Monday, September 26, 2011

Carla J. Stoffle, Kim Leeder

  1. Move from cooperation to collaboration in our activities.
  2. Only do locally what must be done locally.
  3. Focus on the needs of our campus, not what libraries traditionally do.
  4. Provide all services, including information fluency instruction, to the desktop.
  5. Change the portions of our budget going to collection-building and managing legacy collections.
  6. Redesign our spaces as people space, not storage areas.
  7. Develop new performance and assessment measures.
  8. Internalize the concept of “planned abandonment,” which encourages the abandonment of programs and projects in decline to free up resources for innovative new projects.
  9. Create new sources of revenue.


                  1. Carla J. Stoffle
                    Dean, University of Arizona Libraries and the Center for Creative Photography
                    Kim Leeder
                    Special Assistant to the Dean
                    The University of Arizona Libraries

                  2. Where Next?

                    Library Transformation

