Sunday, June 24, 2012

Ben Doernberg, koshiohata

On June 19th, YouTube user capitaltrigga uploaded videos of middle school students on Bus 784 in Greece, NY mercilessly harassing their bus monitor, mocking her for her weight, her low income, calling her a child rapist, and threatening to hurt her. Klein is a hearing-impaired grandmother of eight and she was hired to keep the kids safe on the school bus.

Patrice Walsh went to see Karen Klein and tweeted: Karen Klein said one comment hurt the most--kids said "you're so ugly your kid should kill themselves" Her son took his life 10 yr ago


Within 7 hours of the clips being uploaded, the Reddit community worked to identify the specific school that the students attended and sent e-mails notifying school district officials and local news outlets in the Greece, New York area.

Some Redditors found Karen’s Facebook page where she discussed not having much money and being a widow for almost 17 years.

Reddit user Max Sidorov created a donation page on called “Lets Give Karen -The bus monitor- H Klein A Vacation!”

Over $630,000 has been collected thus far on the donation page.

Discussion board 4Chan started a hacktivist movement to identify many of the students that were on the video. 4Chan contacted the students’ parents directly.



さらに4chanユーザーは、 Facebookで「Avenging the Bus Monitor(バス監視員の復讐)」というグループを設立、現時点で約3000人のサポーターを集めた。 


20日の午後 – 動画の閲覧数が10万ビューに達したころ、全米のメディアがようやく問題を取り上げ始める。同じくして、ニューヨーク州グリース警察が問題の捜査に乗り出し、関与した生徒になんらかの制裁を加えることを約束した。 




1 comment:

  1. Bullied Bus Monitor Karen Klein Sees the Best and Worst of Humanity in 24 Hours

    by Storify (Ben Doernberg)


    by koshiohata
