But there is only one bird.
Where has the other one gone to?
Wait, it's blue!
It's my turtle-dove!
Only it's bluer than when I went away.
Why, it's the very Blue Bird.
That we've been looking for.
We went so far off.
And here he was!
Mytyl, do you see the bird?
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Marija Gimbutas
Trade and communications, which had expanded through the millennia, must have provided a tremendous cross-fertilizing impetus to cultural growth. The archaeologist can infer the existence of far-ranging trade from the wide dispersion of obsidian, alabaster, marble and Spondylus shell. The seas and inland waterways, doubtless served as primary routes of communication, and obsidian was being transported by sea as early as the seventh millennium BC. The use of sailing-boats is attested from the sixth millenia onwards by their incised depictions on ceramics.
Henry Chadwick
The conversion of Constantine marks a turning-point in the history of the Church and of Europe. It meant much more than the end of persecution. The sovereign autocrat was inevitably and immediately involved in the development of the church, and conversely the Church became more and more implicated in high political decisions. It is characteristic that the Western attitude towards the conversion of Constantine and its consequences has generally been more ambivalent than the Eastern. In the West there has been a sharper consciousness of the double-sidedness of his benefits to the Church. But if his conversion should not be interpreted as an inward experience of grace, neither was it a cynical act of Machiavellian cunning. It was a military matter. His comprehension of Christian doctrine was never very clear, but he was sure that victory in battle lay in the gift of the God of the Christians.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Всеволод Овчинников
Японцам присуща не столько решимость покорять и преобразовывать природу, сколько стремление жить в гармонии с ней. Этой же чертой пронизано их искусство. Японские художники не диктуют свою волю материалу, а лишь выявляют заложенную в нем природой красоту. "Не сотвори, а найди и открой" - таков их девиз. Архитектор возводит постройку так, чтобы она сливалась с природой. Садовник искусно придает саду или парку облик естественного ландшафта. Повар стремиться сохранить вид и вкус сырых продуктов.
Japanese way
Amanda Somerville
You are everything I need to see
Smile and sunlight makes sunlight to me
Laugh and come and look into me
Drips of moonlight washing over me
Can I show you what you are for me
Angel of mine, can I thank you
You have saved me time and time again
Angel, I must confess
It's you that always gives me strength
And I don't know where I'd be without you
Friday, November 26, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Paul Theroux
Ever since childhood, when I lived within earshot of the Boston and Maine, I have seldom heard a train go by and not wished I was on it. Those whistles sing bewitchment: Railways are irresistible bazaars, snaking along perfectly no matter what the landscape, increasing your mood with speed, and never upsetting your drink. The train can reassure you in awful places - a far cry from the anxious sweats of doom airplanes inspire, or the nauseating gas-sickness of the long distance bus, or the paralysis that afflicts the car passanger. If a train is large and comfortable you don't even need a destination; a corner seat is enough, and you can be one of those travelers who stay in motion, straddling the tracks, and never arrive or feel they ought to - like that man who lives on Italian Railways because he is retired and has a free pass. Better to go first class than to arrive, or, as the English novelist Michael Frayn once rephrased McLuhan: 'the journey is the goal'. But I had chosen Asia, and when I remembered it was half a world away I was only glad.
Then Asia was out the window, ...
Ernest Hemingway
The hills across the valley of the Ebro were long and white.
The girl was looking off at the line of hills. They were white in the sun and the country was brown and dry.
“They look like white elephants,” she said.
“I’ve never seen one,” the man drank his beer.
“No, you wouldn’t have.”
“I might have,” the man said.
“But I don’t want you to,” he said, “I don’t care anything about it.”
“I’ll scream,” the girl said.
“I’d better take the bags over to the other side of the station,” the man said. She smiled at him.
“All right. Then come back and we’ll finish the beer.”
He picked up the two heavy bags and carried them around the station to the other tracks. He looked up the tracks but could not see the train. Coming back, he walked through the barroom, where people waiting for the train were drinking. He drank an Anis at the bar and looked at the people. They were all waiting reasonably for the train. He went out through the bead curtain. She was sitting at the table and smiled at him.
“Do you feel better?” he asked.
“I feel fine,” she said. “There’s nothing wrong with me. I feel fine.”
Kathryn Drury Wagner
With newspapers struggling, will the art of telling a smaller story be lost?
According to the WTO, German travelers are the biggest spenders while traveling internationally, followed closely by the British, French, Chinese, Japanese, and Italians. And according to Skyscanner's data, New York is bound to get a big chunk of this pie, at least amongst US destinations
american way
Alex Garland
Even after he'd switched his light off, twenty or so minutes later, I still couldn't get back to sleep. I was too keyed up, too much stuff was running through my head. Beaches and bitches, exhaustion; jumpy with adrenaline. Perhaps, given an hour of silence, I might have relaxed, but soon after the man's light went out the French couple came back to their room and started having sex.
Peter Carey
I was at the video shop with my twelve-year-old son when he rented Kikujiro, a tough-guy/little-boy Japanese film whose charming, twitching hoodlum is played by an actor named Beat Takeshi. How could I have known where this would lead?
Over the next few weeks Charley rented Kikujiro a number of times, and although I was with him when he did so I had no idea how powerfully he'd been affected, not until he said, quietly, en passant, “When I grow up I'm going to live in Tokyo.”
Paulo Coelho
When we meet someone and fall in love, we have a sense that the whole universe is on our side. And yet if something goes wrong, there is nothing left! How is it possible for the beauty that was there only minutes before to vanish so quickly? Life moves very fast. It rushes from heaven to hell in a matter of seconds.
They all believe that man feels desire for only eleven minutes a day, and that they'll pay a fortune for it. That's not true; a man is also a woman; he wants to find someone, to give meaning to his life.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Gregory Bateson
Money is always transitively valued. More money is supposedly always better than less money.
american way
James Bovard
Democracy must be something more than two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner.
human rights and democracy
Monday, November 22, 2010
Ivan Illich
Together we have come to realize that for most men the right to learn is curtailed by the obligation to attend school.
Michel Beaud
Tout simplement parce que les transformations de la réalité rendent déjà inopérants, et rendront de plus en plus désuets, les schémas traditionnels de pensée.
L'économie nationale est de moins en moins ce qu'elle était. Elle est de moins en moins close en ses frontières, assise en son territoire, unifiée sous la tutelle de son État. Et pourtant, elle ne se dissout pas, ni ne se disloque : elle mue.
Pour les pays dominants, elle est de plus en plus « expansée » à l'échelle du monde à travers les grands marchés, les réseaux d'informations, de crédits, de paiements, de financement et de spéculation ; elle s'ancre, s'implante, se développe sur d'autres territoires nationaux ; elle devient mondiale (à travers l'international et le multinational) tout en restant nationale. Ainsi se constituent des « économies nationales »... mondiales, ou des économies « nationales/mondiales », bref des « économies mondiales... nationales » (américaine, japonaise, allemande...) ; et dans leur interaction se structure « l'économie mondiale ».
Paul Valéry
Partout où l'esprit européen domine, on voit apparaître le maximum de besoins, le maximum de travail, le maximum de capital, le maximum de rendement, le maximum d'ambition, le maximum de puissance, le maximum de modification de la nature extérieure, le maximum de relations et d'échanges.
Paolo Virno
La "natura umana" torna al centro dell'attenzione non già perché ci si occupi finalmente di biologia anziché di storia, ma perché i tratti biologici invarianti dell'animale umano hanno assunto un inedito rilievo storico nell'attuale processo produttivo. Solo di recente il carattere indefinito/potenziale dell'essere umano non é piü occultato o mitigato, ma esibito e valorizzato.
human being
Alex Callinicos
So competition isn't the cure – it's the disease. We live under an economic system that is driven by a blind process of competition in which firms and even states look only to their own advantage. These rivalries produce not only terrible economic crises but also the increasing destruction of the natural world that threatens planetary disaster.
human rights and democracy
Sunday, November 21, 2010
René Huyghe
Quand j'étudie la manière dont Freud psychanalyse Léonard de Vinci, ce n'est pas Léonard de Vinci que je rencontre, mais Freud lui-même.
Lyall Watson
If you simply walk on the beach as we are doing, you have no special color. But if you travel with a purpose, it is different. When you go somewhere important or you return home from a long journey, you build a shape around you and it reaches out ahead to touch your destination.
Antoine Danchin
Il est de moins en moins habituel aujourd'hui d'imaginer le savant-technicien isolé dans sa tour d'ivoire et ne faisant que très rarement part du contenu de ce savoir ou des modes de sa production à la communauté des ses contemporains. Beaucoup de chercheurs sont sollicités par la pression médiatique, et pensent souvent à soigner leur image plutôt que le contenu de l'information qu'ils souhaitent transmettre. On a ainsi souvent, malgré de très brillants exemples opposés, l'impression qu'un bon vulgarisateur doit être un mauvais savant. Par ailleurs, l'envahissement certain de la culture anglo-américaine tend à privilégier les faits par rapport à la réflexion, comme si ces faits existaient en eux-mêmes. Ainsi, la réflexion sur la Science se trouve éliminée comme une obscénité avec pour corollaire la spécialisation : on admet qu'il existe alors des épistémologues – et il existe des prés carrés maintenus par des titres sans contenu, mais jamais, au grand jamais, un expérimentateur ne peut-il se permettre ce type de réflexion sur la science qu'il produit (et qu'il met ainsi en cause). Bien sûr, la tendance inverse existe aussi parfois. Elle est utilisée par certains chercheurs pour asseoir leur autorité par une utilisation plus ou moins habile des moyens de communication à grande diffusion. Le vedettariat existe aussi en Science...
Don Tapscott
This is the first generation of people that work, play, think and learn differently than their parents, ... They are the first generation to not be afraid of technology. It's like the air to them.
These kids are different, and they're about to change the world.
Martin Gardner
There are, and always have been, destructive pseudo-scientific notions linked to race and religion; these are the most widespread and damaging.
Ceux qui peuvent vous faire croire des absurdités peuvent vous faire commettre des atrocités.
human being
Nazim Hikmet
You waste the attention of your eyes, the glittering labour of your hands, and knead the dough enough for dozens of loaves of which you'll taste not a morsel; you are free to slave for others-- you are free to make the rich richer.
The moment you're born, they plant around you, mills that grind lies, lies to last you a lifetime. You keep thinking in your great freedom, a finger on your temple, free to have a free conscience.
Your head bent as if half-cut from the nape, your arms long, hanging, your saunter about in your great freedom: you're free with the freedom of being unemployed.
You love your country as the nearest, most precious thing to you. But one day, for example, they may endorse it over to America, and you, too, with your great freedom-- you have the freedom to become an air-base.
You may proclaim that one must live, not as a tool, a number or a link but as a human being-- then at once they handcuff your wrists. You are free to be arrested, imprisoned and even hanged.
There's neither an iron, wooden, nor a tulle curtain in your life; there's no need to choose freedom: you are free. But this kind of freedom is a sad affair under the stars.
human rights and democracy
Marcel Broodthaers
I, too, wondered if I couldn't sell something and succeed in life. For quite a while I had been good for nothing. I am forty years old. ... The idea of inventing something insincere finally crossed my mind, and I set to work at once.
David Lamelas
Fiction is one of the most used elements in the fields of creative painting, sculpture, nonpainting, nonsculpture, Happenings, theater, TV, and cinema.
Any "work of art" contains a mystery of elaboration/production which starts the work itself; that is, the artist or person who carries out something in a "specialized field" limited by many conventions, accomplice to this mystery of production before execution.
Marcel Duchamp
(When you were young, didn't you ever experience the desire to be artistically cultured?)
Maybe, but it was a very mediocre desire. I would have wanted to work, but deep down I'm enormously lazy. I like living, breathing, better than working. I don't think that the work I've done can have any social importance whatsoever in the future. Therefore, if you wish, my art would be that of living: each second, each breath is a work which is inscribed nowhere, which is neither visual nor cerebral. It's sort of constant euphoria.
William Gibson
The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel.
"It's not like I'm using," Case heard someone say, as he shouldered his way through the crowd around the door of the Chat. "It's like my body's developed this massive drug deficiency." It was a Sprawl voice and a Sprawl joke. The Chatsubo was a bar for professional expatriates; you could drink there for a week and never hear two words in Japanese.
Ratz was tending bar, h is prosthetic arm jerking monotonously as he filled a tray of glasses with draft Kirin. He saw Case and smiled, his teeth a webwork of East European steel and brown decay. Case found a place at the bar, between the unlikely tan on one of Lonny Zone's whores and the crisp naval uniform of a tall African whose cheekbones were ridged with precise rows of tribal scars. "Wage was in here early, with two joeboys," Ratz said, shoving a draft across the bar with his good hand. "Maybe some business with you, Case?"
Case shrugged. The girl to his right giggled and nudged him.
Marshall McLuhan
When technology extends one of our senses, a new translation of culture occurs as swiftly as the new technology is interiorized.
Brian Wilson Aldiss
When childhood dies, its corpses are called adults and they enter society, one of the politer names of hell. That is why we dread children, even if we love them, they show us the state of our decay.
Бори́с Ви́кторович Са́винков
И еще: "Блаженны не видевшие и уверовавшие". Во что верить? Кому молиться? . . Я не хочу молитвы рабов ... Пусть Христос зажег Словом свет. Мне не нужно тихого света. Пусть любовь спасет мир. Мне не нужно любви. Я один. Я уйду из скучного балагана. И -- отверзнется на небе храм, -- я сказку и тогда: все суета и ложь.
Сегодня ясный, задумчивый день. Нева сверкает на солнце. Я люблю ее величавую гладь, лоно вод глубоких и тихих. В море гаснет печальный закат, горят багряные зори. Грустно плещет волна. Никнут ели. Пахнет смолой. Когда звезды зажгутся, упадет осенняя ночь, я скажу мое последнее слово: мой револьвер со мною.
Richard E. Cytowic
Science, like the world of fashion, has fashions. Some ideas and theories enjoy enormous interest for a while and then fade from view. Physiognomy, the "science" of extracting character from facial features was enormously, and erroneously, influential in the nineteenth century. Lavater's book on the subject sold hugely for its day, and so influential was it that Darwin was nearly refused a berth on The Beagle because his nose was too long. One might not be surprised that such ideas are popular for only a short time; more curiously, some of the very phenomenology upon which science depends has also been shown to appear and then disappear like Alice's cat. ...
Synesthesia is another neurological abnormality that has been in and out of fashion. First described by Locke in 1690 and medically by Woolhouse twenty years later, it was the subject of much scientific interest a hundred years ago. By 1940s, however, it had virtually disappeared from the collective scientific and medical consciousness. ...
Henri Poincaré
Le savant n’étudie pas la nature parce que cela est utile ; il l’étudie parce qu’il y prend plaisir et il y prend plaisir parce qu’elle est belle. Si la nature n’était pas belle, elle ne vaudrait pas la peine d’être connue, la vie ne vaudrait pas la peine d’être vécue. Je ne parle pas ici, bien entendu, de cette beauté qui frappe les sens, de la beauté des qualités et des apparences ; non que j’en fasse fi, loin de là, mais elle n’a rien à faire avec la science ; je veux parler de cette beauté plus intime qui vient de l’ordre harmonieux des parties, et qu'une intelligence pure peut saisir.
Werner Sombarts
Luxus ist jeder Aufwand, der über das Notwendige hinausgeht.
Das, was als notwendig (etwa die physiologische Notdurft (Kleidung, Nahrung etc.)) erachtet wird, ist darüberhinaus zu jeder Zeit verschieden, entsprechend also auch das, was als Luxus angesehen wird.
human rights and democracy
Lord Dunsany
In the mists before THE BEGINNING, Fate and Chance cast lots to decide whose the Game should be; and he that won strode through the mists to MANA-YOOD-SUSHAI and said: "Now make gods for Me, for I have won the cast and the Game is to be Mine." Who it was that won the cast, and whether it was Fate or whether Chance that went through the mists before THE BEGINNING to MANA-YOOD-SUSHAI--none knoweth.
Before there stood gods upon Olympus, or ever Allah was Allah, had wrought and rested MANA-YOOD-SUSHAI.
Barbara Maria Stafford
The world-generating power of neural nets transforms electric patterns excited in the receptor organs into internal representations. The brain, as a vast collection of systems, is constantly deploying the images that constitute our thoughts as it interacts with the body and the outside world. In between its five main sensory input sectors and three main output sectors lie the association cortices, the basal ganglia, thalamus, amygdala, limbic system cortices, limbic nuclei, brain stem, and cerebellum. Taken together, these organs hold both innate and acquired knowledge and so help us develop a visualizable self-image over time.
human being
Sir Francis Crick
There is one fact about the brain so obvious it's seldom mentioned: it's attached to the rest of the body and communicates with it.
human being
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Hannah Arendt
Forgiveness is the key to action and freedom.
The raison d’être of politics is freedom, and its field of experience is action.
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8. I wish to use this document in lieu of a passport which I, a stateless person, cannot obtain at present.
Mary Boyce
Zoroastrianism is the oldest of the revealed credal religions, and it has probably had more influence on mankind, directly and indirectly, than any other single faith. In its own right it was the state religion of three great Iranian empires, which flourished almost continually from the sixth century B.C. to the seventh century AC, and dominated much of the Near and Middle East. Iran's power and wealth lent it immense prestige, and some of its leading doctrines were adopted by Judaism, Christianity and Islam, as well as by a host of Gnostic faiths, while in the East it had some influence on the developernent of northern Buddhism. Today external forces have reduced the Zoroastrians themselves to tiny scattered minorities, living mostly in Iran and India; but beliefs first taught by their prophet are still subscribed to by other peoples throughout the world.
Jakob von Uexküll

Sie leben in verschiedenen Merkwelten und verschiedenen Wirkwelten.
Der Förster nimmt die Eiche anders wahr, als das kleine Mädchen. Beide haben jeweils eine individuelle Ausrichtung auf ihre Umgebung, sie sind auf unterschiedliche Merkmale ausgerichtet und die wahrgenommenen Objekte haben eine individuelle subjektive Bedeutung. Sie empfinden und verhalten sich unterschiedlich.
John C. Lilly
In the province of the mind, what is believed to be true is true, or becomes true within certain limits to be learned by experience and experiment. These limits are further beliefs to be transcended. In the province of the mind. There are no limits.
Derek Jarman
Understand that sexuality is as wide as the sea. Understand that your morality is not law.
Walter J. Ong
Human knowledge demands both proximity and distance, and these two are related to one another dialectically. Proximity perceptions feed distancing analyses, and vice versa, creating a more manageable intimacy.
As a time-obviating, context-free mechanism, writing separates the known from the knower more definitely than the original orally grounded manœuvre of naming does, but it also unites the knower and the known more consciously and more articulately. Writing is a consciousness-raising and humanizing technology. So is print, even more, and, in its own way, so is the computer.
André Breton
Nadja, parce qu'en russe c'est le commencement du mot espérance, et parce que ce n'en est que le commencement.
Maurice Merleau-Ponty
Vécue dans l'acception la plus large, cette sorte d'espace traduit une manière d'être, une véritable expérience existentielle, plongeant ses racines dans le corps humain ; aussi est-elle fonction de la situation de celui qui la vit. ... Sous cet angle, l'expérience de l'espace se confond évidemment avec sa représentation concrète : visible, palpable, audible. L'homme qui "vit" l'espace dans toutes ses fibres le bâtit au surplus simultanément sous nos yeux, ce qui signifie que l'espace suggéré par les mots de récit est déterminé au premier chef par la personne et la situation du narrateur.
Dragan Stojković
Wigan-Sunderland is more interesting than Juventus-Inter Milan.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Jeremy Taylor
Researchers from the London School of Economics have found that people with high I.Q.s are more likely to be night owls, whereas folks with lower I.Q.s are more likely to wake up early and function their best during the day. Other studies have found a link between "eveningness" and getting good grades in school.
However, all is not well with those who burn the midnight oil. People who are disposed to staying up late are less reliable and more likely to suffer from depression and various addictions when compared to early risers.
So maybe the old adage should just be early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Johan Huizinga
Play is older than culture, for culture, however inadequately defined, always presupposes human society, and animals have not waited for man to teach them their playing. We can safely assert, even, that human civilization has added no essential feature to the general idea of play. Animals play just like men. We have only to watch young dogs to see that all the essentials of human play are present in their merry gambols. They invite one another to play by a certain ceremoniousness of attitude and gesture. They keep to the rule that you shall not bite, or not bite hard, your brother's ear. They pretend to get terribly angry. And — what is most important — in all these doings they plainly experience tremendous fun and enjoyment. Such rompings of young dogs are only one of the simpler forms of animal play. There are other, much more highly developed forms: regular contests and beautiful performaances before an admiring public.
Here we have at once a very important point: even in its simplest forms on the animal level, play is more than a mere physiological phenomenon or a psychological reflex. It goes beyond the confines of purely physical or purely biological activity. It is a significant function — that is to say, there is some sense to it. In play there is something “at play” which transcends the immediate needs of life and imparts meaning to the action. All play means something.
human being
Charles Baudelaire
Quand, les deux yeux fermés, en un soir chaud d'automne,
Je respire l'odeur de ton sein chaleureux,
Je vois se dérouler des rivages heureux
Qu'éblouissent les feux d'un soleil monotone;
Une île paresseuse où la nature donne
Des arbres singuliers et des fruits savoureux;
Des hommes dont le corps est mince et vigoureux,
Et des femmes dont l'œil par sa franchise étonne.
Guidé par ton odeur vers de charmants climats,
Je vois un port rempli de voiles et de mâts
Encor tout fatigués par la vague marine,
Pendant que le parfum des verts tamariniers,
Qui circule dans l'air et m'enfle la narine
Se mêle dans mon âme au chant des mariniers.
Charles Baudelaire
Quand, les deux yeux fermés, en un soir chaud d'automne,
Je respire l'odeur de ton sein chaleureux,
Je vois se dérouler des rivages heureux
Qu'éblouissent les feux d'un soleil monotone;
Une île paresseuse où la nature donne
Des arbres singuliers et des fruits savoureux;
Des hommes dont le corps est mince et vigoureux,
Et des femmes dont l'œil par sa franchise étonne.
Guidé par ton odeur vers de charmants climats,
Je vois un port rempli de voiles et de mâts
Encor tout fatigués par la vague marine,
Pendant que le parfum des verts tamariniers,
Qui circule dans l'air et m'enfle la narine
Se mêle dans mon âme au chant des mariniers.
Antoine de Saint Exupéry
Voici mon secret. Il est très simple: on ne voit bien qu'avec le cœur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.
René Dubos
The progress of science depends less than is usually believed on the efforts and performance of the individual genius ... many important discoveries have been made by men of ordinary talents, simply because chance had made them, at the proper time and in the proper place and circumstances, recipients of a body of doctrines, facts and techniques that rendered almost inevitable the recognition of an important phenomenon. It is surprising that some historian has not taken malicious pleasure in writing an anthology of 'one discovery' scientists. Many exciting facts have been discovered as a result of loose thinking and unimaginative experimentation, and described in wrappings of empty words. One great discovery does not betoken a great scientist; science now and then selects insignificant standard bearers to display its banners.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Vladimir Nabokov
Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul. Lo-lee-ta: the tip of the tongue taking a trip of three steps down the palate to tap, at three, on the teeth. Lo. Lee. Ta. She was Lo, plain Lo, in the morning, standing four feet ten in one sock. She was Lola in slacks. She was Dolly at school. She was Dolores on the dotted line. But in my arms she was always Lolita. Did she have a precursor? She did, indeed she did. In point of fact, there might have been no Lolita at all had I not loved, one summer, an initial girl-child. In a princedom by the sea. Oh when? About as many years before Lolita was born as my age was that summer. You can always count on a murderer for a fancy prose style. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, exhibit number one is what the seraphs, the misinformed, simple, noble-winged seraphs, envied. Look at this tangle of thorns.
Daniel L.Schacter
In Kawabata’s "Yumiura," the woman who remembered a love affair that apparently never happened reflected on the gift of memory. "Memories are something we should be grateful for, don’t you think?" she asked the bemused novelist. "No matter what circumstances people end up in, they’re still able to remember things from the past -- I think it must be a blessing bestowed on us by the gods." She offered this high praise even though the memory system she celebrated led her unknowingly down a path of delusion. The path through this book is in some ways analogous: we will need to immerse ourselves in the dark sides of memory before we can fully appreciate this "blessing bestowed by the gods."
Ian Hacking
Throughout the Age of Reason, chance had been called the superstition of the vulgar. Chance, superstition, vulgarity, unreason were of one piece. The rational man, averting his eyes from such things, could cover chaos with a veil of inexorable laws. The world, it was said, might often look haphazard, but only because we do not know the inevitable workings of its inner springs. As for probabilities — whose mathematics was called the doctrine of chances — they were merely the defective but necessary tools of people who know too little.
There were plenty of sceptics about determinism in those days: those who needed room for freedom of the will, or those who insisted on the individual character of organic and living processes. None of these thought for a moment that laws of chance would provide an alternative to strictly causal laws. Yet by 1900 that was a real possibility, urged as fact by an adventurous few. The stage was set for ultimate indeterminism. How did that happen?
Milton Friedman
Economic arrangements play a dual role in the promotion of a free society. On the one hand, freedom in economic arrangements is itself a component of freedom broadly understood, so economic freedom is an end in itself. In the second place, economic freedom is also an indispensable means toward the achievement of political freedom.
The first of these roles of economic freedom needs special emphasis because intellectuals in particular have a strong bias against regarding this aspect of freedom as important. They tend to express contempt for what they regard as material aspects of life, and to regard their own pursuit of allegedly higher values as on a different plane of significance and as deserving of special attention. For most citizens of the country, however, if not for the intellectual, the direct importance of economic freedom is at least comparable in significance to the indirect importance of economic freedom as a means to political freedom.
James Buchan
It's a pity Karl didn't make some capital, instead of just writing about it.
David Harvay
Space-time compression:
- 1500-1840 (best average speed of horse drawn coaches/sailing ships was 10 mph)
- 1850-1930 (steam locomotives averaged 65 mph; steam ships averaged 36 mph)
- 1950s (propeller aircraft 300-400 mph)
- 1960s (jet passenger aircraft 500-700 mph).
These increasing speeds of travel illustrate that in each phase the sense of global space changed; and with a change in the sense of space came a correlative change in the sense of time.
Johannes Dragsbaek Schmidt, Jacques Hersh
Let me begin with a suggestion: That we view "globalization" as a process rather than as a political-economic condition that has recently come into being. To view it this way is not to presume that the process is constant; nor does it preclude saying that the process has, for example, entered into a radically new stage or worked itself out to a particular or even "final" state. But a process-based definition makes us concentrate on how globalization has occurred and is occurring.
Emmanuel Todd
Les pays musulmans sont entrés dans la modernité. Je suis démographe, je remarque une baisse de fécondité très importante dans ces pays. La démographie est une réponse rationnelle à la pauvreté. Au Maghreb, cela passe aussi par l’élevation de l’âge du mariage de la femme. L’alphabétisation est un facteur très essentiel dans cette baisse. La Tunisie et l’Iran sont à 2 enfants par femme, la même chose qu’en France et aux Etats-Unis ! Ces résultats sont très intéressants pour un démographe. L’Algérie n’est pas loin avec 2,5. Il y a une forte interaction entre le Maghreb et la France. Ce lien culturel n’est pas à négliger. On veut lier Islam et fécondité. Les populations musulmanes ont donné leur réponse : rationalité et modernité.
Sisan Strange
The gap between rich and poor is widening. ... The gap between big business and small business is widening. ... The gap in power and influence between states is also widening. ... The open question that remains is about people's ideas and beliefs. That is always the key to political and therefore economic change. The key questions in international political economy are still the crucial ones. Who wins and who loses? Who benefits and who pays? Who gets new opportunities and who is made to run new risks? ...
John Gray
Realism is the only way of thinking about issues of tyranny and freedom, war and peace that can truly claim not to be based on faith and, despite its reputation for amorality, the only one that is ethically serious. This is, no doubt, why it is viewed with suspicion. Realism requires a discipline of thought that may be too austere for a culture that prizes psychological comfort above anything else, and it is a reasonable question whether western liberal societies are capable of the moral effort that is involved in setting aside hopes of world-transformation. Cultures that have not been shaped by Christianity and its secular surrogates have always harboured a tradition of realist thought, which is likely to be as strong in future as it has been in the past.
Frank J. Lechner, John Boli
A global free market presupposes that economic modernization means the same thing everywhere. It interprets the globalization of the economy — the spread of industrial production into interconnected market economies throughout the world — as the inexorable advance of a singular type of western capitalism: the American free market.
The real history of our time is nearer the opposite. Economic modernization does not replicate the American free market system throughout the world. It works against the free market. It spawns indigenous types of capitalism that owe little to any western model.
The market economies of east Asia diverge deeply from one another, with those of China and Japan exemplifying different varieties of capitalism. Equally, Russian capitalism differs fundamentally from capitalism in China. All that these new species of capitalism have in common is that they are not converging on any western model.
The emergence of a truly global economy does not imply the extension of western values and institutions to the rest of humankind. It means the end of the epoch of western global supremacy. The original modern economies in England, western Europe and north America are not models for the new types of capitalism created by global markets. Most countries which try to refashion their economies on the model of Anglo-Saxon free markets will not achieve a sustainable modernity.
Manfred B. Steger
I suggest that there is, in fact, something different about today’s political belief systems: a new global imaginary is on the rise. It erupts with increasing frequency within and onto the familiar framework of the national, spewing its fiery lava across all geographical scales. Stoked, among other things, by technological change and scientific innovation, this global imaginary destabilizes the grand political ideologies codified by social elites during the national age. Thus, our changing ideational landscape is intimately related to the forces of globalization, defined here as the expansion and intensification of social relations and consciousness across world-time and world space.
Thomas L. Friedman
Reflecting on this past decade and a half, during which the world went flat, it strikes me that our lives have been powerfully shaped by two dates: 11/9 and 9/11. These two dates represent the two competing forms of imagination at work in the world today: the creative imagination of 11/9 and the destructive imagination of 9/11. One brought down a wall and opened the windows of the world — both the operating system and the kind we look through. It unlocked half the planet and made the citizens there our collaborators and competitors. Another brought down the World Trade Center, closing its Windows on the World restaurant forever and putting up new invisible and concrete walls among people at a time when we thought 11/9 had erased them for good. he dismantling of the Berlin Wall on 11/9 was brought about by people who dared to imagine a different, more open world ...
Nayan Chanda
Why in that first instance did human beings leave Africa and become a globalized species? Most of what we eat, drink, or use originated somewhere else than where we find these objects today. Almost everything we associate with a nation or take pride in as our own is connected with another part of the world, however remotely. Today's capitalist business model can explain why Starbucks coffee - an iconic symbol of globalization - is sold in thousands of locations around the world or why Japan's Canon camera is a globally recognized brand. But the economic definition leaves other questions unanswered. How, for example, did the coffee bean, grown first only in Ethiopia, end up in our cups after a journey through Java and Colombia? How did the name of the Bodhisattva Avalokiteswar, translated into Chinese as Guanyin and in Japanese as Kwanon, inspire the Japanese brand name for a camera?
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Michel Beaud
Autre manière d'exprimer l'accélération de la croissance démographique, il a fallu :
— des centaines de millénaires pour que l'humanité atteigne le premier milliard ;
— 127 ans pour qu'elle atteigne le deuxième ; — 33 ans pour qu'elle atteigne le troisième ; — 14 ans pour qu'elle atteigne le quatrième ; — 13 ans pour qu'elle atteigne le cinquième ; — et il aura probablement fallu 12 ans pour qu'elle atteigne, en 1999, le sixième milliard.
Jamais ceci ne s'était produit : pour les octogénaires nés en 1920, la population humaine aura triplé au cours de leur vie. L'ensemble des humains ayant vécu depuis la nuit des temps a été évalué à 100 milliards ; 10 milliards d'humains ont vécu au XXe siècle. Un dixième des humains a vécu dans ce siècle : une goutte de temps dans le long fleuve des centaines de milliers ou des millions d'années de notre histoire.
Bien d'autres croissances et bien d'autres accélérations ont lieu dans le même temps.
James Mittelman
... zones of production may arise spontaneously with little or no government intervention and bridge territorial boundaries. Furthermore, culture is constructed and reconstructed at speeds that differ from those of the workings of international institutions, usually at a much slower pace ...
Bill Clinton
In the new century, liberty will spread by cell phone and cable modem.
We know how much the Internet has changed America, and we are already an open society.
Our goal is to bring important news and information to the public. We provide an innovative, secure and anonymous way for sources to leak information to our journalists (our electronic drop box). One of our most important activities is to publish original source material alongside our news stories so readers and historians alike can see evidence of the truth.
Sufficient principled leaking in tandem with fearless reporting will bring down administrations that rely on concealing reality from their own citizens.
Kelly McBride
For journalists, I think Wikileaks is actually a good thing. This could be a place where they could go to seek documentation of something they already have some other reporting on or to find further documentation.
Savvy web users, of course, know that public wikis are never trusted for their authenticity for the simple reason that anyone can post or edit them. Instead they're viewed as a first step in the research process. And if Wikileaks is used with a healthy dose of skepticism, it could become as important a journalistic tool as the Freedom of Information Act.
Supreme Court of the United States
The Government's power to censor the press was abolished so that the press would remain forever free to censure the Government. The press was protected so that it could bare the secrets of government and inform the people. Only a free and unrestrained press can effectively expose deception in government. And paramount among the responsibilities of a free press is the duty to prevent any part of the government from deceiving the people and sending them off to distant lands to die of foreign fevers and foreign shot and shell.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Financial Stability Board
The policy framework for SIFIs should combine:
- a resolution framework and other measures to ensure that all financial institutions can be resolved safely, quickly and without destabilising the financial system and exposing the taxpayer to the risk of loss;
- a requirement that SIFIs and initially in particular global SIFIs (G-SIFIs) have higher loss absorbency capacity to reflect the greater risks that these institutions pose to the global financial system;
- more intensive supervisory oversight for financial institutions which may pose systemic risk;
- robust core financial market infrastructures to reduce contagion risk from the failure of individual institutions and
- other supplementary prudential and other requirements as determined by the national authorities.
Additionally, home jurisdictions for G-SIFIs should:
- enable a rigorous co-ordinated assessment of the risks facing the G-SIFIs through international supervisory colleges;
- make international recovery and resolution planning mandatory for G-SIFIs and negotiate institution-specific crisis cooperation agreements within cross-border crisis management groups;
- subject their G-SIFI policy measures to review by the proposed Peer Review Council.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Japanese way
Warren Buffett
The best CEOs love operating their companies and don’t prefer going to Business Round Table meetings or playing golf at Augusta National.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
竹槍では間に合わぬ 飛行機だ 海洋航空機だ
Edward Gibbon
Every person has two educations, one which he receives from others, and one, the most important, which he gives to himself.
human being
William Wordworth
These two things, contradictory as they may seem, must go together, manly dependence and manly independence, manly reliance and manly self-reliance.
human being
Samuel Smiles
"Heaven helps those who help themselves" is a well-worn maxim, embodying in a small compass the results of vast human experience. The spirit of self-help is the root of all genuine growth in the individual; and, exhibited in the lives of many, it constitutes the true source of national vigour and strength. Help from without is often enfeebling in its effects, but help from within invariably invigorates. Whatever is donefor men or classes, to a certain extent takes away the stimulus and necessity of doing for themselves; and where men are subjected to over-guidance and over-government, the inevitable tendency is to render them comparatively helpless.
american way
Alan Friedman
We need to go back to the beginning of the 1980’s to understand how the United States created the monster that Saddam Hussein is today. In the early 1980’s, remember the United States was violently against the Islamic fundamentalists of Iran, of Ayatollah Khomieni. At the time the United States, using the power of the White House with particular interest by Vice President George Herbert Walker Bush, using the intelligence services and the Pentagon, was embarked upon a tilt to Iraq. ... in breaking the Iraq gate scandal showed essentially how the netherworld, the dark world of intelligence agents, arms dealers, crooked financiers that had been used in the 1980’s to get military equipment from the United States and Europe to Saddam Hussein when it was considered a good thing to do, because he was being used as a bulwark against Iran continued to function after the Iran-Iraq war ended. So, essentially, a machinery of global dimension was put in place.
... we uncovered the scandal of more than $5 billion of American taxpayer backed credits that had been funneled by the Atlanta, Georgia branch of an Italian bank to Saddam Hussein with the full knowledge of the C.I.A. and later on of the White House, under the Bush administration. That’s because that bank, it later transpired, an Italian bank called B & L, its Atlanta, Georgia branch was being used to surreptitiously finance Saddam Hussein’s purchase of both agricultural goods and weaponry. And the very frightening part of it is that this group of intelligence agents outside the government, but working with the blessing of the government as it later turned out with the blessing of people like James Baker and George Herbert Walker Bush, this organization of arms dealers and transshipment specialists continued to sell a whole variety of equipment to Saddam Hussein, including U.S. military rocket cluster bombs that were transshipped from Pennsylvania through Chile to Iraq, nuclear and chemical weapons technology, and missile technology and the United States didn’t really do anything to stop this shipment because at the time the argument used by the C.I.A. and the White House was that if you allowed a limited amount of military weapons and technology to flow to Iraq, even though it was completely illegal against U.S. law, against international treaties, if you allowed this to happen, as an intelligence operation, the rationalization in the Bush administration went, then you could keep better track of what kind of weaponry Saddam was developing.
What really happened, of course, is that there were people along the way who were greedy, who were making money off of it, and there were people in governments in Italy and Britain and in the Thatcher government and in the Andriotti government in Italy who were working with their American counterparts and they continued the flow of equipment. Some of this is very sophisticated stuff and one of the scandals—the way the scandal was developed was I first uncovered financial documents for a British company called Matrix Churchill based in Coventry in England that was sending what seemed to be innocent machine tool equipment to Saddam Hussein. But it wasn’t. It was dual use technology that the C.I.A. and the British intelligence knew was going into Saddam’s missile program and his nuclear program, but they allowed it to happen. So, the real problem is that we had a Frankenstein monster that got out of control, a Bush administration between 1988 and "Operation Desert Storm" in 1990 1991, that essentially turned a blind eye to this continuing shipment to Iraq, and then, of course, when we had the invasion of Kuwait, and the United States under Colin Powell and Schwarzkopf went in and then President Bush decided not to finish the job, but to leave Saddam alone, unfortunately, then it became time to cover up the tilt to Iraq, to cover up the way the United States has helped to shape and build Iraq’s military strength and then ensued a traditional cover up which nobody cared about when I brought it out with Ted come in 1991, 1992, and the book, Spider’s Web, 1993, because people in America thought it was more interesting to look at Whitewater.
american way
プロパガンダは戦時情報局、検閲は検閲局という米国内の組織図が、そのままGHCの民間情報教育局(CI&E)と民間検閲支隊(CCD)との関係に、ほぼ投影されているということである。 ...... ここで注目すべきは、当時の日本人が戦争と敗戦の悲惨さをもたらしたのが、自らの邪悪さとは考えていなかったという事実である。...... 数知れぬ戦争犠牲者は、日本の邪悪さの故に生れたのではなく、敵、つまり米軍の殺戮と破壊の結果生れたのである。憎しみを感ずべき相手は日本政府や日本軍であるよりは、先ずもって当の殺戮者、破壊者でなくてはならない。当時の日本人は、ごく順当にこう考えていた。... (占領軍が東京入したとき、日本人の間に戦争贖罪意識は全くといっていいほど存在しなかった。 ...... 日本の敗北は単に産業と科学の劣性と原爆のゆえであるという信念が行きわたっていた。) ... こうした日本人の国民感情はその後もしばらく続き、CCD の情報によれば、昭和23年になっても、依然として日本人の心に、占領者の望むようなかたちで「ウォー・ギルト」が定着してなかった。
human rights and democracy
だって皆さんそうじゃありませんか。あの戦争の後国連に新しく誕生した国が数多く参加しましたな。今までに確か七十数ヶ国あります。しかしその中に、白人の国を探せば、正確には違うかも知れないが、強いていえばイスラエルただ一国だけです。後は皆かつて植民地支配を受けた黄色、褐色、黒色の民族が独立を果たし、一人前の国として認めれる事になった。これ即ち人類の進歩に違いない。そしてその事態を抱くために あの戦争は大いに意味があったということは、誰も否定出来ますまいに。
Japanese way
human rights and democracy
Samuel Haughton
Hanging, as a mode of public execution of criminals, must be regarded as to a great extent an Anglo-Saxon mode of execution ; and although occasionally practised by the nations of antiquity, it seems among them to have been used chiefly by suicides, or in cases in which especial ignominy was intended to be attached to the criminal.
Among the Hebrews, the national punishment was unquestionably that of stoning to death by stones thrown with the hand ; and it is clear, from many passages in the Old Testament, that the hanging so often spoken of was the exposure of the body of the criminal, after death, to the birds of the air and to the beasts of the field, either by suspension from a tree, or by crucifixion on a gallows.
In Deut. xxi. 22, 23, it is provided that the criminal already executed shall be lifted up on a tree, and that his body shall be taken down before nightfall ; it is also proved, by the story of the Hebrew thief in Herodotus, that the Jews, even before they left Egypt, had a special horror of the exposure of the dend at night to the birds of prey ; for he relates that the King of Egypt exposed on a cross the headless body of the thief caught in the trap laid in the treasure-house, in the hope that his relations might be induced to attempt the removal of the body before nightfall.
From Gen. xl. 19, we may infer that the Egyptian practice was to execute the criminal by decapitation, and afterwards expose the body nailed on a cross to the birds of prey.
human rights and democracy
Martin Luther King Jr
Communism forgets that life is individual. Capitalism forgets that life is social, and the kingdom of brotherhood is found neither in the thesis of communism nor the antithesis of capitalism but in a higher synthesis. It is found in a higher synthesis that combines the truths of both. Now, when I say question the whole society, it means ultimately coming to see that the problem of racism, the problem of exploitation, and the problem of war are all tied together. These are the triple evils that are interrelated.
human rights and democracy
Kathy Ireland
I feel I'm able to serve my customer by knowing what she or he wants. One of the ways I'm able to do this is through my website, and email: people give me great ideas, tell me what they want, what they don't want. It's really instrumental, and helps me stay in touch with people.
Anil Ambani
If you look at the top 20 companies of the world, 19 of them are still brick-and-mortar companies. I have nothing against tech companies. What I am saying is that if you have a car manufacturer or an oil and gas manufacturer, you won’t get the supply over the Net.
Albert Einstein
Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.
Uri Geller
The lnternet is turning economics inside-out. For example, everybody on the internet now wants stuff for free and there are so many free services available.
Minoru Mori
The world has entered a new era, evolving from an industrial into a knowledge-based society, and into a society that wants to live in harmony with nature.
Jay Abraham
You are surrounded by simple, obvious solutions that can dramatically increase your income, power, influence and success. The problem is, you just don't see them.
Larry Page
Basically, our goal is to organize the world's information and to make it universally accessible and useful.
Vinton Cerf
The remarkable social impact and economic success of the Internet is in many ways directly attributable to the architectural characteristics that were part of its design. The Internet was designed with no gatekeepers over new content or services.
The Internet is based on a layered, end-to-end model that allows people at each level of the network to innovate free of any central control. By placing intelligence at the edges rather than control in the middle of the network, the Internet has created a platform for innovation.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Peter Drucker
The new information technology.. Internet and e-mail.. have practically eliminated the physical costs of communications.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Sir Ernest Cassel
When I was young, people called me a gambler. As the scale of my operations increased I became known as a speculator. Now I am called a banker. But I have been doing the same thing all the time.
Dave Barry
Several months ago my wife, a newspaper sportswriter, forwarded to me an e-mail message she’d received from a male reader, who informed her that because she is a woman, she had no business writing about sports. My wife gets these all the time from men who — trust me — do not know half as much about sports as my wife does.
I read the e-mail, hit “Reply” and dashed off a response, intended for my wife, consisting of a one-word description of the reader, comparing him to a common bodily orifice. Then I clicked “Send.” Then, approximately one millionth of a second later, I realized I had actually sent the reply, from my personal e-mail address, to Mr. Orifice. Oops.
If I had read “Send,” this would not have happened. I would have checked the address one last time, and I would have caught the error, and Mr. Orifice would never have received that e-mail from me. Although in the unlikely event that he is a reader of The New York Times Book Review, I want to state here, for the record: Sir, you are exactly what I said you are.
Shaistha Khan
I can't write beautiful, lyrical poetry,
I can't put my words into perfect sentences,
I can't express all that is in my heart,
But somehow, "I love you"...
Says it all.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Bill Holiber
(Responding to changing habits in the media marketplace, U.S. News Media Group announced that it will discontinue its subscription-based monthly print magazine, going to newsstand and targeted-distribution print publishing while expanding its array of successful digital products.)
This allows us to continue to grow our online business and position ourselves to take advantage of the emerging platforms for distributing information.
Shania Twain
two hearts one love
beating together
I am yours you are mine
two hearts one love
always forever
standing the test of time
Public Broadcasting Service
We live in a trailer, we work in a tent. We dance on a wire, our dogs pay the rent. So come join the circus, you'll see who we feel. The stories are true and the magic is real.
Robert Sexton
Sometimes your nearness takes my breath away; and all the things I want to say can find no voice. Then, in silence, I can only hope my eyes will speak my heart.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Jennifer Donnelly
Today is June 8, 1795.
The last day of Louis-Charles' life.
It's still very early. Just past midnight. It's so dark. There is fog coming off the river and I cannot see the stars.
I'm on the roof of a church. To finish what Alex could not. I sneaked in during the evening Mass and hid in the back behind an old stone tomb. I waited until the priest had snuffed the candles and locked the door, then I fished my flashlight out of my pocket and made my way up a spiral staircase to the bell tower.
I look at the Temple now and I know that inside it, Louis- Charles lies dying. Alone. In the dark. Insane. In pain. Afraid.
And all the while, the world keeps spinning. People sleep. They dream. Snore. Kick the cat off the bed. Fight. Cry. Pray. It doesn't stop, this world. Not now, in Paris. Not years from now, in Brooklyn. It goes on.
Gideon Rose
Woodrow Wilson fought a war to make the world safe for democracy but never asked himself what democracy actually meant and then dithered as Germany slipped into chaos. Franklin Roosevelt resolved not to repeat Wilson's mistakes but never considered what would happen to his own elaborate postwar arrangements should America's wartime marriage of convenience with Stalin break up after the shooting stopped. The Truman administration casually established voluntary prisoner repatriation as a key American war aim in Korea without exploring whether it would block an armistice--which it did for almost a year and a half. The Kennedy and Johnson administrations dug themselves deeper and deeper into Vietnam without any plans for how to get out, making it impossible for Nixon and Ford to escape unscathed. And the list goes on.
human rights and democracy
Tristan Garcia
La philosophie est peut-être plus importante pour moi que la littérature. J’aimerais vraiment écrire une œuvre philosophique, J’aime l’idée classique métaphysique, tenir un discours sur le monde qui échappe à l’expérience sensible. Ca me semble important parce que par moments, la philo est la seule chose qui peut aller sur le terrain de la religiosité, tenir un discours rationnel et pas un discours de croyance. Je laisse traîner depuis quelques années un traité de métaphysique comme on en faisait au XVIIIe siècle, sur la représentation du monde. Il me faudra encore deux ou trois ans pour le finir, mais ça sortira un jour. En espérant qu’on dissocie mes deux activités, parce qu’à moins d’être Rousseau ou Sartre, les romanciers-philosophes ont souvent donné des catastrophes.
William Dalrymple
For the Afghans, the British defeat of 1842 became a symbol of freedom from foreign invasion. It is again no accident that the diplomatic quarter of Kabul is named after the general who oversaw the rout of the British in that year: Wazir Akbar Khan.
Finally, now as then, there has been an attempt at a last show of force in order to save face before withdrawal. As happened in 1842, it has achieved little except civilian casualties and the further alienation of the Afghans. As one of the tribal elders from Jegdalek said to me: "How many times can they apologise for killing our innocent women and children and expect us to forgive them? They come, they bomb, they kill us and then they say, 'Oh, sorry, we got the wrong people.' And they keep doing that."
Reverend G R Gleig
It was a war begun for no wise purpose, carried on with a strange mixture of rashness and timidity, brought to a close after suffering and disaster, without much glory attached either to the government which directed, or the great body of troops which waged it. Not one benefit, political or military, has Britain acquired with this war. Our eventual evacuation of the country resembled the retreat of an army defeated.
(In 1843, shortly after his return from Afghanistan, an army chaplain, Reverend G R Gleig, wrote a memoir about the First Anglo-Afghan War, of which he was one of the very few survivors.)
Taj Sahulhameed, Gabriel Galati
Science is about logic and religion is about belief. So, as you have realized, you are talking about logic where as we are talking about belief. You see? We are not talking about the same thing.
Eliza Griswold
In Nigeria, the two faiths meet along a band of terrain roughly 200 miles wide called the Middle Belt. This swath of land, for the most part (an exception being Nigeria’s southwest), marks the fault line between Christianity and Islam not only in Nigeria, but across the entire continent. A satellite image from Google Earth shows the Middle Belt as a gray-green strip between the equator and the 10th parallel, dividing the fawn-colored dry land from the vibrant sub-Saharan jungle canopy. It also separates most of the continent’s 367 million Muslims to the north from 417 million Christians to the south. Plagued by bad government, a shortage of water and arable land, and rising birthrates, the Middle Belt is also the victim of environmental change: growing aridity in the north (the desert creeps forward at slightly less than half a mile a year) and flooding in the south. Shifting weather patterns have made planting and grazing seasons unpredictable and allowed insect-borne diseases, such as malaria, to run rampant.
Stephen Hawking
There is a fundamental difference between religion, which is based on authority, and science, which is based on observation and reason.
Sean B. Carroll
For all of those who do see the overwhelming evidence of natural selection and life's descent from ancestors, and the immense span of time over which the story of life unfolded, it is, to put it mildly, baffling how so many still do not. It is absolutely astonishing and often infuriating that some take it so far as to deny the immense foundation of evidence and to slander all the human achievement that foundation represents.
human being
Encyclopedia Britannica
There is probably no other notion in any field of science that has been as extensively tested and as thoroughly corroborated as the evolutionary origin of living organisms.
human being
Desmond Morris
Sexually the naked ape finds himself today in a somewhat confusing situation. As a primate he is pulled one way, as a carnivore by adoption he is pulled another, and as a member of an elaborate civilised community he is pulled yet another.
To start with, he owes all his basic sexual qualities to his fruit-picking, forest-ape ancestors. These characteristics were then drastically modified to fit in with his open-country, hunting way of life. This was difficult enough, but then they, in turn, had to be adapted to match the rapid development of an increasingly complex and culturally determined social structure.
The first of these changes, from a sexual fruitpicker to a sexual hunter, was achieved over a comparatively long period of time and with reasonable success. The second change has been less successful. It has happened too quickly and has been forced to depend upon intelligence and the application of learned restraint rather than on biological modifications based on natural selection. It could be said that the advance of civilisation has not so much moulded modern sexual behaviour, as that sexual behaviour has moulded the shape of civilisation.
human being
National Academy of Sciences
Science is a particular way of knowing about the world. In science, explanations are limited to those based on observations and experiments that can be substantiated by other scientists. Explanations that cannot be based on empirical evidence are not a part of science.
In the quest for understanding, science involves a great deal of careful observation that eventually produces an elaborate written description of the natural world. Scientists communicate their findings and conclusions to other scientists through publications, talks at conferences, hallway conversations, and many other means. Other scientists then test those ideas and build on preexisting work. In this way, the accuracy and sophistication of descriptions of the natural world tend to increase with time, as subsequent generations of scientists correct and extend the work done by their predecessors.
Progress in science consists of the development of better explanations for the causes of natural phenomena. Scientists never can be sure that a given explanation is complete and final. Some of the hypotheses advanced by scientists turn out to be incorrect when tested by further observations or experiments. Yet many scientific explanations have been so thoroughly tested and confirmed that they are held with great confidence.
human being
Jerry A. Coyne
Now, science cannot completely exclude the possibility of supernatural explanation. It is possible--though very unlikely--that our whole world is controlled by elves. But supernatural explanations like these are simply never needed: we manage to understand the natural world just fine using reason and materialism. Furthermore, supernatural explanations always mean the end of inquiry: that's the way God wants it, end of story. Science, on the other hand, is never satisfied: our studies of the universe will continue until humans go extinct.
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Saturday, November 6, 2010
Friday, November 5, 2010
Arthur Rimbaud
Elle est retrouvée. / Quoi ? - L'Eternité. / C'est la mer allée / Avec le soleil.
Ame sentinelle, / Murmurons l'aveu / De la nuit si nulle / Et du jour en feu.
Des humains suffrages, / Des communs élans / Là tu te dégages / Et voles selon.
Puisque de vous seules, / Braises de satin, / Le Devoir s'exhale / Sans qu'on dise : enfin.
Là pas d'espérance, / Nul orietur. / Science avec patience, / Le supplice est sûr.
Elle est retrouvée. / Quoi ? - L'Eternité. / C'est la mer allée / Avec le soleil.
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