Thursday, September 29, 2011


Our perspective is founded on pervious knowledge, experience, values, feelings, and attitudes, and focused on our situational desires. That is the reason for the same hill appearing steeper/flatter to somebody b(i)ased on his level of exhaust. In technical terms, the interface we create in order to gasp the world is modified by what we have learned and our state of mind. Of course we don’t pay equal attention to everything that surrounds us, simply because we possess limited mental resources. We have to focus these on one thing at one time – that makes multitasking, in terms of simultaneous mental actions, a myth by the way. There are various factors that can affect the way perception influences our thinking. The most common is logic or reason. Human values and culture can also filter or accommodate new perceptions regardless of the logicality of it – these values may come from religion or faith, education, or superstitions.
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