Sunday, September 25, 2011

Newsweek Magazine

The new 5% Victory tax, which has no parallel in tax history.


  1. "Bills for Taxes", Newsweek Magazine (October 19, 1942)

  2. Comments: The Victory tax was a tax implemented by the 1942 Revenue bill. It was a 5% tax on the labor of American workers to help support the WWII war effort. It was an emergency tax and was supposed to cease after hostilities in the war were over. At least, that's what the 1942 law said. I have studied it. President Truman declared the hostilities of WWII over in 1946, but the tax never was stopped. This shows that once power over labor is acquired by political rulers, they will not relinquish it. The reason Newsweek reported the Victory tax to have no parallel in tax history is because it was a direct tax upon the labor of American workers, and this was new in the American scheme of Government. By this time the tax pursuant to the Social Security Act had reached 1½% of labor, so this meant that a total of 6½% of a worker's labor would now be taken - soon to be 7% in 1943.

    This completes our study of the historical period in which the government we live under in the early 21st century was born. It has become a government of unlimited and unrestrained power. The Constitution has been exiled.
