Saturday, March 12, 2011

Bill Petrocelli

You have a choke point where millions of writers are trying to reach millions of readers. But if it all has to go through a narrow funnel where there are only four or five buyers deciding what's going to get published, the business is in trouble.

1 comment:

  1. read online and pay by chapter

    maybe for publishing companies to establish an reading website, create linkedin with millions of writers and readers joint together at membership fee based.

    Readers pay membership will receive free chapters readings, after the free chapters reading, Readers pay any $penny/dimes they wish to writers for next new chapter reading...

    Writers don't have to waste time writing the entire book, they can submit at chapter by chapters base. Based on readers commands and their demand, how much money received, writers can decided whether continue writing or stop writing. Writers also allowed to change/alter paper version of story from online version.

    Publishing companies don't have to waste money printing many unwanted paper copies. As fact, , they may even make money online with increased membership, The publishing co. can also predict and promote the best seller books more accurately.

    Does that benefits all parties?
    maybe it already exist?
