Saturday, January 7, 2012

Shad Bauer

... ignorance is by simple definition a lack of knowledge. Without knowledge with which to define and look for ignorance, it would not exist. However, ignorance is also more than what this simple definition implies. We are all born in a state of ignorance (in a sense), since we know nothing at that time, and our entire lives are spent narrowing down and whittling away at this initial ignorance. If we imagine our minds as empty containers being slowly filled up with knowledge, then ignorance simply represents the empty space or potential for knowledge. Further, it could arguably be said that no one will ever completely 'fill up' their brain, thus implying that humans universally experience, to some degree or another, a state of ignorance. ... We should be careful in taking the simplistic view of knowledge (as good) and ignorance (as bad) being straightforward opposites.

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