Thursday, January 31, 2013
私は希臓の名を呼んだ。 。。。
今、私は希臘にゐる。私は無上の幸に酔ってゐる。 。。。
私は自分の筆が躍るに任せよう。私は今日つひにアクロポリスを見た! パルテノンを見た! ゼウスの宮居を見た! 巴里で経済的窮境に置かれ、希臘行を断念しかかって居たころのこと、それらは私の夢にしばしば現はれた。かういふ事情に免じて、しばらくの間、私の筆が躍るのを恕してもらいたい。
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
En ce temps de vacances, le monde est plein de gens qui courent d’un spectacle à l’autre, évidemment avec le désir de voir beaucoup de choses en peu de temps. Si c’est pour en parler, rien de mieux ; car il vaut mieux avoir plusieurs noms de lieux à citer ; cela remplit le temps. Mais si c’est pour eux, et pour réellement voir, je ne les comprends pas bien. Quand on voit les choses en courant elles se ressemblent beaucoup. Un torrent c’est toujours un torrent. Ainsi celui qui parcourt le monde à toute vitesse n’est guère plus riche de souvenirs à la fin qu’au commencement.
Pour mon goût, voyager c’est faire à la fois un mètre ou deux, s’arrêter et regarder de nouveau un nouvel aspect des mêmes choses. Souvent, aller s’asseoir un peu à droite ou à gauche, cela change tout, et bien mieux que si je fais cent kilomètres.
Si je vais de torrent à torrent, je trouve toujours le même torrent. Mais si je vais de rocher en rocher, le même torrent devient autre à chaque pas. Et si je reviens à une chose déjà vue, en vérité elle me saisit plus que si elle était nouvelle, et réellement elle est nouvelle. Il ne s’agit que de choisir un spectacle varié et riche, afin de ne pas s’endormir dans la coutume. Encore faut-il dire qu’à mesure que l’on sait mieux voir, un spectacle quelconque enferme des joies inépuisables. Et puis, de partout, on peut voir le ciel étoilé ; voilà un beau précipice.
Pour mon goût, voyager c’est faire à la fois un mètre ou deux, s’arrêter et regarder de nouveau un nouvel aspect des mêmes choses. Souvent, aller s’asseoir un peu à droite ou à gauche, cela change tout, et bien mieux que si je fais cent kilomètres.
Si je vais de torrent à torrent, je trouve toujours le même torrent. Mais si je vais de rocher en rocher, le même torrent devient autre à chaque pas. Et si je reviens à une chose déjà vue, en vérité elle me saisit plus que si elle était nouvelle, et réellement elle est nouvelle. Il ne s’agit que de choisir un spectacle varié et riche, afin de ne pas s’endormir dans la coutume. Encore faut-il dire qu’à mesure que l’on sait mieux voir, un spectacle quelconque enferme des joies inépuisables. Et puis, de partout, on peut voir le ciel étoilé ; voilà un beau précipice.
Alain Jourdan
Israël était appelé à rendre des comptes devant le Conseil des droits de l’homme dans le cadre de l’examen périodique universel (EPU). Son siège est resté vide. Depuis mars 2012, L’Etat hébreu boycotte cette instance.
La rupture a été consommée lorsque le Conseil des droits de l’homme a lancé la première mission d’enquête internationale indépendante sur les conséquences de la colonisation en «territoire palestinien occupé, y compris Jérusalem-Est». S’estimant trop souvent pris pour cible et déplorant «la politisation» de cette enceinte, Israël s’en est éloigné.
La rupture a été consommée lorsque le Conseil des droits de l’homme a lancé la première mission d’enquête internationale indépendante sur les conséquences de la colonisation en «territoire palestinien occupé, y compris Jérusalem-Est». S’estimant trop souvent pris pour cible et déplorant «la politisation» de cette enceinte, Israël s’en est éloigné.
UN way
Sebastian Thrun

- People really want good education. There is a huge need.
- Hundreds of thousands of people just sign up because they really care. They really want to advance themselves and their lives and they don't want to pay $50,000 or $100,000 to get there.
- I think it's the beginning of higher education. It's the beginning of higher education for everybody.

Learn by doing - Highly interactive, project-based exercises
The lecture is dead - Bite-sized videos make learning fun
Awesome instructors - Industry experts and passionate educators
Real world examples - Always learn in context, plus get virtual "field trips"
Active community - Forums and meetups with curious, engaged peers to support learning
Academic and career advancement - Certificates of completion to show what you know
Bill Readings
… since the nation-state is no longer the primary instance of the reproduction of global capitals, “culture”—as the symbolic and political counterpart to the project of integration pursued by the nation-state—has lost its purchase. The nation-state and the modern notion of culture arose together, and they are, I argue, ceasing to be essential to an increasingly transnational global economy. This shift has major implications for the University, which has historically been the primary institution of national culture in the modern nation-state. …
The significance of making a distinction between the modern University as ideological arm of the nation-state and the contemporary University as bureaucratic corporation is that it allows one to observe an important phenomenon. “Excellence” is rapidly becoming the watch-word of the University, and to understand the University as a contemporary institution requires some reflection on what the appeal to excellence may, or may not, mean.
The significance of making a distinction between the modern University as ideological arm of the nation-state and the contemporary University as bureaucratic corporation is that it allows one to observe an important phenomenon. “Excellence” is rapidly becoming the watch-word of the University, and to understand the University as a contemporary institution requires some reflection on what the appeal to excellence may, or may not, mean.
Kevin Robins, Frank Webster
The ‘virtual university’ is becoming a commonplace idea or trope. Our exploration will be a critical one, hence the insertion of the question mark into our title—the ‘virtual university?’. The first concerns the importance of distinguishing between futurological predictions about the ‘virtual university’, on the one hand, and the more complex situation of what is actually happening in higher education, on the other. We need, that is to say, to separate the myths and ideologies that are proliferating about the ‘university of the future’ from changing realities and practices in actual universities now, in the present. The second issue concerns the problem of the narrow and restrictive technological bias that distinguishes most accounts of the ‘virtual university’. The basic assumption is that the ‘virtual university’ is the outcome and consequence of a new technological revolution, and that we may start and end our discussion of contemporary transformations in higher education with the question of new digital or virtual technologies. A principal aim of this volume is to counter the futurological and technological biases in the debate on the meaning and significance of the ‘virtual university’. (PDF)
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Kevin Robins
By global economy, we mean an economy that works as a unit in real time on a planetary basis. The forces of globalization thereby tend to erode the integrity and autonomy of national economies.
We may see globalization in terms of the new possibilities opened up by global communications, global travel and global products. Or, alternatively, we may consider it from the perspective of those for whom it represents unwelcome destabilization and disorientation. To some extent, this difference may be a matter of who will gain from global change and who will lose or be marginalized. Globalization occurs as a contradictory and uneven process, involving new kinds of polarization (economic, social and cultural) at a range of geographical scales. The encounter and possible confrontation of social and cultural values is an inevitable consequence. We have a global economy and a global culture: we do not, however, have global political institutions that could mediate this encounter and confrontation.
We may see globalization in terms of the new possibilities opened up by global communications, global travel and global products. Or, alternatively, we may consider it from the perspective of those for whom it represents unwelcome destabilization and disorientation. To some extent, this difference may be a matter of who will gain from global change and who will lose or be marginalized. Globalization occurs as a contradictory and uneven process, involving new kinds of polarization (economic, social and cultural) at a range of geographical scales. The encounter and possible confrontation of social and cultural values is an inevitable consequence. We have a global economy and a global culture: we do not, however, have global political institutions that could mediate this encounter and confrontation.
(安岡章太郎のエッセイ。ふいに時計を眺めると中央線の最終電車まであと僅か。外からは電車の音が響いてくる。) 反射的に私は立って、別れの挨拶を述べた。 すると井伏さんが一瞬、不意に引き締まり、きわめて素っ気ない口調で、「あ、そう。君は家へ帰りますか。じゃ、僕はここで失敬」と、酒を満たしたガラスのコップに目を落としたまま言われた。
室井「あっ、ホントに! そっかぁ~」
室井「あっ、ホントに! そっかぁ~」
John F. Kennedy, LeBaron Russell Briggs
The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it – and the glow from that fire can truly light the world.
And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.
In and out of college the man with ideals helps, so far as in him lies, his college and his country. It is hard for a boy to understand that in life, whatever he does, he helps to make or mar the name of his college. As has often been said, the youth who loves his alma mater will always ask not "What can she do for me?" but "What can I do for her?"
And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.
In and out of college the man with ideals helps, so far as in him lies, his college and his country. It is hard for a boy to understand that in life, whatever he does, he helps to make or mar the name of his college. As has often been said, the youth who loves his alma mater will always ask not "What can she do for me?" but "What can I do for her?"
安倍晋三, John F. Kennedy
The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it – and the glow from that fire can truly light the world.
And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.
My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.
The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it – and the glow from that fire can truly light the world.
And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.
My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.
asian way
WBEZ 91.5-FM
- Do it. For Chicago.
- We want listeners tomorrow. Go make babies today.
- Hey Interesting People, get a room already. And then put a crib in it.
- To anyone NOT currently running a virtual farm:
- You're an interesting person. Pass it on. Like, literally. Through your DNA.
asian way
Monday, January 28, 2013
Japanese way
・・・ しかし、2011年3月、『世界の労働』最終号で背景・経緯を述べたように、ILO協会は公益法人に対する一般的批判の強まる中で、財政的支援を絶たれ、自主的収入努力の道も否定されて、残念・無念2011年4月30日を以て60年の歴史を閉じることになってしまった。新しいILO協会の基石にと思った本書は、消え去ったILO協会の遺跡、そして私の社会人人生の遺言となってしまった。
Japanese way
UNICEF, 日本ユニセフ協会
UNICEF | 日本ユニセフ協会 |
UNICEF is mandated by the United Nations General Assembly to advocate for the protection of children's rights, to help meet their basic needs and to expand their opportunities to reach their full potential. | 日本ユニセフ協会は、日本国内で「児童の権利に関する条約」を規範とするユニセフの趣旨に則り、開発途上国の児童の福祉増進に寄与するため、国民の間に国際理解及び国際協力の精神を涵養し、併せて国民による国際協力の実施を促進する。 |
UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Tetsuko Kuroyanagi |
日本ユニセフ協会大使 陳美齡 (Agnes Chan) |
Japanese way
「国連英検」(正式名称:国際連合公用語英語検定試験)は、1981年に始まり30年の長い歴史を持つ英語検定試験です。試験は年に2回、全国主要都市で実施。 受験級は特A級からE級までの全部で6つの級があり中学生から社会人 シニアエイジまでの幅広い方々を対象としており、受験資格は特に無くどなたでも受験出来ます。試験を主催しているのは外務省の外郭団体である公益財団法人日本国際連合協会です。日本国際連合協会は、国連のA級諮問民間団体である「国連協会世界連盟」 (WFUNA)の有力メンバーで、国内外での国連普及活動を積極的に行っています。
Japanese way
UN Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme Network
The United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme Network consists of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and a number of interrregional and regional institutes around the world, as well as specialized centres. The network has been developed to assist the international community in strengthening co-operation in the crucial area of crime prevention and criminal justice. Its components provide a variety of services, including exchange of information, research, training and public education.
The UN Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme Network Institutes (PNI):
- UNICRI - United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institutes; Turin, Italy
- UNAFEI - United Nations Asia and Far East Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders; Tokyo, Japan
- ILANUD - United Nations Latin American Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders; San José, Costa Rica
- HEUNI - European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control, affiliated with the United Nations; Helsinki, Finland
- UNAFRI - United Nations African Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders; Kampala, Uganda.
- NAUSS - Naif Arab University for Security Sciences; Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
- AIC - Australian Institute of Criminology; Canberra, Australia
- ICCLR & CJP - International Centre for Criminal Law Reform and Criminal Justice Policy; Vancouver, Canada
- ISISC - International Institute of Higher Studies in Criminal Sciences; Siracusa, Italy
- NIJ - National Institute of Justice; Washington D.C., USA
- RWI - Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law; Lund, Sweden
- ISPAC - International Scientific and Professional Advisory Council of the United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme; Milan, Italy
- ICPC - International Centre for the Prevention of Crime; Montreal, Canada
- ISS - Institute for Security Studies; Pretoria, South Africa
- KIC - Korean Institute of Criminology; Seoul, Korea
- The Basel Institute on Governance - (International Center for Asset Recovery)
- College for Criminal Law Science (CCLS): Beijing, China
- UNODC - United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime; Vienna, Austria
UN way
国連アジア極東犯罪防止研修所(アジ研; UNAFEI), 法務総合研究所国際連合研修協力部
国連アジア極東犯罪防止研修所(略称「アジ研」又は「UNAFEI(ユナフェイ)」)は,国連と日本国政府との協定 (PDF ファイル) に基づいて設立された国連の地域研修所です。アジ研は,国連の政策と取組に沿いつつ,アジア太平洋地域を始めとする各国の刑事司法の健全な発展と相互協力の強化に努めています。 The United Nations Asia and Far East Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders (UNAFEI) was established in 1962 with the aim of promoting the sound development of criminal justice systems and mutual cooperation mainly in the Asia and Pacific Region.国際連合研修協力部はアジ研を運営するために法務総合研究所に設置されました
UN way
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