Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Le Francais au Pluriel

Juste avant de dormir, un jeune marié demande à son épouse :
“Ma chérie, as-tu connu d’autres amants avant moi ?”
Pas de réponse…
Très très long silence…
Au bout d’un certain temps, le mari chuchote :
“Tu dors ma chérie?”
“Non, je compte ….”

1 comment:

  1. Le Francais au Pluriel

    BBC Two

    This documentary explores the varied and dynamic culture of the French-speaking world beyond mainland France. It examines how different cultures express their individual identities using a shared language, and the relationship of these cultures with that of France. It features key musicians, film-makers, writers, journalists and diplomats from Senegal, Quebec, North Africa and the Caribbean.

    (Text in the main page has nothing do do with this BBC program.)
