Thursday, December 29, 2011

Patti Neighmond

Yes, exercise is good for you. This we know. Heaps of evidence point to the countless benefits of regular physical activity. Federal health officials recommend at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise, like brisk walking, every day.
Studies show that when you adhere to an exercise regimen, you can improve your cardiovascular health, lower blood pressure and improve metabolism and levels of cholesterol and triglycerides. You can reduce diabetes risk and the risk of certain cancers. And, finally, exercise can help you maintain a healthy weight, which can boost all of these benefits even more.
But now, researchers are beginning to suspect that even if you engage in regular exercise daily, it may not be enough to counteract the effects of too much sitting during the rest of the day.


  1. "Sitting All Day: Worse For You Than You Might Think"

    by Patti Neighmond

  2. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that brisk walking is at a pace of three miles per hour or more (but not race walking) or roughly 20 minutes per mile.
    In New York City, approximately 17 to 20 street blocks equal a mile, and 5 to 10 avenue blocks equal a mile.

    for all the office workers who have no choice but sit all time, can use lunch time to brisk walking for 40 min. give a try see how far you can walk in 20 min. then walk back.
    don't enjoy running but fast walking.
    walk fast make you feel young.
    and bet can match up your fast walking speed.
