Monday, May 30, 2011


1 comment:

  1. just try to understand

    DSPACE: centralize gather every UN system e-materials, one small step:
    library go gether download all departments ematerials to DSPACE.
    vision 2 can be possible and match with the OD/DPI goal of outreach.
    Future visions 1
    one big step : having each e-material originator department to input information to DSPACE.
    future vision 2: Can UN library also disseminate/integrate selected UN e-material,digital information publication to selected DSPACE group, for example un policy, can go into below:
    the DSPACE idea is to allow open input (any register can input e-materials to any selected DSPACE choice. for example, if I want to add UN e-HR Report to DSPACE@MIT Library, I regist with MIT, add necessary info, then UN e-HR report will be available at MIT grouped database? or will be available to all who uses DSPACE?

    DSPACE: allow the opportunity to increase the collection of e-digital materials worldwide into your own institute library. so your library e-depository materials increase but with no need to add additional staff.
