Tuesday, June 7, 2011


IPv6 addresses the main problem of IPv4, that is, the exhaustion of addresses to connect computers or host in a packet-switched network. IPv6 has a very large address space and consists of 128 bits as compared to 32 bits in IPv4.

Therefore, it is now possible to support 2^128 unique IP addresses, a substantial increase in number of computers that can be addressed with the help of IPv6 addressing scheme.

In addition, this addressing scheme will also eliminate the need of NAT (network address translation) that causes several networking problems (such as hiding multiple hosts behind pool of IP addresses) in end-to-end nature of the Internet.

1 comment:

  1. 340 uda (340U) 2^128 = 3.40282367 × 10^38

    1 kilo (1k) 2^10 = 1.02400000 × 10^3
    1 mega (1M) 2^20 = 1.04857600 × 10^6
    1 giga (1G) 2^30 = 1.07374182 × 10^9
    1 tera (1T) 2^40 = 1.09951163 × 10^12
    1 peta (1P) 2^50 = 1.12589991 × 10^15
    1 exa (1E) 2^60 = 1.15292150 × 10^18
    1 zetta (1Z) 2^70 = 1.18059162 × 10^21
    1 yotta (1Y) 2^80 = 1.20892582 × 10^24
    1 xona (1X) 2^90 = 1.23794004 × 10^27
    1 weka (1W) 2^100 = 1.26765060 × 10^30
    1 vunda (1V) 2^110 = 1.29807421 × 10^33
    1 uda (1U) 2^120 = 1.32922800 × 10^36
    340 uda (340U) 2^128 = 3.40282367 × 10^38
    1 treda 2^130 = 1 × 10^39
    1 sorta 2^140 = 1 × 10^42
    1 rinta 2^150 = 1 × 10^45
    1 quexa 2^160 = 1 × 10^48
    1 pepta 2^170 = 1 × 10^51
    1 ocha 2^180 = 1 × 10^54
    1 nena 2^190 = 1 × 10^57
    1 minga 2^200 = 1 × 10^60
    1 luma 2^210 = 1 × 10^63
